
In the family, the parents of the big picture know these five ways of parenting. 01 As the saying goes, "The pattern of parents and the end of the child." "It is the responsibility of parents to give their children a wonderful family.

author:Into the play yDFI

In the family, the parents of the big picture know these five ways of parenting.


As the saying goes, "the pattern of parents and the end of the child." ”

It is the responsibility of parents to give their children a wonderful family. However, many parents are exhausted by the toss and turn and do not satisfy their children or themselves.

On the road to education, we have been discussing, but never a fixed answer. Depending on the family situation, going with the flow is a compulsory course for parents throughout their lives.

In general, parents in the big picture know the following ways to raise their children.


First, unity education: cohesion of family strength.

"A mother has nine children, and even a mother has ten kinds", a family, each with its own personality, different looks, the three views will not be consistent. It seems impossible to make a child "very obedient".

I've seen the saying, "If a cup has a notch, look at it from another angle, it's perfect."

If you want family unity, you must not only find shortcomings, but also learn from each other's strengths.

As parents, we should know how far and how capable our brothers and sisters can go. The key is to look at the weakest people. The children sat around like a bucket. How much water you can hold depends on the shortest board.

In ancient times, there was a khan named Murong Acai. Before dying, he called his twenty sons and asked them to hold an arrow. Then he asked them to put the arrows together and said meaningfully, "Cao Cao should hold on to his heart."

By combining each person's strengths and learning from each other's strengths, such a family is getting stronger and stronger, and everything you do can be distinguished from within.


Second, hard education: cherish the current good life.

In the "Zhu Zi Family Training," it is written: "It is difficult to think of a porridge and a meal, and it is difficult to cling to the body."

Good days don't come easily. As a parent, I have a deep understanding. But children don't necessarily understand.

Children who have lived in the city for a long time may think that the daily necessities are all supermarkets, and they have no idea how hard it is to farm and where the seedlings grow. It is necessary for parents to strengthen education in this regard.

Li Cunshen, a famous general of the late Tang Dynasty, often said to his children: "I left my hometown when I was very young and came here today with a sword." When life and death are at stake, there are once or twice; but China has more than 100 arrows. ”

When his children grew up, he took out all the arrows that had hurt him and gave them.

Family wealth and social tranquility require many people to pay silently. Where we can't see, there are people standing guard, people are trying. The good days have come, but the hard days will continue.


Third, filial piety education: respect the elderly and love the young, inherit the family style.

Around us, it often happens that parents are too old to walk, and children sit around discussing how to support their parents.

There will always be children who will indignantly say that he has not benefited from the extended family and should not be filial to his parents. Some children said she was a girl, and the family preferred sons to daughters. She shouldn't be supporting her parents. Some children say their families are too poor to support their parents. ......

Take the eccentricity of parents, family conditions, boys and girls, etc. As an excuse for "filial piety". In fact, parents cannot be 100% fair. The key is to give up "comparison" and pick up conscience.

In the early years of the Western Han Dynasty, the minister Chun Yuyi violated the regulations and should be executed. His daughter Ti Qian wrote a letter to the emperor, saying: "My father has always been honest and law-abiding, but this time, I made a mistake. If the father is sentenced to death, there is no chance of rehabilitation. I was willing to work in the palace and take responsibility for my father in exchange for the opportunity to change. ”

I feel that it is the son, not the daughter, not the parents who are sensible. But Ti Hao didn't think so.

Children are passed down from generation to generation, and we all grew up eating the food of our parents. When we think like this, our psychology will be balanced, and we can truly achieve "pure filial piety". Giving back to parents is unconditional, and all the reasons are superfluous.


Fourth, integrity education: cultivate children's good character.

During the Sui Dynasty, when the chancellor Zhao Gui returned home, he found that some mulberry branches from the neighbor's house had grown in his own yard. When the breeze was blowing, some mulberries fell.

Zhao Gui picked up the mulberry, gave it to the neighbors, and told his children: "I don't want to make a name for myself, but if I want to, I don't want to violate others."

If it's not labor income, don't take it. This is the basic principle of being a human being.

In daily life, parents often pick up fruit on the side of the road, pick up labor tools from neighbors' houses, and walk away with something. Inadvertently, they will teach the bad guys with hearts.

Children, we should distinguish between "yours, mine and his". There is a saying in the countryside: "When you take a needle when you are a child, you become a thief when you grow up." Don't take the little things at your fingertips as jokes, take them seriously, take the opportunity, and tell the truth.


Fifth, self-education: don't leave a lot of money for your children, and force your children to rely on themselves.

I've seen the idea that "brothers and sisters are arguing endlessly, and in the end it's a matter of wealth distribution."

"Man dies for money, birds die for food" is a natural law, but human civilization can change this law. Gentlemen are always charitable and willing to give their wealth to others. How could he turn his wealth into an invisible cage?

Smart people will be frustrated because they have too much wealth, and stupid people will make mistakes because they have too much wealth. People who hate the rich will oppose those who own a lot of property. This is the real reason why parents should not leave a lot of property to their children.

It is better to teach people to fish than to teach people to fish. Parents with models will tell their children how to get rich and how to play the role of wealth, rather than leaving money for their children to enjoy the glory and wealth.

Everyone is on their own. If not, there is no way to resist various risks, seize development opportunities, and even preserve existing wealth.

For families with many brothers and sisters, there is more money, more quarrels, and even turning against each other. Parents should encourage their children to be independent, not to enjoy the benefits.


Parenting is not only about disciplining children, but more importantly, parents are inspired and improved in the process of education.

Good parents, always growing up with their children, are their children's teachers and friends.

Self-management is the premise of being a good parent.

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