
It's embarrassing to say! Looking for a pharmacy job a few years ago, I thought that I would be like others in the future, have a real job, and I could earn a decent salary in a down-to-earth manner, at least in front of my father

author:Ten miles of green mountains and half into the city

It's embarrassing to say! Looking for a pharmacy job a few years ago, I thought that I would be like others in the future, have a real job, and I could earn a decent salary in a down-to-earth manner, at least in front of my father. Key salaries of 5,000 to more than 10,000!

However, it has only been half a month (including 5 days of annual leave), and on February 7th, it is snowing heavily outside, and it is raining, and it is a bad weather! Near noon, the store manager told me that I was notified by the headquarters to go to a training institution in a town in the countryside in the afternoon to study for a month.

Because the news came suddenly, I didn't want to accept it.

The manager told me to take all the bedding and luggage, just like the life of the residential school! I was worried, afraid of the cold, afraid of two snows, and even more worried about how the father and daughter at home left me for a month. For a moment, there are many thoughts! Finally, I decided to give my dad a phone call and ask him to get ready to drive me over and see what he had to say.

Sure enough! As soon as the child's father heard that I was going out for a month, he was immediately frightened, and his hatred was obvious: "Why are you in such a hurry?" Why not give early notice? So I'm going to cook three meals a day? ”

"Yeah," I told him affirmatively. Starting tonight, you'll have to wash and cook every day, you'll have to clean up, and the important thing is that you can't rub mahjong every day. And always waiting to do online homework for Miss Two!

Listening to my job, the baby's father was stunned for a few seconds, and then said to inform the big ladies to see how they reacted!

Unexpectedly, the two daughters spoke in unison: support their mother to learn!

The baby's father had nothing to say at this time, so he had to let me go home and quickly clean up, and he immediately came back to send me.

At 12:30 in the afternoon, the baby's father returned from the rain and snow. When I saw that I had packed 4 large bags, I couldn't help but complain: What are you doing with so many things? It's not a life, just bring a few good things, I said to go to see you, and really, just go!

I know that my father definitely doesn't want me to go, this is looking for scum! I ignored him and carried two bags directly, and he had to carry two of them downstairs.

Braving the sleet and snow, the child's father drove less than 100 meters before he said: Mother! What to go, how old to go and how old to go! Go empty? As soon as the red light passed, he repented, and fiercely shouted: Don't go! [Cover your face] [Cover your face] [Cover your face]

In this way, the baby's father drove about 200 meters in the car, immediately turned the front of the car and drove downstairs, I smiled so hard that I couldn't stand up and carried two bags down, and sent them home first. Seeing that the child's father did not follow upstairs, I had to run again.

But there was still the shadow of the child's father on the side of the road downstairs, he saw me get out of the car, and the other two bags did not have time to take it down, and immediately rubbed his mahjong!

This time the work is in vain again! It seems that the last time a friend said, you are going to experience life! [Cover your face] [Cover your face] [Cover your face]

It's embarrassing to say! Looking for a pharmacy job a few years ago, I thought that I would be like others in the future, have a real job, and I could earn a decent salary in a down-to-earth manner, at least in front of my father
It's embarrassing to say! Looking for a pharmacy job a few years ago, I thought that I would be like others in the future, have a real job, and I could earn a decent salary in a down-to-earth manner, at least in front of my father

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