
Zhouqu, Gansu Province, established a verification mechanism for the discovery and verification of people who are prone to returning to poverty and caused poverty, and cadres entered households to settle accounts to prevent returning to poverty (new economic orientation, rural revitalization in poverty alleviation areas)

Source: People's Daily

Wang Anfang arrived in the village early, he was familiar with the road, and soon arrived at Wang Qingping's home.

Wang Qingpingbao is picking up the welding machine. This welding machine was once the main source of income for the family. If it weren't for my son's car accident, the small welding shop would have expanded its façade now.

Wang Qingpingbao is a villager in Guawe Village, Fengdi Town, Zhouqu County, Gansu Province, and Wang Anfang is the deputy director of the Rural Revitalization Workstation in Fengdi Town. "They're all old acquaintances." Wang Qingpingbao said, "Wang Station Manager is a regular visitor to the family, and he has to come several times in January. ”

"Yes, they all came to him to settle accounts!" Wang Anfang answered the call with a smile, took out his notebook, and wrote a thick note on the book.

Wang Qingping greeted his wife to pour tea while sitting on the sofa, rubbed the calluses on his hands, and said: "Last year's income was even better than the previous year." I'm a village plumber, and you know, I get 6,000 yuan a year. Life is easy, there are not many things, I take time out of my time to go to odd jobs. Wang Qingping Bao conveniently pushed the teacup in front of Wang Anfang's book, "Intermittently, the specific number of days can not be remembered, adding up to two months, earning well, there are more than 9,000 yuan." ”

"That's $15,000." Wang Anfang quickly counted and then asked, "Is the daughter-in-law still in the school canteen?" ”

"After you left last time, within a few days, you resigned." Wang Qingpingbao said, "I found a restaurant again, earned more than the canteen, and it was more difficult than 2,000 yuan a month." The son now guards the small shop and earned more than 4,000 yuan last year. ”

"Your children are all angry, diligent and hard-working." Wang Anfang said that after this day, it will get better and better.

"Oh, I'm going to say it." Wang Qingping took a sip of tea, "There is also the government to help carry out the breeding, the benefits are really good." Years ago, the cattle grew up well and had been booked by the village. ”

"It is conservative to say that there are more than 30,000 yuan a year." Wang Anfang said.

"More than that, webmaster, listen to me again." Wang Qingpingbao said, "There is also corn and wheat planted, which have not yet been counted as money." The per capita income is 10,000 yuan smaller, which is not a problem. ”

In 2016, Wang Qingping's family got rid of poverty, and when his son's welding business was just right, there was a car accident, and it cost a lot of money to treat before and after. "It's really not easy in recent years, but fortunately there is medical insurance and government subsidies." Wang Qingpingbao recalled, "The most difficult days have passed, and our family has not put on the poor hat anymore. ”

"If there are any difficulties or problems, you can say at any time that we will do a good job in guaranteeing and serving." Wang Anfang closed the book and got up to say goodbye, he also had to visit other homes.

"There are 6 households in Gua we Village that are included in the monitoring objects." Wang Anfang said that in order to increase the prevention and control of the risk of returning to poverty, the town has carried out regular inspections and dynamic management for households that are unstable in poverty alleviation, marginal households that are prone to poverty, and households with serious difficulties in basic life due to large rigid expenditures such as accidents due to causes of illness and accidents, or large reductions in income, and carry out regular inspections and dynamic management. "The 'two worries and three guarantees' and the income situation are all hard levers, not only paying attention to old problems at all times, but also often paying attention to new situations, making good records, forming ledgers, and having a good idea of the living conditions of the people who have been lifted out of poverty."

"There are 765 monitoring households in the county, and we track and monitor all of them." According to the person in charge of the Zhouqu County Rural Revitalization Bureau, Zhouqu County takes the family as the unit and takes the annual income of 6,000 yuan as the "criterion", from the previous single concern for income and risk, to the comprehensive monitoring of risk factors such as income expenditure, "two worries and three guarantees", drinking water safety, and emergencies. "Led by townships and towns, village group cadres, village cadres, village cadres, grid members, village doctors and other grass-roots forces formed a monitoring group to establish a mechanism for the discovery and verification of people who are prone to returning to poverty and cause poverty, and normalize the investigation and early warning of the risk of returning to poverty."

"In addition to regular inspections, farmers can also make their own declarations." The person in charge said that the masses can apply for help through convenient channels such as submitting applications, calling the government service convenience hotline, and applying to the village-level convenience service center.

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