
Today is the 48th birthday of the child's father. This morning, according to the customs of our hometown, we specially boiled a white-shelled egg for him, which means that this year's smooth "roll" has passed. I


Today is the 48th birthday of the child's father. This morning, according to the customs of our hometown, we specially boiled a white-shelled egg for him, which means that this year's smooth "roll" has passed. I stared at the time to boil the eggs, and eight minutes was just right, and I peeled the eggshell with special care, not daring to peel the egg whites with the slightest hint. The ending is peeled off perfectly! Sugar water was specially added and placed on his nightstand in a thermos bucket, and it was hot when he got up. Then it was busy preparing lunch, and at noon, my father, brother, and sister-in-law also came, and my sister-in-law also bought a brand shirt to send. The taste of the noon dish is particularly good, which is an extraordinary play. I also drank red wine, and the family was happy. In the afternoon, I didn't act alone as before, accompanying Lingling's father and my brother to the tea house for tea, and when their long-card horns came, I brushed the headlines next to me and wrote the headlines. Everything was quiet and nice. In the evening, after eating hot pot with a few of his long-running horns, on the way home, I stopped my sister-in-law and bought a particularly small cake at our local brand cake shop, and then bought a "1" and "8" candle. My sister-in-law knows what I mean, and everything cooperates with tacit understanding. Indeed, I was afraid that if I gave him a cake alone, he would reject or be unappreciative, embarrassing me, and I would not know how to be alone with him. He specially called his brother and sister-in-law to return home together. He was a little surprised to see the cake, but he also blew it in agreement when we lit the candle. He blew me and said: You came to our house at the age of eighteen, this year is exactly thirty years old, happy ㊗️ birthday to you. In the end, the four of us ate the whole cake clean. The day was really smooth and happy, everything was so perfect!

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