
In the 80s, the goddess was forced to leave the show business circle due to rumors, went to the United States to marry, and became a full-time wife

author:Yue Xi said history

On February 19, 1986, the Shanghai Intermediate People's Court held a trial meeting and publicly announced the crimes of Chen Xiaomeng, Ge Zhiwen, and Hu Xiaoyang, three high-ranking cadres, and sentenced the three criminals to death for hooliganism and rape. The Supreme People's Court then approved the death penalties of the three men and executed them by firing squad in March 1936.

With the sound of a righteous gunshot, the heinous Chen Xiaomeng finally got the punishment he deserved, and the heinous "hooligan case" finally came to an end. However, all this is the beginning of the nightmare of beauty star Gong Xue.

In the 80s, the goddess was forced to leave the show business circle due to rumors, went to the United States to marry, and became a full-time wife

Although Chen Xiaomeng was eventually sentenced to death, the wounds of those he had hurt still could not heal. No one ever thought that Chen Xiaomeng had written a memoir in a frenzy when he committed the crime. In this memoir, he recorded the names of each of the victims, and even described the details of them. Most of these victims were beautiful young women from Shanghai's literary and art circles, including many popular stars.

When the memoir that recorded Chen Xiaomeng's criminal process was exposed, Gong Xue was also involved in this "hooligan case". In the end, she became the victim of this gossip, and her career and life took a turn.

On March 16, 1953, Gong Xue was born into an artistic family in Shanghai. As the youngest daughter in the family, she was loved by her parents, and her father, a painter, was interested in cultivating her to art. I have to say that the family atmosphere is too important, under the influence of his father and mother, Gong Xue's artistic talent from childhood is beyond ordinary people, especially in performance, it seems that he was born an actor.

When she was a child, Gong Xue liked to watch movies, and while watching them, she imitated the actions of movie characters, and over time, she also had no teacher, and her acting skills gradually became superb. In addition, Gong Xue also has a super sense of lens, under the lens of her mother, she is innocent and cute, lively and playful, and full of stars.

In the 80s, the goddess was forced to leave the show business circle due to rumors, went to the United States to marry, and became a full-time wife

With the growth of age, Gong Xue is even more beautiful, her face is beautiful and beautiful, no matter where she goes, she will attract the attention of many people, and the return rate is 100%. In the eyes of outsiders, Gong Xue is a child who "chases and feeds the grandfather", not only looks beautiful, but also has excellent grades.

Later, Gong Xue was forced to go to the countryside to work as a farmer, and was arranged from bustling Shanghai to the poor and isolated countryside of Jiangxi. When she first arrived in the countryside, Gong Xue, who grew up in the city, could not adapt at all, and she suffered this kind of suffering where she was loved by her parents. But Gong Xue did not have a big miss to do pie, during the day she followed the public to participate in heavy physical labor, and at night she stayed alone in the room to practice the basic skills of dance. Although life is hard, she has never given up on her dreams and has always insisted.

Later, whenever she mentioned this experience, Gong Xue would be very emotional, and it was this experience that made her life goal more clear, and also accumulated valuable experience for her future acting road.

In 1972, Gong Xue finally returned to Shanghai after finishing his labor. At this time, she is no longer the ignorant girl she was, and what greets her is a better future.

In the 80s, the goddess was forced to leave the show business circle due to rumors, went to the United States to marry, and became a full-time wife

After returning to Shanghai, Gong Xue won himself a chance to dance in the literary troupe. In order to stand out from many people, Gong Xue began to train day and night, and her efforts were eventually rewarded, and she successfully got a chance to appear in a drama.

Although it is only a small role, Gong Xue repeatedly practiced before taking the stage, pondered the details, and strived to achieve a perfect interpretation. After the end of this drama, her superb acting skills successfully attracted the attention of director Yin Yiqing.

At that time, Yin Yiqing was casting for the drama "Wheels Rolling", and Gong Xue was the best candidate. Although there are not many scenes, Gong Xue is fully engaged and attaches great importance to it, but unfortunately, her role was not broadcast in the end.

Despite some regrets, Gong Xue still did not give up his dream of being an actor and walked more and more firmly on this road. Five years later, Gong Xue finally won the favor of the goddess of luck and was invited to star in the TV series "Sacrifice Red". With the popularity of the TV series, Gong Xue, as the heroine, has also become popular.

In the 80s, the goddess was forced to leave the show business circle due to rumors, went to the United States to marry, and became a full-time wife

In this way, Gong Xue's popularity has become higher and higher, becoming a household name and a goddess in the minds of many people.

However, just when her career was booming, she was unexpectedly involved in a "hooligan case", and rumors spread from the outside world that she had an improper male-female relationship with Chen Xiaomeng, the son of a high-ranking cadre.

Although some people debunked her rumors, Gong Xue's reputation was still damaged and her career plummeted. Later, in order to get rid of this storm, Gong Xue also left the motherland and went to the United States thousands of miles away, and met his true love in the United States.

After going to the United States, Gong Xue's life gradually returned to calm, and in order to support her husband's career, she became a full-time wife, focusing on taking care of her family's diet and living.

In this way, Gong Xue lived in the United States and did not return to China until 1993. After returning to the motherland, Gong Xue was unusually low-key, occasionally participating in some activities, but never stepped into the show business circle for half a step.

With the passage of time, the original gossip has long been forgotten, but the scars in Gong Xue's heart cannot be healed, if there is no rumor at the beginning, she should continue to be active under the screen now.