
The years are not spared, these 7 male stars, once handsome out of the sky, are now ugly

The years are not spared, these 7 male stars, once handsome out of the sky, are now ugly

The entertainment industry never lacks handsome men and beautiful women,

Stars have done a lot of struggle with time to maintain their looks and figure,

But the years are a pig-killing knife,

The years are not spared, these 7 male stars, once handsome out of the sky, are now ugly

Even the male god who was handsome in the sky when he was young became dim under the baptism of time.

Some even seem to have changed into another person,

These 7 male gods whose appearances fell off the altar of the gods are regrettable.

The years are not spared, these 7 male stars, once handsome out of the sky, are now ugly

Zun Long, formerly known as Wu Guoliang, was born in Hong Kong in 1952,

He is the second actor to go international besides Bruce Lee, and has twice been nominated for the "Golden Globe Award".

The years are not spared, these 7 male stars, once handsome out of the sky, are now ugly

Zun Long's face is the ultimate in handsomeness and beauty, with a charm that is difficult to distinguish between male and female,

He is elegant, noble, indifferent, alienated, exudes a natural aristocratic temperament, and is known as "the first beautiful man in Asia".

The years are not spared, these 7 male stars, once handsome out of the sky, are now ugly

However, who would have thought that the zun long, with an elegant aristocratic atmosphere, was an abandoned baby,

He had never seen his biological parents since birth and was adopted and raised by a disabled woman from Shanghai.

At the age of 10, Zun Long went to the Hong Kong Spring and Autumn Opera Society to learn Peking Opera, only because he ate and lived there, and starred in the first Peking Opera "Sun Wukong Noisy Sea Dragon King".

The years are not spared, these 7 male stars, once handsome out of the sky, are now ugly

At the age of 18, Zun Long went to Los Angeles alone to develop, when he first arrived in a new environment, he did not understand the language, in order to pay for tuition to learn English, he worked as a cook, cashier, waiter, washed dishes,

Finally, through work-study, Zun Long was admitted to the American Academy of Dramatic Arts.

The years are not spared, these 7 male stars, once handsome out of the sky, are now ugly

Life has experienced ups and downs and hardships, tasted the dragon of life, and the melancholy and noble temperament on the body is very suitable for the role of "Puyi".

In 1987, Zun Long won the Golden Globe Award for Best Actor in a Drama Film with the role of "Puyi" in "The Last Emperor", and quickly opened his popularity, swept at home and abroad, and became an international superstar.

The years are not spared, these 7 male stars, once handsome out of the sky, are now ugly

In the film "Year of the Dragon" he played the arrogant Chinese gang leader Joey Tai,

The temperament of the gang boss is in place, people fall into his appearance, sink into his acting skills,

He was also nominated for the Golden Globe Award for Best Supporting Actor in a Film for the film.

Western media said he was "the most handsome gang boss ever" he was.

The years are not spared, these 7 male stars, once handsome out of the sky, are now ugly

In 2007, he starred in the action thriller "Ranger", in which he played the gangster boss Chang,

Subsequently, Zun Long chose to fade out of the film world and no longer participate in the filming of film and television dramas.

The years are not spared, these 7 male stars, once handsome out of the sky, are now ugly

He had a marriage with his college classmates in 1972 and returned to singleness six years later.

Now that he is nearly 70 years old, he no longer has the original prosperous beauty,

The male god who once amazed the time could not withstand the tempering of the years after all.

The years are not spared, these 7 male stars, once handsome out of the sky, are now ugly
The years are not spared, these 7 male stars, once handsome out of the sky, are now ugly

Dillon, formerly known as Tan Furong, was born in Guangdong in 1946.

He learned Wing Chun when he was a child, entered shaw films at the age of 22, and began his acting career.

Dillon is 183cm tall, has always shown the image of a tough guy, coupled with his handsome face, is the best candidate for Chinese and American men in martial arts movies, and is deeply loved by everyone.

At that time, together with Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan and Leung Xiaolong, they were called the "Four Little Dragons of Hong Kong".

The years are not spared, these 7 male stars, once handsome out of the sky, are now ugly

In 1977, Dillon played Chu Liuxiang in "Chu Liuxiang", who was a gentleman and a wise and courageous person, just like the characters who came out of the novel.

There is both the agility of a teenager and the composure of a man who is not an adult man,

The drama was broadcast and was loved by everyone, and Dillon also became a household name.

The years are not spared, these 7 male stars, once handsome out of the sky, are now ugly

In addition, he has also starred in many classic works such as "Thorn Horse", "Shaolin Hero", "Cold-blooded Thirteen Eagles", "Meteor Shower", "I am from New York" and so on.

And won the Golden Horse Award for Best Actor.

The years are not spared, these 7 male stars, once handsome out of the sky, are now ugly

Even if Dillon won the title of movie emperor, he is still serious and rigorous about filming,

Because of his martial arts skills, his martial arts actions are clean and clean, and the films starring him are not only liked by domestic audiences, but also popular in Southeast Asia.

The years are not spared, these 7 male stars, once handsome out of the sky, are now ugly

Dillon's most fatal point is that his flowering period is very short, and it didn't take long for him to change from a clean teenager in Yushu Linfeng to an old and greasy middle-aged uncle.

The years are not spared, these 7 male stars, once handsome out of the sky, are now ugly

In 1986, Dillon starred with Chow Yun-fat and Zhang Guorong in the crime film "The True Colors of Heroes".

In the film, he played the sentient and righteous underworld boss Song Zihao,

And with this film won the "Best Actor Award" of the Taiwan Film Golden Horse Awards,

In the film, Dillon's sentence "Asir, I haven't been a big brother for many years" is impressive and has become one of the classic lines of the movie.

The years are not spared, these 7 male stars, once handsome out of the sky, are now ugly

At that time, Dillon, who was only 40 years old, began to have a crisis of hairline backwards.

With the actors Zhang Guorong and Zhou Runfa, the appearance value was completely suspended,

Brother Zheng is a middle-aged uncle.

The years are not spared, these 7 male stars, once handsome out of the sky, are now ugly

Since then, his appearance has rapidly aged, bald, facial crotch,

Appearing in front of the public again, it is the Qianlong Emperor who starred in "Huan Zhu Ge Ge 3", full of old age,

The years are not spared, these 7 male stars, once handsome out of the sky, are now ugly

Now 75 years old, Dillon has gradually reduced the number of performances and occasionally appeared in film and television dramas.

The years are not spared, these 7 male stars, once handsome out of the sky, are now ugly

Jiao Enjun, born in Taiwan in 1967,

Because of his admiration for Bruce Lee, he learned double knuckle sticks, taekwondo, and martial arts when he was a child.

After graduating from high school, he entered the Chinese film actor training class and became an actor.

In 1994, 27-year-old Jiao Enjun starred in the role of Nanxia "Zhan Zhao" in "Seven Heroes and Five Righteousness".

His handsome appearance and handsome face, instant circle of countless fans, Jiao Enjun soon became a popular A-list star,

The years are not spared, these 7 male stars, once handsome out of the sky, are now ugly

In 1999, he co-starred with Xiao Qiang, Wu Jing and others in "Little Li Flying Knife".

In the play, he easily controlled the "bubble noodle head" that tested the appearance value, and the role of "Li Xunhuan" played by him quickly became popular in everyone's north and south.

He has also become the "costumed male god" in people's minds.

The years are not spared, these 7 male stars, once handsome out of the sky, are now ugly

After that, the 38-year-old Jiao Enjun starred in the costume mythological drama "Baolian Lantern" broadcast by CCTV.

The Erlang Shen yang, who he played, was also good and evil, although he was a supporting role, but the limelight once overshadowed the starring role.

The years are not spared, these 7 male stars, once handsome out of the sky, are now ugly

With the increase of age, Jiao Enjun also gradually returned to stop,

But his emotional path is very unsmooth, and he has experienced two failed marriages.

Especially in the first marriage, not only did you leave the house but you didn't even get custody of your daughter.

The years are not spared, these 7 male stars, once handsome out of the sky, are now ugly

Jiao Enjun, who has suffered from wind and frost, the years have finally left traces on his face,

More than half a hundred years old, he gave up the management of his body, his body was seriously blessed, his beer belly was obvious, his hair was full of white hair, his face was wrinkled, his eye bags were serious, and his stubble was messy.

Obviously only 54 years old, but looking at the photo looks like more than seventy,

He also changed from a personable handsome man to a scruffy little old man.

The years are not spared, these 7 male stars, once handsome out of the sky, are now ugly
The years are not spared, these 7 male stars, once handsome out of the sky, are now ugly

Tang Zhenye, born in 1958 in Hong Kong, China,

When he was young, he was handsome and handsome, with some elegant temperament of a reader,

Together with Andy Lau, Liang Chaowei, Huang Rihua and Miao Qiaowei, he is known as the "Wireless Five Tiger Generals".

The years are not spared, these 7 male stars, once handsome out of the sky, are now ugly

In 1979, Tang Zhenye starred in his first work "Chu Liuxiang", thus officially entering the show business circle.

Three years later, he was invited to play the role of Duan Yu in the middle of "Tianlong Babu".

The temperament on his body is similar to Duan Yu, and the melancholy affection between his eyebrows is very suitable for Duan Yu's bitter love in the play.

The Duan Yu he plays is like walking out of the book, natural, not violating the slightest,

Tang Zhenye also quickly became popular with the role of "Duan Yu" and became a household name.

The years are not spared, these 7 male stars, once handsome out of the sky, are now ugly

Tang Zhenye is the most handsome and charismatic man among the five tiger generals, and is deeply liked by women.

His emotional path is also rich and tortuous.

The years are not spared, these 7 male stars, once handsome out of the sky, are now ugly

His first girlfriend was Di Bona, who won the third place in Miss Hong Kong.

The relationship between the two lasted only a year before it came to an end.

The second girlfriend, Weng Meiling, the two walked together because of the drama during the filming of "The Legend of the Eagle Shooter",

In 1985. Because of their work, the two have been separated for a long time, and their feelings have cracked, and they often quarrel over a small matter.

During the Cold War between the two, Weng Meiling committed suicide at home.

The years are not spared, these 7 male stars, once handsome out of the sky, are now ugly

A generation of goddesses disappeared, and the suicide of Wen Meiling caused a sensation in the entire entertainment circle.

As a boyfriend, Tang Zhenye was naturally affected, and his career was seriously damaged.

The television station reduced his job, and he chose to return to his family.

The years are not spared, these 7 male stars, once handsome out of the sky, are now ugly

In 1993, Tang Zhenye married Jiang Kun, who was 13 years younger, and the two had twin sons and a daughter after marriage.

It was a joy to have both children, but the two divorced in 2001.

In 2008, 50-year-old Tang Zhenye married Wen Jingfengzi, who was 25 years younger, and gave birth to twin daughters after marriage.

The years are not spared, these 7 male stars, once handsome out of the sky, are now ugly

After the erosion of the wind and frost of the years, Tang Zhenye is no longer the spirited teenager of that year.

Appearing in the public eye again, his head is half bald, and his body is badly blessed,

His time has come to an end, and he can only play some supporting roles.

The years are not spared, these 7 male stars, once handsome out of the sky, are now ugly

The most impressive thing should be that in 2011, he played the role of The Qing Emperor Kangxi in Yang Mi's starring role in "Gong Suo Xin Yu".

People who have watched the TV series, it is difficult to associate him with the Duan Yu of that year,

The handsome man who looked like a crown jade at that time became a small old man with a round head and a brain.

The years are not spared, these 7 male stars, once handsome out of the sky, are now ugly
The years are not spared, these 7 male stars, once handsome out of the sky, are now ugly

Chen Guanxi was born in Canada in 1980, his father is a Hong Kong businessman, and his family has strong financial resources.

When his parents divorced when he was young, his parents have been compensating him financially, which also raised his rebellious nature when he was young.

In 1999, when Chen Guanxi returned to Hong Kong for a vacation, he was invited by his father's friend Dawn to star in a credit card advertisement and officially entered the entertainment circle.

The years are not spared, these 7 male stars, once handsome out of the sky, are now ugly

Chen Guanxi is handsome in appearance, thin and powerful, with firmness and stubbornness in his eyes, a crooked smile, and a temperament of a leper.

This temperament of his is deeply liked by fans,

He also became the first person to represent the "Lesbians" in the entertainment industry, and the image of Huang Zongze, Chen Weiting, Ou Hao and others has not been able to surpass him so far.

It can be said that when he was young, Chen Guanxi's appearance was second-to-beat the traffic star of the entertainment industry.

The years are not spared, these 7 male stars, once handsome out of the sky, are now ugly

Handsome and good-looking, Chen Guanxi's acting skills are also very smooth and natural,

The "Infernal Affairs", "Head Text D", "Dog Bites Dog", and "Undead Grudge 2" have all achieved good results and are deeply loved by everyone.

The years are not spared, these 7 male stars, once handsome out of the sky, are now ugly

However, at the peak of his career, he could only announce his retirement from the entertainment industry because of a computer.

After a night of falling, Chen Guanxi did not accept defeat,

He turned into a business circle and founded his own fashion brand clothing store CLOT COMPANY LIMITED, personally participating in the design of clothing, fabric screening and other work.

The years are not spared, these 7 male stars, once handsome out of the sky, are now ugly

Although he can't star in the work, he sometimes meets with everyone in the form of live broadcasting.

But when he appeared in the public eye again, people almost did not recognize this face vicissitudes, collagen loss, wrinkles, serious eye bags Chen Guanxi,

The years are not spared, these 7 male stars, once handsome out of the sky, are now ugly

Some people also found that Chen Guanxi, whose appearance value had dropped seriously, was very similar to Zhao Benshan.

The beautiful teenager who surprised an era at that time collided with the rural uncle in this way.

The years are not spared, these 7 male stars, once handsome out of the sky, are now ugly
The years are not spared, these 7 male stars, once handsome out of the sky, are now ugly

Wu Yanzu was born in the United States in 1974.

At the age of 6, he became interested in martial arts because of watching the movie "Shaolin Temple", and later began to work as a model under the advice of his sister.

His excellent appearance and well-proportioned and tall figure were favored by director Yang Fan, and invited him to star in the movie.

At first, he refused because he had no acting experience, but director Yang Fan was really not dead-hearted, and under many invitations, Wu Yanzu finally agreed to star, and thus officially entered the entertainment circle.

The years are not spared, these 7 male stars, once handsome out of the sky, are now ugly

In 1998, the 24-year-old Wu Yanzu cooperated with Feng Delun, Shu Qi and others to star in the first movie in his life, "The Love of Beautiful Teenagers".

In the play, Sam, played by him, is handsome in a police uniform, looking back at that moment caused countless fans to scream, becoming a male god in the minds of many girls.

The years are not spared, these 7 male stars, once handsome out of the sky, are now ugly

Because of his excellent appearance, he has also become the ceiling of the male actor's appearance in the entertainment industry.

Have an excellent appearance, but do not want to be bound by their own looks,

Regardless of the size of the role, whether it is the protagonist or the supporting role, he is willing to try to perform, which makes him look forward to every role he plays.

The years are not spared, these 7 male stars, once handsome out of the sky, are now ugly

But even the male god, after all, still could not withstand the ravages of time,

Nowadays, the collagen loss on Wu Yanzu's face is serious, the hairline is moved back, and the eye bags are obvious.

The years are not spared, these 7 male stars, once handsome out of the sky, are now ugly

Even if the body management is in place, but the hairline moves back, his appearance has plummeted,

Some people even found that Wu Yanzu, who had experienced many vicissitudes, was very similar to Ni Dahong.

Someone once released the process of the evolution of Wu Yanzu and Ni Dahong's appearance,

The years are not spared, these 7 male stars, once handsome out of the sky, are now ugly

Let netizens can't help but sigh that the dancing teenager of that year is gone forever.

The years are not spared, these 7 male stars, once handsome out of the sky, are now ugly


Qian Xiaohao, formerly known as Qian Jiahua, was born in Hong Kong in 1963.

10 years old to learn kung fu, 14 years old to play in the ring and won the bronze medal in the competition,

At the age of 16, he signed a contract with Shao, Qian Xiaohao stood out from sixty or seventy actors, was favored by the big director Zhang Che, and became his fifth-generation disciple and his closed disciple.

After that, he starred in the role of Wei Xinghong in the movie "Shaolin and Wudang" and began to emerge in the entertainment industry.

The years are not spared, these 7 male stars, once handsome out of the sky, are now ugly

In 1985, Qian Xiaohao starred in the horror comedy movie "Mr. Zombie", a quick and clever Qiusheng.

Gained everyone's attention and was called the hot star of Hong Kong at that time,

The years are not spared, these 7 male stars, once handsome out of the sky, are now ugly

Subsequently, in the movie "Yuan Zhenxia and Wesley" starring him, the film emperor Zhou Runfa made him a green leaf,

In "The Emperor of Kung Fu" starring Jet Li,

He crushed Jet Li in momentum with a sentence of "my life is up to me", although he starred as a villain, but the limelight overshadowed Jet Li who played a decent role.

The years are not spared, these 7 male stars, once handsome out of the sky, are now ugly

In just a few years, he bought a house at the Mid-Levels Villa in Hong Kong.

A person earns money to support a family, and has since starred in many excellent works, reaching a new height in his career.

However, at the peak of his career, Qian Xiaohao was sued in court for suspected of "secretly photographing the bottom of a girl's skirt".

Although in the end the court released Qian Xiaohao due to insufficient evidence,

But this incident is a fatal blow to Qian Xiaohao's career.

His career plummeted, and he no longer had the opportunity to play the main role, but could only play a supporting role.

The years are not spared, these 7 male stars, once handsome out of the sky, are now ugly

Now 59-year-old Qian Xiaohao, with the increase of age, the face of the eye bags are obvious, wrinkles are dense, white hair, no longer has the former dashing handsomeness,

But fortunately, he has a very good mentality, and has not given up his acting career, playing some roles from time to time, although not the protagonist, but treating each role with heart.

The years are not spared, these 7 male stars, once handsome out of the sky, are now ugly

As we get older, the years will eventually leave traces on people's faces.

People are afraid of getting old, and stars are even more so.

They bother with the wrinkles on their faces,

But instead of lamenting the wrinkles growing on the face, it is better to face it with a better mentality.

These wrinkles are the embodiment of our experiences, experiences, experiences, sadness, and happiness over the years.

He makes us more mature, stable, open-minded, and transparent.

So instead of being afraid, it's better to be optimistic.

The years are not spared, these 7 male stars, once handsome out of the sky, are now ugly

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