
I am a nanny, 37 years old from Chengdu, 3 years ago, my employer, 60 years old Uncle Li, asked me to live with him, I refused. Two days ago, he said, "Xiao Qing, you agree."

author:Mr. Sun changed the user Ming several times

I am a nanny, 37 years old from Chengdu, 3 years ago, my employer, 60 years old Uncle Li, asked me to live with him, I refused. Two days ago, he said, "Xiao Qing, you will promise me," and this time I agreed. Although his son and daughter-in-law scolded me for not having a face, I decided that I would live with him for the rest of my life.

I am 37 years old, a divorced woman, and now work as a live-in nanny at Uncle Lee's house. I've been divorced from my ex for 6 years and my kids have followed my ex.

My ex-husband, because after I gave birth, I was out of shape, I became a lot fatter, he felt that I was sloppy, took out without face, after the child went to kindergarten, he filed a divorce with me, in fact, I know that it is because he has already had other women outside. So it's not good to see me anywhere.

Because I was a full-time mom at home for a few years, when I was divorced, at the age of 34, I didn't get anything, the house was my ex-husband's premarital property, and the children were also given to my ex-husband, I can say that I had nothing, money, forced by the pressure of life, my parents were older, and I had to urgently need to find a job. I interviewed a lot of jobs, all because I had no work experience, plus having been at home for many years, and all rejected me for this reason.

Finally, in front of the housekeeping company, I saw a recruitment information for a nanny, no academic requirements, and the treatment is OK, the family can get 4500 per month, there is a day off every week, I immediately signed up, but before going to work, I have to train for a week. After the training.

The company immediately arranged an employer, is a surname Li uncle, 60 years old, divorced, the reason is that many years ago the wife cheated, divorced in a rage, the child returned to Uncle Li, his son has been married and had children in other places.

In the first few months of work, I made three meals on time every day, washed clothes and mopped the floor. Busy. Just play vibrato. The employer, Uncle Li, is a very kind uncle and has a very good temper. I haven't been angry with my new nanny, and I haven't said anything about it, good or bad.

Time goes on. After getting to know me well, he talked to me about him. He is a retired teacher, has a son, works in Shanghai and is married, the son does not live much about his life, there is no other superfluous word except for asking for money, it may be that I divorced my mother before, which broke his heart, so he has always hated me.

Although I don't know much about what happened, I personally don't have a good impression of his son, after all, as the Son of Man, filial piety comes first. Uncle Li, on the other hand, has never felt filial piety from his son, and to be honest, I still sympathize with him.

And Uncle Li is also a sentimental person, and I also talked about me and my ex-husband, and he was also indignant about my unfortunate encounter. It can be said that the two of us have suffered the same, they are betrayed, and I also take care of him as my own father, although I have a salary, taking care of him is my duty, but I am more careful, since he has a salary, I also have to make him more satisfied with the results.

In his family unconsciously worked for three years, but I have never seen his son come home to see his father, only to hear his son occasionally call him to ask for money, but were scolded by Uncle Li, once Uncle Li was particularly angry, said to his son on the phone: "This is the last time, I also need to live, so many years you do not care about me, in addition to asking me for money, what else can you do In the future, you will call me again to ask for money, I will immediately make a will, donate it all." Not a single cent will be left for you.

I didn't expect him to be very terrible when he was angry, but I still comforted him, and I said, "Uncle, don't you be too sad and sad, my son doesn't care about you, don't you still have me to take care of you?"

But what I didn't expect was that he suddenly said to me: "Xiao Qing, you have been coming to my house for more than three years, you should also clearly understand how I am, if you don't abandon it, just live with me, I know that I am older, I only hope that every day in the future will be happy and happy, if you become my wife, maybe I can live for a few more years, after I pass away the house deposit will be left to you."

I simply refused, even though I was short of money, but I also knew that he was confused and angry, and he was more than twenty years older than me, and he was like a father in front of me.

He didn't bring it up again. Suddenly one day Li Ye fell ill and was hospitalized, and it was found that it was cirrhosis, which was already advanced, and I did not let him know. I contacted his son, hoping that he would come back to the hospital to see Uncle Li, and I knew that although Uncle Li said that he would no longer care about his son, he must love his son in his heart, otherwise he would not give every time his son asked for money. But his son directly refused, saying that his father did not say that when he did not give birth to him, he would not leave him a penny, he said that he would not come back, and actually scolded me for not having a face. I was helpless and could only accompany him in the hospital.

Just two days ago, Uncle Li suddenly said to me again, "Xiao Qing, you promised me, I also figured it out, through this time I was sick, I was completely disappointed in my son, let's get married, I want to give you the house and the deposit, you will accompany me to spend the rest of the days, I know my body, it is estimated that I will not live long." If you don't promise me, I won't be happy, and you've brought me a lot of happiness in the past three years.

At his request, I agreed with a soft heart, and perhaps after I agreed to him, he could spend the rest of the day in peace. Just yesterday we got the marriage license, and then the house was also transferred to me, saying that it was to reassure me, and at the same time he also left a will to notarize, and then told his son.

Today I was scolded by his son and daughter-in-law on the phone, saying that I don't want a face, I am a slut, how his father is not dying quickly, hearing this, I am more determined about my decision, I will not give him a single bit.

Am I right?

After reading your sharing, although you have done the job of nanny under the pressure of life, for Uncle Li, you are conscientious and conscientious, and he also trusts you very much, otherwise he would not have confessed to you twice. You can be together, and I sincerely wish you.

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