
In that year, Ying Ruocheng died, Batuu wanted to participate in his grandfather's funeral, Yingda refused: "You are not eligible to participate in this funeral, I don't know if you are still surnamed Ying?" "One word, provoke."

author:Meow treasure sauce entertainment pond

In that year, Ying Ruocheng died, Batuu wanted to participate in his grandfather's funeral, Yingda refused: "You are not eligible to participate in this funeral, I don't know if you are still surnamed Ying?" ”

A word provoked Song Dandan to scold angrily: "You actually treat a child like this!" ”

In fact, it is not surprising that Indah can do this. Because Indah didn't just let her eldest son attend his grandfather's funeral.

Throughout the growth of the eldest son, Indah seemed to disappear and become a transparent father.

Once, the host asked him, in the early stage, Song Dandan broke the news, you did not care about the eldest son Batuu for more than ten years, is there really such a thing?

Only to see Indah say indifferently: "Since you are divorced, you must leave clean, don't come to me, ex-wife and son are all." I don't want to cause any unhappiness, or harm to my current wife. ”

Indah said he could not continue to play the role of Batuu's father in this situation.

Yingda and Song Dandan met in the drama "Arsonist", and the two were a talented trainee director and a beautiful actress, which could be described as a sight and quickly came together.

Yingda and Song Dandan are both from a cadre family, this marriage can also be regarded as a door-to-door pair, and the two have a crystallization of love in a short time: son Batu, how to see is a happy family of three.

However, under the calm water, there are already rough waves.

Although Yingda is not the proud son of heaven, he has also been pampered since he was a child, and he will not let him do any work at home, and he will naturally throw his hands in charge after marriage.

The big things and small things in the family are all taken care of by Song Dandan, even the father-in-law is sick and hospitalized, and it is Song Dandan who serves in front of the bed.

In fact, the most direct trigger for the separation of the two is not these trivial matters of life, even if it is hard, Song Dandan still endured for a long time for his son.

In the marriage between Song Dandan and Yingda, Yingda seems to be even more intolerant of such a relationship between strong women and weak men.

When he was young, although Yingda was talented, as Song Dandan's popularity grew, the aura obviously overshadowed Yingda.

When she was a fledgling, Yingda felt that she was regarded by the party as the son of "so-and-so", and after becoming a husband, Yingda was called the husband of "so-and-so" by the outside world.

This sense of subordination and disapproval made Yingda feel frustrated and slowly erased the warmth of Song Dandan.

In 1993, after the shooting of the sitcom "I Love My Home" directed by Yingda began, the career slowly blossomed, and finally ushered in the spring of the career.

But. It was also at this time that he met the sister of screenwriter Liang Zuo in the crew, Liang Huan, a talented daughter who graduated from Peking University, and Liang Huan later became the screenwriter who loves my family.

Liang Huan is young and lively, and he has a lot of admiration for Yingda, the two are still alumni of Peking University, and they quickly look at each other, and the two make a lot of noise when they are in the crew.

Song Dandan also questioned Yingda, and although Yingda did not agree to divorce, she became more and more cold to Song Dandan.

In the end, she was forced to take the lead in finding compensation, filing for divorce, and finally leaving the house, and the two made a lot of noise.

Knowing Liang Huan and Batuu's love affair, Liang Huan's family is also in a fight.

Liang Zuoqi's sister sabotaged other people's marriages, felt that she had disgraced the family, and was so angry that she severed her relationship with her own sister.

A month after Song Dandan and Yingda divorced, Yingda immediately married Liang Huan, and soon after gave birth to her youngest son Bayan.

At the time of the divorce, his son Batuu was 7 years old, and Batuu grew up, and Indah did not fulfill the responsibilities of a father.

Batuu tried to contact Indah, but Indah ruthlessly refused, saying, "Neither you nor your mother should come to me."

Batuu does not get the care of his father, but fortunately, his grandfather cares about his grandson very much, which is Batu's only psychological comfort.

However, when the old man died, Indah did not tell Batuu, did not want him to see the old man for the last time, and said in a strange way: "Who knows if you are still surnamed Ying!" ”

Over the years, a series of operations have provoked Song Dandan not only to write books to expose, but also to post angrily on social platforms: "You are not human! ”

Yingda did not want to show weakness after reading it, and angrily rebuked Song Dandan: "People who write this kind of thing have psychological diseases!" ”

The two of you came and went, and the swords were fierce, but they provided a lot of talking materials for the viewers.

Song Dandan and Yingda have come to this day, and they can't help but sigh, their feelings are broken, and their two children are caught in endless comparisons and controversies.

In each case, it is not easy for outsiders to judge right and wrong.

The only fortunate thing is that now that both children have grown up and have their own lives and careers, the eldest son Batuu has become a family and the younger son Bayan has become a brilliant athlete.

Perhaps, this is the most gratifying ending for Song Dandan and Yingda in many years, in addition to the mutual pinching of chickens and dogs.

#Gossip Manual # #女明星婚后生活差距有多大 #

In that year, Ying Ruocheng died, Batuu wanted to participate in his grandfather's funeral, Yingda refused: "You are not eligible to participate in this funeral, I don't know if you are still surnamed Ying?" "One word, provoke."
In that year, Ying Ruocheng died, Batuu wanted to participate in his grandfather's funeral, Yingda refused: "You are not eligible to participate in this funeral, I don't know if you are still surnamed Ying?" "One word, provoke."
In that year, Ying Ruocheng died, Batuu wanted to participate in his grandfather's funeral, Yingda refused: "You are not eligible to participate in this funeral, I don't know if you are still surnamed Ying?" "One word, provoke."
In that year, Ying Ruocheng died, Batuu wanted to participate in his grandfather's funeral, Yingda refused: "You are not eligible to participate in this funeral, I don't know if you are still surnamed Ying?" "One word, provoke."
In that year, Ying Ruocheng died, Batuu wanted to participate in his grandfather's funeral, Yingda refused: "You are not eligible to participate in this funeral, I don't know if you are still surnamed Ying?" "One word, provoke."
In that year, Ying Ruocheng died, Batuu wanted to participate in his grandfather's funeral, Yingda refused: "You are not eligible to participate in this funeral, I don't know if you are still surnamed Ying?" "One word, provoke."

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