
Concentrate on catching up and surpassing the first-class

author:Veteran legal reporter Yang Haiqing

In order to do a good job in gathering attention and adjusting the state of work after the Spring Festival, on the afternoon of February 9, the judicial police brigade of the Changwu County People's Court in Xianyang organized a post-holiday gathering meeting. The meeting was attended by all the judicial police.

Concentrate on catching up and surpassing the first-class

Captain Li demanded: First, we must further strengthen the work of security and security. Judicial police in grass-roots courts should follow relevant requirements to conduct strict and meticulous safety inspections of parties entering the courtroom, paying more attention to the changes in the mood of the parties on both sides during the trial period, so as to prevent the further intensification of contradictions. The judicial police in the hospital should clarify their specific work and do the work in detail. Second, it is necessary to further abide by the discipline requirements in the hospital. All judicial police officers should dress standardly and must not have the phenomenon of "mixing and matching". The auxiliary police contingent should also move toward unification and regularization, and it is necessary to establish the fine work style and image of the people's police. Third, it is necessary to further increase actual combat training. The judicial police force is gradually growing, the relevant training can be better carried out, and it is necessary to combine the requirements of last year's actual combat training content and the characteristics of our hospital itself to make detailed arrangements to cope with the crisis handling under the new situation.

Concentrate on catching up and surpassing the first-class

Director Shang proposed: First, all judicial police officers should perform their respective duties. Only by conscientiously doing their own work can the security work of the court be improved as a whole and effectively avoid the emergence of security loopholes. The second is to actively coordinate the treatment of auxiliary police. Although relevant policies have been introduced for the treatment of auxiliary police, it is now known that all courts have not been implemented, and this year, the party group of the academy will actively coordinate and strive to improve the treatment as soon as possible, so that everyone can work with peace of mind and have no worries. The third is to catch up and surpass the first-class. Since last year, the party group of the academy has been very supportive of the work of the judicial police, supplementing the strength of the contingent and replenishing the equipment of the contingent. This year, the work of the judicial police in our hospital requires everyone to work together to go to a higher level, which is comparable to that of the brother court and the creation of a first-class police force.

Editor-in-charge: Wang Fangling

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