
Get real! The state has finalized an important decision to shut down local gold exchanges and release any signals

author:Investment and entrepreneurship reference

The gold exchange is "annihilated"!

Have you heard? Recently, there has been a big problem in the gold exchanges around the world, and today we will talk about this matter and reveal the truth behind it to you.

Not long ago, the financial management departments in many places issued a statement and cancelled the qualification of the gold exchange.

This is not a trivial matter, since March this year, this has been wave after wave of gold exchange closures.

Get real! The state has finalized an important decision to shut down local gold exchanges and release any signals

The gold exchange industry is afraid that it will be completely finished!

Back then, the gold exchange was a big hit.

In the beginning, it was born to deal with those non-performing asset transactions.

But lo and behold, they all became big players in finance.

Especially after 2016, the gold exchange has a relationship with urban investment, real estate, and Internet finance, and it has been a good time, but it has also caused a lot of trouble.

But seeing that the gold exchange is so profitable, many places have also opened their own gold exchanges.

As a result, more than 80 gold exchanges have sprung up across the country at once, especially in some cities in the central and western regions, which simply regard this as a treasure to make money.

But the problem also came, some ill-intentioned people took the opportunity to sneak in and made a bunch of fake gold exchanges, also called "fake gold exchanges".

Get real! The state has finalized an important decision to shut down local gold exchanges and release any signals

These fake gold exchanges, they look quite formal, but in fact?

It's all a lie, and it's a miasma that has thrown the entire financial market into a miasma.

But fortunately, in recent years, the state has begun to strictly regulate Internet finance and urban investment bonds, and the life of the gold exchange has not been easy.

At the end of 2018, the China Securities Regulatory Commission couldn't stand it anymore, and directly drew a red line for the gold exchange, so that they could clean themselves up.

Since then, the country's gold exchanges have begun to close, such as Guizhou, Jiangsu and other places have canceled the qualifications of the gold exchange, and the Guangdong gold exchange has also begun to merge.

Get real! The state has finalized an important decision to shut down local gold exchanges and release any signals

All this illustrates a problem: the good days of the gold exchange are over!

Although this financial turmoil has made some urban investment and real estate companies a little uncomfortable, in the long run, it is still for the good of our country and our people!

So, don't worry too much, the country will take care of this!

Do you understand the truth behind this storm? If you also have different views and insights, feel free to share your story in the comment section. See you next time!

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