
Privy Council Ten: Invisible Version of "Dragon Fighter" Suppresses Indian S-400? India is not convinced

Source: Privy Council No. 10

A spokesman for the Pakistan Air Force announced on the 8th that the latest generation of JF-17 "Thunderbolt" (Chinese code name "Dragon") Block 3 fighter jet jointly developed by China and Pakistan will participate in the National Day military parade on March 23.

Since the Japanese media just announced a few days that this "almost invisible" advanced fighter can suppress the S-400 long-range air defense system that India has just acquired, the Indian media immediately blew up the nest...

The "India Today" website said on the 9th that the Pakistan Air Force said that all the taxiing and flight tests of the JF-17 Block 3 fighter have been completed, and the first batch of fighters will join the Pakistan Air Force before the end of March. "It will participate in the March 23 National Day military parade with The Chinese-made J-10C fighter jets."

Privy Council Ten: Invisible Version of "Dragon Fighter" Suppresses Indian S-400? India is not convinced

"The introduction of the JF-17 Block3 fighter is expected to offset the technological advantage that India gained with the legal Rafale fighter." A Pakistan Air Force spokesman declared, "We will thus have the world's most advanced airborne ElectronicAlly Scanned Array (AESA) radar and the longest range of the Perak-15 missile."

When reporting the news, a number of Indian media specifically mentioned an analysis by Nikkei Asia a few days ago. The Pakistan Air Force expects to acquire 50 of the latest JF-17 Block 3 fighters starting next month, "this advanced jet fighter has a large off-axis launch capability, meaning it does not have to point the nose in a specific direction to aim at the opponent, the missile can track the locked air target on its own." This has greatly enhanced the PFP's air combat capabilities."

Privy Council Ten: Invisible Version of "Dragon Fighter" Suppresses Indian S-400? India is not convinced
Privy Council Ten: Invisible Version of "Dragon Fighter" Suppresses Indian S-400? India is not convinced

In addition, the JF-17 Block 3 can detect enemy aircraft from a distance and launch preemptive attacks. "The detection capability of the liquid-cooled airborne fire control radar has been increased by 65% and can aim at enemy aircraft from a distance of 170 kilometers." It uses a large number of lightweight composites and can carry five over-the-horizon missiles. In addition, this advanced fighter also incorporates data fusion technology, which can improve the efficiency of communication and decision-making.

What the Indian media the most was that Tamur Farhad Khan, a researcher at the Institute for Strategic Studies in Islamabad, said the JF-17 Block 3 fighter jet would improve the Pakistan Air Force's ability to counter India's new S-400 air defense system.

Privy Council Ten: Invisible Version of "Dragon Fighter" Suppresses Indian S-400? India is not convinced

In an interview with Nikkei Asia, he said, "The S-400 has been found to be largely ineffective against some advanced multi-role fighters with near-stealth capabilities, so such fighters are the best choice against the S-400." "While the JF-17 Block 3 fighter jet, which makes a lot of composite materials, is almost invisible, it also has advanced software and radar capabilities that can trick the S-400's tracking."

Although the Western media has repeatedly depreciated that "the S-400 cannot detect stealth targets", this time the Indian side has greatly stimulated the "distorted" reports of the Japanese media. India's Eurasian Times specifically argued that Western military observers believe that the S-400 can detect both conventional and stealth fighters, "its interception range can reach 400 kilometers." ”

According to the US "National Interest" previously reported, the S-400 air defense system may be able to detect F-35 stealth fighters 20 miles away, and can intercept non-stealth fighters such as the F-15EX at 200 miles away. "If the S-400 radar can see two of the most advanced fighters in the United States, then Pakistan's JF-17 will not have a chance to fight against this air defense system."

Privy Council Ten: Invisible Version of "Dragon Fighter" Suppresses Indian S-400? India is not convinced
Privy Council Ten: Invisible Version of "Dragon Fighter" Suppresses Indian S-400? India is not convinced

The Hindustan Times emphasized that "Pakistan's upgrading of JF-17 fighters is still unable to match India's S-400 air defense system and Rafale fighters", the specific reason is that "if fighters built of composite materials can be invisible, then the use rate of composite materials of India's domestic 'Tejas' fighters is as high as 45%, is it also invisible?" ”

Well, in order to refute the Japanese media reports, the Indian side not only abandoned the demeaning evaluation of the S-400 by "mainstream Western military experts", but even did not hesitate to "shake off" its own "Shining" fighter.

In the eyes of the old driver, the latest "Dragon" can not deal with the S-400 system and not to say, but compared with the previous Indian media high-profile "Rafale" fighter arrived in India and the S-400 deployment of China-India, China-Pakistan border area, now they show this angry and corrupt mentality, but it is worth tasting.

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