
How long does it take for three generations of IVF to complete

Many people think that the process of ivy and ivy will be painful, so infertility patients think that if they successfully complete the IVF in the shortest possible time, it is best. Belai Fertility Center says it actually takes how long it will take for IVF to complete but they're not quite sure. So, let's take a look at how long the IVF process takes.

How long does it take for three generations of IVF to complete

How long does IT take for IVF to complete

If women cannot get pregnant naturally due to physiological reasons, they can use artificial conception, that is, IVF, and the process of doing IVF is relatively long and hard. Generally from preparation to successful transplantation takes 3 to 4 months, indirect preparation includes both husband and wife need to do various examinations with IVF, after the examination results are qualified, and then according to the physiological cycle to promote ovulation injections, to retrieve eggs and sperm for culture into fertilized eggs, which also requires a certain amount of time, after successful transplantation until the first trimester of pregnancy until the monitoring of fetal heart fetal buds is considered ivory tube success.

What is the whole ivory of IVF?

1. On the 2nd to 4th day of menstruation, carry three certificates, perform B ultrasound examination, and draw blood to check hormones.

2. After menstruation is clean, perform preoperative examinations such as routine vaginal discharge, chlamydia, mycoplasma, cervical scraping, etc.

How long does it take for three generations of IVF to complete

3. On the 21st-23rd day of menstruation, enter the IVF cycle, use gonadotropin-releasing hormone antagonists, and establish medical record files.

4. On the 25th-28th day of menstruation, ultrasound B ultrasound is reviewed to exclude cysts, and puncture surgery is required if cysts are found.

5. On the 2nd to 10th day of menstruation, vaginal ultrasound examination is carried out, and ovulation induction drugs are applied.

6. Regularly review B ultrasound, monitor the development of egg cells, and inject human chorionic gonadotropin when the follicle is close to maturity.

How long does it take for three generations of IVF to complete

7. 34-36 hours after injection of human chorionic gonadotropin, the woman takes the egg, the man takes the sperm, and the retrieved eggs and sperm are placed in a Petri dish to fertilize it.

8. Select well-developed embryos for transfer into the maternal uterine cavity on the 3-5th day after fertilization.

9. On the 14th day after transplantation, check the urine HCG and blood β-HCG to determine whether it is pregnant.

IVF techniques are complex, including pre-operative preparation, treatment cycle, and successful transplantation. If there are no surprises, this cycle is generally 2-3 months, as for how long it takes for individual IVF to complete, it depends on their own situation. Usually, from the beginning of the formal start to the end of the examination, it takes about 10 trips to the hospital, and if the process goes well, it will not take too much time.

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