
The story is short but wonderful! A girl got on the high-speed train and saw a man sitting in her seat. She checked her ticket and said politely, "Sir, are you sitting in the wrong place?" "Men take it

author:User worm drunk galaxy

The story is short but wonderful!

A girl got on the high-speed train and saw a man sitting in her seat. She checked her ticket and said politely, "Sir, are you sitting in the wrong place?" The man took out his ticket and shouted, "See clearly, this is my seat, are you blind?!" The girl looked at his ticket carefully, stopped making a sound, and stood silently beside him. After a while the train started, and the girl bowed her head and said softly to the man, "Sir, you are not in the wrong position, but you are in the wrong car!" This is to Shanghai, and your ticket is to Harbin. ”

There is a kind of forbearance called making you regret that it is too late, if howling can solve the problem, the donkey will have ruled the world long ago!

The story is short but wonderful! A girl got on the high-speed train and saw a man sitting in her seat. She checked her ticket and said politely, "Sir, are you sitting in the wrong place?" "Men take it
The story is short but wonderful! A girl got on the high-speed train and saw a man sitting in her seat. She checked her ticket and said politely, "Sir, are you sitting in the wrong place?" "Men take it

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