
At night the sea pigs in the ocean howl, and some people believe that the sea pigs in the sea water howl are caused by him

author:Digital direct hit

The vast ocean of smoke and waves is mysterious and mysterious. "Haiming" is an example.

The so-called sea sound is the sound of the ocean. The churning of the waves and the crashing of the waves, the noise caused by atmospheric precipitation, earthquakes and volcanic activity, and the sounds of fish and other marine life are all sea sounds. However, sometimes, the cause of the sea sound in some places is difficult to understand.

At night the sea pigs in the ocean howl, and some people believe that the sea pigs in the sea water howl are caused by him

In the southeast sea of Zhanjiang Island in Guangdong Province, whenever the wind and clouds suddenly change, the weather is abnormal, or the storm is about to come, a rhythmic "whine, whine, whine" sound will be emitted on the ocean surface. The sound is like a muffled thunder rolling, one high and one low, staggered. The locals were amazed by the sound, but no one could figure out where it came from.

Earlier, people believed that there was a saying circulating on The Island of Qiao Chau that the sound of the sea was emitted by a water drum that sank into the sea. This water drum was placed by the French when the International Lighthouse on The Island was built a long time ago. Lighthouses give direction to passing ships, and water drums are dedicated to maritime weather forecasts. Perhaps, the water drum is a kind of sea condition detection alarm, which sends people a message of wind and wave changes at any time. But no one has ever seen the appearance of this water drum, let alone where it is placed?

At night the sea pigs in the ocean howl, and some people believe that the sea pigs in the sea water howl are caused by him

To this end, the departments concerned have specially dispatched ships to the waters southeast of The island to inspect and search, but nothing has been found, and people are even more confused and confused about haiming.

In 1969, a group of sea beasts swimming in this area were found, and some people said that this was a sea pig. So there is another saying: the sea song is produced by the howl of the sea pig. It could be the cry of the sea pig that is restless and feeling that the weather or sea conditions are about to deteriorate, or it may be a signal of contact between the sea pigs as they swim.

However, the saying that the sea pig howls" is also difficult to explain. In fact, no one had ever witnessed a sea pig swimming when the sea pig came, not to mention that in the sea where there was no sea pig activity, there would also be sea pigs.

At night the sea pigs in the ocean howl, and some people believe that the sea pigs in the sea water howl are caused by him

In 1976, the sound of the sea chirping in the southeastern sea of Tongzhou Island gradually weakened than before, which provided a basis for the "water drum" theory, which was the result of the water drum falling into disrepair and diminishing its function.

However, the "sea pig howls" speaker still insists that the weakening of the sea sound is precisely the result of the obvious increase in people's activities in the sea area in recent years, which has affected the normal activities and lives of sea pigs and caused sea pigs to move to other places.

It seems that the cause of the sea sound in the southeastern sea of Tongzhou Island is still inconclusive, and this mystery needs to be further investigated.

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