
Prototype of the King of War: The Soviet Air Force Colonel is worth billions of dollars but is surviving in a Thai prison

author:Hey here you are

A hidden undercover agent, along with an arms dealer who still has a shred of conscience, teamed up to direct a transnational arrest operation.

In March 2009, a Thai court will try a mysterious "big man" – Victor Bout. Few people know that this person is a notorious arms smuggling king, the prototype of the Hollywood blockbuster "The King of War", and the "death businessman" described by former British Foreign Secretary Peter Hayne.

How did such a person with a "prominent background" fall into the net of justice?

What kind of person is the "King of War"? Until now, no one has been able to give an accurate answer. According to U.N. Security Council documents, Bout was born on January 13, 1967 in the soviet city of Dushanbe. But he himself said in interviews that he was born in Turkmenistan. A document from South African intelligence agencies said he had Ukrainian ancestry.

Butt's history is also mysterious. In 1991, he walked out of the Soviet Military Foreign Language Institute in Moscow, and with the "stunt" of being fluent in 6 languages, he joined the Soviet Air Force, at least the colonel.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Boot used his connections in the army to obtain three Antonov transport planes, and in 1993 he founded the "Pan-Aviation Export Cargo Company" and started the "transportation business". He trafficked Soviet-made tanks, helicopters and other weapons to Africa. After that, in just a few short years, he magically did business all over the world. Afghanistan, Angola, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Sudan... Wherever there is war, there are weapons he has shipped.

Before and after the outbreak of the war in Afghanistan, Bout unknowingly supplied arms to the Taliban, so the CIA agents, who were listed as wanted by the U.S. government, went out and laid a large net around the world, but after several years, they did not even find Bout's shadow

As a result, some people say that Boot is very cautious, constantly registering new companies in various countries, and disguising the arms trade as a normal trade behavior: others say that he has paid bribes, become "good friends" with politicians in some African and Middle Eastern countries, and created many umbrellas; It is also reported that he has at least 5 passports and several pseudonyms, and usually lives in seclusion in Russia, and he is like a legendary figure, looming and seemingly nothing.

Interpol and American agents, who had no choice but to wait for the opportunity in secret.

One day in the mid-1990s, Boot fired the phone to Britain. The call was answered by a "British friend" who was also engaged in "air transport". Bout asked him to immediately send someone to do a "big job" - to break through the layers of blockades of the Russian Air Force and air defense forces and airdrop a batch of weapons to the Chechen rebels.

The "British friend" immediately summoned more than 20 pilots under his command and asked: "Who wants to run this single business, a reward of 200,000 pounds!" However, no one took a stand, because they knew that going was tantamount to sending them to death!

Just then, a young man named Smulein stood up: "Let me try!" In the end, Smullion miraculously dodged Russian radar and warplanes with his superior ultra-low-altitude flying skills, and parachuted his weapons to the Chechen rebels.

Bout was surprised to learn the news and immediately inquired about Smullion's origins. Soon, he learned that Smouline, who had been a good pilot in the Raison D'êtree, had been removed from his list after breaking into the commander's home and insulting the general's wife after drinking. Because of this stain, all the official civil aviation companies in the UK rejected his application.

Just when he felt cornered, Boot's "British friend" accepted him and made him his aviation consultant, and after learning all this, Boot did not hesitate to dial Smulein's phone. Soon after, Smullion showed up next to Boot, who was promised an annual salary of £8 million. It didn't take long, though, for him to pay the price. He was also charged and wanted by the United States for assisting Bout in smuggling arms to Colombian rebel groups.

A few years later, Boot hired a "high counselor" with a high salary. The "high counselor" was quick-witted and extremely good at talking, and soon became a "friend" with Smulein. Butter could have predicted that this "high ginseng" was actually an American agent code-named CS1. At the same time, seeing that the weapons sold by Boot were murderous, Smouley, who still had a trace of conscience, felt more and more guilty, so he repeatedly asked CS1 to accompany him to the church to confess. After some time, CS1 decided the time was ripe and revealed his identity to Smullion. He assured Smullion, "If you can wear the guilt and make a contribution, your guilt will one day be eliminated." Smolyan thought for a moment and finally agreed to cooperate with CS1 in the operation.

In November 2007, Smoullion received an email from CS1 saying that a "big deal" had arrived. He replied, "I have reported to my boss that he thinks the business of agricultural machinery can be done. In their code word, "agricultural machinery" refers to the bulk arms trade.

Soon after, Smouline flew to curaçao in the Caribbean. CS1 also arrived with 2 U.S. agents who claimed to be "Colombian rebel commanders." The two sides discussed the "delivery plan" in detail. However, the 2 "commanders" insisted that Bout be seen before payment. Smouley-energized and immediately went back to meet Butte. He struggled to convince Bout, who had always been suspicious.

On March 6, 2008, Boot arrived in Bangkok as scheduled to meet with the "Colombian buyer". As soon as he walked into the "Sofitel Hotel", more than 50 Thai SWAT officers fell from the sky and arrested him on the spot.

At this time, Smoullion, who was in New York, was also arrested by American agents. The latest U.S. official documents say Smouley is the number one contributor to the arrest of the "King of War." His arrest should perhaps be seen more as "protection". When Boot was tried in March, he would come forward as a tainted witness to accuse Bout in exchange for the treatment of a "tainted witness" in the United States: a brand new identity card and a large bounty, find a place in the United States to live in seclusion, and live a peaceful life ever since.

The "King of War" trapped in Thai prisons was not so lucky. It was revealed that Boot was currently being held in a large cell surrounded by fifty or sixty Thai criminals accused of rape or murder. This cell has only one toilet -- a large pit in the ground; Everyone shared a concrete pool to wash their faces and the water inside was changed only once a week. For Boot, who was once worth $1 billion, this can be said to be an "inhuman life".

But it was reported that Boot in prison "spoke softly, often distributed dishes to others, and kept writing autobiographies."

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