
"Police Mom and Dad" in the Eyes of Children

Give you the brilliance to wait for you to pay attention

In the beginning of the school season, "the mythical beast returned to the cage", and parents could finally breathe a sigh of relief. However, in the prison double police family, "relieved" has become "sighing", and I want to leave a little more time to accompany them...

Because of the closed duty, the original short way home is extending; because of responsibility, the original ordinary post is shining. Today, let us walk into the families of three police officers in Hangzhou Dongjiao Prison, look at the "police father and mother" in the eyes of the children, listen to the stories of the double police families, and feel the joys and sorrows behind the 24 double police families in the eastern suburbs prison.

"I hate carousels!"

"Police Mom and Dad" in the Eyes of Children

Zhao Hubin, deputy instructor of the prison area of dongjiao prison in the city, and his wife is a police officer of Zhejiang Provincial Women's Prison. When the epidemic broke out in 2020, as the first batch of closed duty personnel of the women's prison, she was ordered to take the lead in danger, and Zhao Hubin, who was still working in the command center at the time, was also busy and could only entrust her young daughter to the care of her elderly parents. Originally thought to be only a short isolation, but unexpectedly became a "normalized" separation. On each closed duty night, the tripartite "video conference" became a "compulsory course" for the family, and the daughter became the "teacher" of the homework. She would listen to her mom and dad's daily work "reports" and then tell her mom and dad about her happy and unhappy things about the day. Later, Zhao Hubin was transferred to work in the prison area, and in order to ensure that one person could take care of the children at home and reduce the burden on the elderly, the couple discussed staggering the isolation and preparation of the two people and the closed duty batch. So for more than a year, a family of three has gathered less and left more, and the time for the three people to reunite has accumulated less than a month. Once, Zhao Hubin said half-jokingly in a "video conference": "Our family seems to be playing a game of carousels, you chase me, I chase her, she chases you." Unexpectedly, my daughter, who is usually well-behaved and sensible, suddenly cried: "I don't want to play with carousels, don't play with carousels, I want my parents and fathers!" She saw the carousel in the playground on TV and immediately pointed at it and said to grandma, "I hate carousels!" ”

When companionship becomes waiting, we still choose to fight side by side!

"Dad, I want to buy you a watch."

"Police Mom and Dad" in the Eyes of Children

Luo Hua's family in the Tenth Prison District is also a double policeman, and his wife is a police officer of the Moganshan Women's Compulsory Drug Rehabilitation Center in Zhejiang Province. For prison police, mobile phones are the only tool for external contact, but for Luo Hua, in addition to having mobile phones and having time to contact his family. Once the wife called the prison office to find Luo Hua, and asked, it was the son who coughed and had a fever and had been sent to the hospital, but his father forgot to bring his mobile phone when he went out, he could not contact, and he did not know the situation of the children and the elderly. Luo Hua comforted his wife a few words, hung up the phone, and still buried his head in doing things, but the number of times he looked at his watch unconsciously increased. After a while, the office phone rang again, and the wife, who had been on duty in the same place, entrusted a friend to go to the hospital to find the child and the elderly, and called to report that they were safe. On the phone, the younger son shouted to find his father, and Luo Hua comforted him that he would contact him when he was finished with his work, and promised to buy him his favorite Ultraman toy. The younger son did not spare, saying that every time he spoke did not count. Luo Hua had no choice but to make an appointment with his younger son to talk again at 8:30 p.m. In fact, he knew that the prison area was busier at night, and it was necessary to organize criminals to study, talk to criminals, and arrange for criminals to carry out cultural and sports activities, and the agreement with his son was likely to be "yellow". Sure enough, when he was empty, his son was already asleep. Looking at the sleeping appearance of the little guy in the video, is it a relief or guilty of missing the appointment, for Luo Hua, maybe the latter is a little more. The next day, my son, who had already lost his fever, sent a voice: "Dad, you didn't count if you spoke again yesterday." But I know you definitely didn't mean it, it must have been your watch broken and forgot the time. I'm going to buy you a watch with the money so you can call me on time. ”

Naïve and childish language often contains the most sincere emotions behind it, and perhaps this is the driving force of work.

"I want to exchange a hundred points for Mom and Dad to go home."

"Police Mom and Dad" in the Eyes of Children

Jiang Chang is the backbone of the business of the fifth prison district, and his wife is a police officer in the southern suburban prison of the city. In the two years since the outbreak of the epidemic, he and his wife have taken less and less care of their children, and their eight-year-old son has grown into a "little man" little by little, not only with good grades, but also helping adults to do housework and take care of their three-year-old sister. One day, the son held a 100-point math test paper and mysteriously asked Jiang Chang: "Dad, I have scored a hundred points again, can there be a reward?" "Sure, what do you want?" Jiang Chang asked with a smile. "I want to tell your leaders that you and your mother will go home a day early in exchange for one hundred points from me." Looking at his son's serious look, Jiang Chang was speechless for a moment. He didn't know how to tell his son that work meant as much to Mom and Dad as a hundred percent to him. The son also did not know that because of the epidemic in Hangzhou, the "year" of the prison police family could not be reunited. While other children are still lying in the arms of their parents, the children of the prison police have become "little adults". This kind of "reverse growth" is sad and gratifying.

Don't think that you are the only one who carries the weight alone, and the tolerance and patience of your family are a more resolute silhouette.

"Police Mom and Dad" in the Eyes of Children

When the child said to the people around him with a little showiness, "My mom and dad are policemen." "At that moment, did you feel that everything was worth it?"

Guarding the soil has the responsibility, and guarding the soil is the unchangeable belief and commitment of every prison policeman!

Tribute to the "police blue" who is willing to be lonely inside the high wall, willing to dedicate, and maintain the safety of one side!

Source: Hangzhou Judiciary

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