
In the autumn of 1982, I went out for the first time and went to the teacher training in a Jiefang convertible

author:Xiao Bell Lamp

Original title: "Houlong" Teacher's Life Remembrance

Author: Tang Feng Song Yue

In the autumn of 1982, I went out for the first time and went to the teacher training in a Jiefang convertible


Junior high school for three years, graduated, and chose to study for the teacher training examination. School started, and I went to study in a neighboring county. The first time I went out, I still sat in a Jiefang brand convertible.

From Haifeng County, 63 people.

- In 1982, there was no self-funded, commissioned training, or the like, only positive students, two classes, that is, 63 people.

At first, I was still very curious, all the way to see the countryside and mountains, I said very little, I don't know how long it took, FangZheng arrived in the East China Sea

The first town I saw along the way was so big, very lively, and I was happy that I thought the school was in the county seat of a neighboring county. However, the car crossed the East China Sea, did not stop, and continued to go forward all the way, gradually seeing the mountains, the fields were not paddy fields, more sugar cane, and the villages were becoming more and more rare. Passing through another village, there were one or two electric lights on the side of the road, standing high in the night

——Before arriving at school, it was late, and the mood was getting uncomfortable, after all, the first time I went out, it was getting darker and darker, and I was still tired.


In the autumn of 1982, I went out for the first time and went to the teacher training in a Jiefang convertible


Settled down overnight. None of the students in the same dormitory knew each other. Gradually, I learned that my classmates had Lu He, Lu Feng, and Hai Feng. Speaking Hakka, Lufeng, Haifeng.

The next day I got up early. The dormitory sits on a hillside.

Looking up, there are two or three rows of bungalows, which are classrooms, and further down the hillside, where there is nothing on the hillside, and there are pillars, and there are turquoise plants on the pillars. Later, I often went up the hillside in the morning, knew that it was "pepper", and also stole the green pepper fruit, incense, and hid it in the bag.

Looking down, two floors of rectangular blue stone made of small buildings, and further down, good big house, last night here to eat, know that it is a canteen, the east side of the small building is also bungalows, student dormitories.

To the northeast, a wide yellow dirt road, I don't know where to go.

---------------------------------- Under the long and wide steps of the dormitory, less than a few meters, there are bamboo sheds, there are desks, and later it is known that it is every Saturday and Sunday, there are merchants selling pork, cooked Balang fish. Over the bamboo shed, sitting east facing west is the cooperative (shop), the house is rectangular and very large. The road passes in front of the shop and heads northeast.

Looking west, the yellow mud road runs south, and we came last night. On the west side of the road, there are villages.

-- A complex of buildings of this scale was originally a "May Seventh" cadre school in a special period. It is about ten kilometers away from the East China Sea.

Our teacher training enrollment was in the autumn of 1982, the cadre school was withdrawn, and the new teacher training had not yet been built, so we studied here.

In the autumn of 1982, I went out for the first time and went to the teacher training in a Jiefang convertible

Third, read

Like his classmates, he is the best in junior high school, learning consciously and diligently. In addition to classes, in the morning, carrying the morning light, going up a few rows of classrooms on the back hill, is not a high hill, the hillside has a good big pepper garden, open. Therefore, I read Chinese in the morning and taught English on my own (only three books were read in junior high school, and there was no course for teachers)... Tired of walking up the hill and watching pepper.

The most interesting music lesson. The class teacher, Mr. Chen Zuqing, teaches music. However, where is there such a specialty in junior high school 1, 2, 3, 4, 5? It's blank, I don't understand anything. Therefore, "1" Zhuyin "ferry" (hometown dialect read [dǒuh]), "3" Zhuyin "squint", Mandarin, Haifeng dialect, all read [mí]... And so on, I even learned a lot, and I also passed the test.

Art class, not previously exposed. Junior high school is not open. Whenever I turn in my homework, I can only ask for good classmates, at most chen Rongbo. He drew two pictures, one for me to pay the bill. ——So far, the composition is mostly in their own poetry creation, painting, no!

There is no library. Often walk ten kilometers, East China Sea Xinhua Bookstore to buy books. There is a good friend Chen Jinzhao, a donghai person, who often goes to buy books with him, and sometimes has a meal at his house.

Many books are lost, and only a set of "Selected Ancient Essays" remains.

In the autumn of 1982, I went out for the first time and went to the teacher training in a Jiefang convertible

Fourth, life

The canteen is a place to yearn for. Rushing between classes, one or two meal tickets can buy two steamed buns "flower rolls". The flower rolls are the most delicious, and they are made by crushing peanuts.

Hungry. I have dug up sweet potatoes from other people's homes, picked roadside papayas, and filled my hunger. Also many times the whole dormitory together in the mountain stream to catch small fish, boil porridge, oil-free and ginger-free, to cook in an electric stove. Cooked, one pot per person. Fragrant and eat.

Usually, the breakfast porridge is accompanied by steamed buns, flower rolls, and occasional meat buns, plus 5 cents. At that time, there was a monthly living allowance of 29.5 yuan, which could be poor for many families. Plus 5 cents? There are students with the surname He, diligent and thrifty, not giving up 5 points, let the bun give to classmates.

Occasionally beat the tooth sacrifice. A dormitory collects money, buys a piece or two dollars of pork on Saturdays and Sundays, cooks it and divides it. There are two cents a sea fish - cooked, Balang fish, two people share food, occasionally sole proprietorship, dare not share exclusively, share food classmates.

In the autumn of 1982, I went out for the first time and went to the teacher training in a Jiefang convertible

5, wild tours

On Saturdays and Sundays, when you can't stay idle, except for the occasional hike about 20 kilometers back and forth to the East China Sea, visit the bookstore, and go on a wild tour.

After the village of the northwest of the dragon, have been. Multi-earth corner cuo (earth corner, made of mud mixed with straw, in a rectangular wooden frame). There are also thatched liao and rare stone houses. - The nearby mountains are more yellow and mud, rarely stone, and there are stone mountains on the far east side. Walking into the village, a little scared, not going often.

He also walked northeast along the yellow dirt road that passed through the school and the cooperative, all the way to the miscellaneous trees, grass, and rare villages, and walked a few kilometers, and there was no sight. I felt that there was no view, no place to play, and I only walked through it once or twice.

To the east of the school there is a high mountain, lush with grass and trees, the slope is quite steep, there are stone roads winding through the mountain, climbing up, to the middle of the mountain, there is a temple, do not know the tao or Buddha - at that time young, do not know the gods and Buddhas - only swim and climb a few times, and then do not worship.

The rest of the nearby fields, along the road to the East Sea, while walking and watching, are also wild tours.

In fact, at that time, I did not like activities, read more, and was willing to spend time with books on holidays, and I only studied in Houlong for one year, so there were other scenery nearby, which I did not know.

In the autumn of 1982, I went out for the first time and went to the teacher training in a Jiefang convertible

6, holiday home

Houlong is about 10 kilometers away from the East China Sea, the East China Sea is nearly 40 kilometers away from Haicheng, and the county seat is 15 kilometers away from the hometown. At that time, the traffic was very underdeveloped and inconvenient, and once during the holidays, the two of them went home with Deng.

10 km hike to the East China Sea. Along the way, the morning light did not appear, and the early morning was in the dark. The dirt road is white, and there are long things lying in the middle of the road, afraid, thinking that it is a snake, and avoiding it. Moving forward again, the morning light faded white, Lu Ming, found the original sugar cane! It turned out that there were many sugar cane fields along the way, and there were cars carrying cane and bumping down the road. enjoy. Pick and nibble. He picked up and carried his shoulders to the East China Sea by car, and Haicheng walked back on foot.


Houlong lived for only one year. The second division of the third division returned to Haifeng to study, in the county seat, newly built, and Peng Pan Middle School. After the second grade of teacher training, he also went back to Houlong with a large group of classmates, and he has not returned again.

Blink thirty-five years. It's like yesterday, vividly remembered. is for the record.

May 4, 2020, 16 points 06 mins

Guangdong Haifeng Bamboo Forest Residence (Picture from the Internet)

In the autumn of 1982, I went out for the first time and went to the teacher training in a Jiefang convertible

About the Author:

Tang Feng Song Yue, Guangdong Haifeng people. Middle school teacher and student, and later graduated from the Chinese undergraduate. He has been teaching at Peng Pan Middle School for 15 years and taught at Lin Weihua Middle School in Haifeng County. He has published poems such as "Engraving", and his poetry and prose have been selected into many anthologies.

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