
Ultimate Driving Test: Driving a 1961 convertible across the country


Steven A. Uiterwyk, 55, from Lakeland, Florida, is a car dealership.

Ultimate Driving Test: Driving a 1961 convertible across the country
Ultimate Driving Test: Driving a 1961 convertible across the country

The thing is, 55-year-old Steven had a 1973 Buick roadster when he was 16 years old, he always thought that one day he could buy another one, so not long ago he saw a 1961 Buick on a sales website, he immediately bid to buy it, but there was another person who bid higher than him, after a mental struggle, he decided to spend $7,000, and finally he received an email, the car is his.

Buick cars have been a General Motors Cadillac brand since they were built, and the rear wing of the car disappeared in 1961, but the car still has beautiful curves.

While in California, Steven called the man who sold him the car, and the man who sold his car recommended him a shop that could be modified for the Buick. When Steven spoke to the store on the phone and said he wanted to use the car for a trip across the country, the clerk said he seemed crazy, but the clerk said he could accomplish your goal

It took about a week for the clerk to rework the drivetrain so that the 1961 convertible car could safely drive across the country.

During this time, Steven realized that he had a week left for his 15-year-old daughter's spring break, and his daughter was taking her driver's license, steven wanted to take a road trip across the United States for his daughter, and a week after his daughter got her driver's license, he and his two daughters set off from San Francisco for Alameda.

Steven said: "It's very nerve-wracking when your teenage daughter drives any kind of car, but it's an educational ritual, and while the 1961 Buick didn't have the driving experience of a new car, we don't need to pay too much attention to that."

They drove to the southern United States, where they visited their families and then to Tijuana (a city in northwestern Mexico), where they sat side by side along the way in an overheated state accompanied by a car as they prepared to cross the border. And the car sometimes buzzes with a speed alarm to be a reminder while his daughter is driving, but when it's his turn to drive he turns it off, so much so that he sometimes forgets to turn it back on later.

Steven sometimes pays attention to things, or cars or people, and when he looks at his daughter, maybe he shouldn't always remind how fast it is, but the daughter laughs and says that the car speed alarm is off, and the two of them discuss along the way.

When they returned to Florida, they drove more than 3,000 miles, and since then he bought another 1973 car, looking forward to another trip across the country when his youngest daughter gets her driver's license.

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