
Look at how the ancient people did it, and in order to fulfill their promises to their children, they did not hesitate to wronged themselves in this way

We live in today's society, and it is inevitable that we will deal with others. I also often talk to my friends and relatives about us

Get together another day and invite you to dinner next time

。 But sometimes

This next time, you may not know when it will be

。 It may be because the work is too busy to have time, or it may be that it is long enough to forget. But this

The side also shows that we do not attach enough importance to integrity

We cannot do what we say and what we do. This situation is no longer an isolated case, but has become a common phenomenon, so everyone may not pay much attention to it. Today I would like to share with you a story of the ancients' emphasis on integrity!

Look at how the ancient people did it, and in order to fulfill their promises to their children, they did not hesitate to wronged themselves in this way

Story sharing

In the Han Dynasty, there was an official named Guo Ling, who was just transferred to the post of Pastor of Hezhou. Once, I went to the subordinate areas to inspect. While passing through Nishikawa Miji County. Not yet in town, far away

Hundreds of children were seen, riding bamboo horses, waiting outside the city to welcome him

。 Guo Ling was very confused in his heart and asked: Children, you are not playing in the city, why are you here? The children all replied one after another: We know that adults, you are a clean and honest official, and you are very good to the people.

We heard you were coming to us and everyone was happy

We are here to welcome you

。 Guo Ling was very touched to hear this, hurried to thank them, and then went to the city to do business.

Look at how the ancient people did it, and in order to fulfill their promises to their children, they did not hesitate to wronged themselves in this way

Guo Ling entered the city

After he finished his business, the children sent him out of the city. The children asked again:

When will you come back, sir?

? Guo Ling

He immediately asked his men to calculate the day of the return trip and then told the children

Look at how the ancient people did it, and in order to fulfill their promises to their children, they did not hesitate to wronged themselves in this way

Children send each other

Later, when Guo Ling returned to Meiji County after inspecting a circle, he found Bi

The budget time was a day early

。 Guo Ling told his entourage that we would not go into the city today, and we would camp in an accident. The entourage is very strange, is this crazy adult? Not in town but sleeping in the wilderness? Guo Ling said to them,

Last time I told the children about the time, the children must be counting the time waiting for us

。 If we go into the city today and the children who are waiting are disappointed, we can't lose faith in the children. thereupon

He slept in the wilderness with his entourage for one night

。 It was not until the next day that they appeared on time outside the city of Miji County.

Look at how the ancient people did it, and in order to fulfill their promises to their children, they did not hesitate to wronged themselves in this way

Camping outside the city

Major achievements

Guo Ling served as the pastor of Hezhou, Yongzhou, Shangshuling, and He

He repeatedly gave advice to emperor Guangwu

。 When he was too defensive of Yuyang,

The country is in turmoil

Thieves are everywhere. Coupled with the fact that the Xiongnu often invaded the border, the people lived in deep trouble. Guo Ling

Rectify the army and horses, capture and kill the thieves, and fight the Xiongnu and flee in the wind

。 So the people were able to live and work in peace, he

The population of the governed places has doubled in 5 years

。 After Guo Ling told the old man to return to his hometown, the imperial court sent him mansions, gold and silver, money and grain, cloth, and so on. But he did not keep it at all, but gave it to his relatives. After his death,

Emperor Guangwu personally went to mourn and gave the cemetery

Look at how the ancient people did it, and in order to fulfill their promises to their children, they did not hesitate to wronged themselves in this way

Guo Ying Image


This short story of Guo Ling's integrity was specially included in the Book of the Later Han Dynasty by historians. He was upright and trustworthy, and loved the people like a son. Xu Jun of the Southern Song Dynasty also wrote a poem to praise him. It reads:

Anbianzhi County' gentle wind, bamboo horses cheered to greet the middle. Kai Ti is really a parent for the people, and Wynn is not a child

。 He thus became a moral model of honesty and trustworthiness in history.

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