
One Chinese character a day - Ling

Order lìng, the upper part simulates the wooden duo who gives the order, and the lower simulates the person who is ordered. It means calling the shots to make a difference.

Today we come to know the word [Ling lìng].

【Glyph evolution】

【Calligraphy Masters】

One Chinese character a day - Ling

【Definition of words】


Publish the command

Summoning disciples is known. - "History of the Chen Shijia Family"

Make, make

In the ancestral hall next to Wu Guangzhi's second place, there was a night bonfire. - "The Chronicle of History"



Commands; decree

Subordinates are reckless. - "Book on Fate"

Seasons, seasons

Crowds are in season. --Ming · Li Yu,"Idle Love Occasional Mailing, Planting Department"

Arrest warrants, death warrants .

Used to impose a kind of power.

Liquor order, a game that can be won or lost when drinking

It is only interesting to make an order today. - "Dream of the Red Chamber"

The name of the word and tune, that is, "Xiao Ling", also known as "Ling Qu", is generally less and shorter, such as the "Sixteen Character Order" in the word, the "Nagging Order" in the yuanqu and so on

Chief executive at the county level

The order is not there. - "History of the Chen Shijia Family"

【The Story of the Word】

Strong order

One Chinese character a day - Ling

Explanation: The original meaning is a tough neck, borrowing a metaphor for a strong personality and a strong personality, refusing to bow down and submit. Later, the "strong order" was used to refer to officials who were upright and upright.

Source: "Later Han Shu , Cool Official ' Biography of Dong Xuan " .

Story: After the Guangwu Emperor established the Eastern Han Dynasty, he adopted a policy of recuperation, reduced taxes, released a slave and a concubine, and reduced the official shortage. As a result, the economy in the early years of the Eastern Han Dynasty was restored and developed. Emperor Guangwu understood that to fight the world, he needed to use force, but to govern the world, he needed effective laws. However, the decree can only deter the people, but it cannot restrain the dignitaries. Emperor Guangwu's sister Princess Hu Yiyangyi relied on her brother to be the emperor and ran amok, and her slaves and servants did not pay attention to law and order. Luo Yiyang yiling Dong Xuan was a straight man, and he believed that the prince had committed the same crime as the common people. Hu Yiyang a princess has a family and a slave who kills people and hides in the princess house. Dong Xuan could not enter the Princess Mansion to search, so he sent people to guard the gate of the Princess Mansion every day, just waiting for a slave to come out.

One day, Princess Hu Yiyang went out in a carriage, and it was the murderous family slave who followed her. When Dong Xuan got the news, he personally brought Ya Gong to come and stopped Hu Yiyang's princess's car. Hu Yiyang Andi Princess was furious: "Such a bold Luo Yiyang Yiling, even dared to stop my carriage!" Dong Xuan was not afraid, and scolded Hu Yiyang and Princess Hu Yiyang to his face for not indulging the family slave and killing people in violation of the law. Ignoring the princess's obstruction, he ordered the servants to arrest the murderer and execute him on the spot. Princess HuYiyang was very angry and immediately rushed to the palace and cried to Emperor Guangwu about how Dong Xuan had bullied her. Emperor Guangwu was also very angry when he heard this, and immediately summoned Dong Xuan into the palace, and ordered the internal attendants to beat Dong Xuan in front of Princess Hu Yiyang and Princess Hu, hoping to calm the princess's anger. Dong Xuan said, "Don't do it first, Wei Chen has something to say." Emperor Guangwu asked angrily, "What else do you have to say?" Dong Xuan said: "Your Majesty is a ZTE emperor and should pay attention to the law. Now that His Majesty has asked the princess to indulge in the murder of a slave and a servant, can she still rule the world? If Wei Chen is convicted of defending the law, please thank the world for dying! With that, he slammed into the pillar. Emperor Guangwu hurriedly ordered the internal servants to pull him back, but Dong Xuan had already hit his head and was bleeding. Emperor Guangwu was reasonable, but in order to take care of the face of Princess Yiyang of Quanhu, he asked Dong Xuan to kowtow to the princess and make reparations. Dong Xuanning did not stumble, and the internal servant pushed his head to the ground, but Dong Xuan used both hands to support the ground and hold his neck. The internal attendant replied, "Dong Xuan's neck is too hard to hold down." Emperor Guangwu had no choice but to let him go. When Princess Hu Yiyang saw that Emperor Guangwu had released Dong Xuan, she was not convinced, and satirized emperor Guangwu for having no authority, and Emperor Guangwu said helplessly: "Just because I have become the Son of Heaven, I can no longer act arbitrarily like when I was a commoner." ”

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