
In a hurry? Shouted "out of class" for "party door", Johnson dragged the Labour leader into the sexual abuse case

Source: Global Times New Media

In a hurry? Shouted "out of class" for "party door", Johnson dragged the Labour leader into the sexual abuse case

Screenshot of the report

According to Reuters reported on the 8th, British Prime Minister Johnson was asked to withdraw his remarks to Labor Leader Kyle Stamer, after Johnson accused the Labor Leader of not prosecuting Jimmy Savile, britain's most famous sex offender that year. Affected by Johnson's remarks, a number of protesters surrounded Stamer near the parliament on the 7th, and some people shouted at him, accusing him of protecting pedophiles.

Last month, Mr. Stammer lashed out at Johnson for his official report that the prime minister had partyed in his official residence and office during the lockdown, Reuters said. Stammer asked Johnson to resign. In response, Johnson fought back. On Jan. 31, Johnson accused Savile of saying, "The leader of the opposition, the former attorney general, was reluctant to prosecute Saville — instead chose to use the moment to interfere with the police investigation." ”

Savile was reportedly one of Britain's most famous television stars in the 1970s and 1980s and was knighted. After his death in 2011, he was revealed to be the worst sex offender ever committed in the UK. A police-led investigation found that Savile had sexually assaulted hundreds of people, mostly children, during his lifetime. Over 60 years, he has committed hundreds of rapes and sexual abuses, and even sexually assaulted critically ill patients in a hospice hospital. The youngest victim was only 8 years old.

In a hurry? Shouted "out of class" for "party door", Johnson dragged the Labour leader into the sexual abuse case

Kyle Stamer surrounded by protesters (screenshot of report)

Reuters said Stammer served as attorney general in 2007 and 2008 when police tried to investigate Savile while he was still alive. However, the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) ultimately decided not to prosecute Savile. Stamer later apologized for the CPS's mistake in the case.

Johnson's harsh rhetoric angered opposition lawmakers, who demanded that Johnson retract the remarks and apologize. However, Johnson initially refused to apologize, saying: "In 2013, Stamer apologized for this incident during his tenure and said that he took full responsibility, which I think is the right thing to do." ”

In a hurry? Shouted "out of class" for "party door", Johnson dragged the Labour leader into the sexual abuse case

Jimmy Savile (screenshot of the report)

However, this incident became more and more noisy. Even Mr. Munira Mirza, Johnson's policy director and one of his aides, has resigned for the change. She called Johnson's remarks "lewd allegations" and distinctly partisan attacks. On Feb. 3, Johnson had to come forward to "clarify" that "I fully understand that he [Starrer] has no personal relationship with those decisions." I'm just stressing his responsibility to the entire organization. ”

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