
Why is Ji Ruxue so weak in the fifth season? The problem lies precisely in the fourth season, which many people tout

The fifth season of "Bad Guys Who Painted Rivers and Lakes" has now come out to the fifth episode, and the plot will soon be halfway through. And see now many people should have found that this season's male protagonist Li Xingyun did not appear for a long time, the female protagonist Ji Ruxue is unusually active, this look gives people the feeling that Ji Ruxue seems to be holding a big female protagonist script.

Why is Ji Ruxue so weak in the fifth season? The problem lies precisely in the fourth season, which many people tout

But despite this, the strength of this heroine is weak and pitiful, this season except for the masked creeps and the nameless dragon set, she almost no one can fight, can not beat Barr at the beginning everyone can accept, but even Barr's men can not fight, then this strength is really not good. So the question is, it's the fifth season, why is our heroine still so weak? After re-watching it, it turns out that the problem lies precisely in the fourth season that many people have touted.

Why is Ji Ruxue so weak in the fifth season? The problem lies precisely in the fourth season, which many people tout

Others are more or less promoting, but the official does not give Ji Ruxue a chance

From the third season, the heroine Ji Ruxue is resurrected, and it is reasonable to say that after the resurrection, the official should give her the opportunity to improve her strength. After all, she has fallen behind so obviously, not to mention how to do it, the result is that in the early stage, Ji Ruxue and Li Xingyun all kinds of nonsense, and in the middle of the period, Li Xingyun made a contradiction and ran away, just at this time Ji Ruxue did not have much opportunity to improve her strength. The official has time to engage in a fantasy and Ji Ruxue to go to the song and dance workshop to play the plot, but did not think that ji Ruxue is now with no one can fight.

Why is Ji Ruxue so weak in the fifth season? The problem lies precisely in the fourth season, which many people tout

And Zhang Zifan LinXuan and other people had never thought of getting one for Ji Ruxue, and eventually missed the opportunity with Yuan Tiangang's death. At that time, I thought that the fourth season was good to improve Ji Ruxue's strength, but now it seems that I was wrong, and the official fourth season did not want to improve her strength.

Why is Ji Ruxue so weak in the fifth season? The problem lies precisely in the fourth season, which many people tout

Later, he gave Ji Ruxue a treasure, but it was prepared for Xuan Meng

Originally, the third season missed the opportunity, and there was the fourth season, but how is the fourth season for Ji Ruxue, the heroine? The official gave her the opportunity to show herself, but it was reflected in her hearing, not strength, which was hilarious. No matter how much listening is, it is only a small road, and many times it is not used, and what should really be done is to improve Ji Ruxue's strength.

Why is Ji Ruxue so weak in the fifth season? The problem lies precisely in the fourth season, which many people tout

As a result, in the middle and late stage of the fourth season, Ji Ruxue and others met the mysterious old man you uncle, and this uncle also gave everyone some plug-ins, such as giving Li Xingyun the Qi Jing and opening up the second pulse of Ren Dou, giving Zhang Zifan the Supreme Chess Dao, giving the dream a flute and a song score, and Lin Xuan is the prescription. But what is it for Ji Ruxue? It's a snail, and at first I thought how many cows this snail was? You can compete with the top worms in Miaojiang.

Why is Ji Ruxue so weak in the fifth season? The problem lies precisely in the fourth season, which many people tout

Who knows where this snail is prepared for Ji Ruxue, it is clearly prepared for The Dream, the uncle may have expected that the dream will encounter an accident, so he gave the snail to Ji Ruxue, let her go to save the Dream at the critical moment. As a result, the snail saved the dream, but what about Ji Ruxue? It is really a tool person, others have plug-ins, and Ji Ruxue's plug-ins are prepared for dreams.

Why is Ji Ruxue so weak in the fifth season? The problem lies precisely in the fourth season, which many people tout

In the end, you will find that Ji Ruxue is falling behind more and more severely, in the fifth season, she is actually still a big star position strength, not a small heavenly position, not to mention the middle heavenly position, the fourth season does not improve her strength, the fifth season is too late, so she can only fight some small soldiers and unnamed dragon sets.

Why is Ji Ruxue so weak in the fifth season? The problem lies precisely in the fourth season, which many people tout

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