
Huizhou celebrates the New Year | "Shangyuan Liyang Lantern Drama Has An Appointment" to go to the Lantern Festival!

author:Huangshan Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism

New Year's Day 15

The first full moon night of the New Year

Shangyuan Liyang Light play has an appointment

The day is the city, bustling with activity

Lights are lit at night, and it is spectacular

Come to Liyang In Lane to go to the Shangyuan Festival


Huizhou folk customs step on the street

As one of the traditional Chinese festivals, the Lantern Festival, also known as the Shangyuan Festival, has been known for its warm celebrations since ancient times.

Huizhou celebrates the New Year | "Shangyuan Liyang Lantern Drama Has An Appointment" to go to the Lantern Festival!

Tunxi District Culture, Tourism and Sports Bureau will host the "Dragon Tenghu Leaping Yucheng New Year" activities: Liyang Drum, Xintan Town Bulong, Tunguang Town Lion Dance, Yiqi Town Dance and Harmony, Mussel Shell Dance and other traditional folk programs, from Tunxi Old Street to Liyang Old Street, bringing you a traditional folk drama.

Huizhou celebrates the New Year | "Shangyuan Liyang Lantern Drama Has An Appointment" to go to the Lantern Festival!

Recreate the prosperity of Huizhou in the ancient Yuan Festival, and experience the endless bustle and jubilation of the river together!

Location: Tunxi Old Street - Zhenhai Bridge - Liyang In Lane

When: 14:00 on February 15th

Huizhou celebrates the New Year | "Shangyuan Liyang Lantern Drama Has An Appointment" to go to the Lantern Festival!


Lantern viewing will guess the riddle of the lamp

Folk proverb: "Thirty fires, fifteen lights" On this day, every household and street and alley must hang lanterns, and the lantern guessing riddle does not live up to the festival.

Huizhou celebrates the New Year | "Shangyuan Liyang Lantern Drama Has An Appointment" to go to the Lantern Festival!
Huizhou celebrates the New Year | "Shangyuan Liyang Lantern Drama Has An Appointment" to go to the Lantern Festival!

This year's Liyang In Lane On the Yuan Festival, while retaining the atmosphere of large-scale flower lanterns in the neighborhood, it also deliberately added cross-street flower lanterns to the West Entrance Intangible Cultural Heritage Street, and the big red lanterns hung high and contrasted with the streets and alleys... Look at the night of the Shangyuan under the illumination of thousands of flower lanterns, the lights are like day.

Huizhou celebrates the New Year | "Shangyuan Liyang Lantern Drama Has An Appointment" to go to the Lantern Festival!
Huizhou celebrates the New Year | "Shangyuan Liyang Lantern Drama Has An Appointment" to go to the Lantern Festival!
Huizhou celebrates the New Year | "Shangyuan Liyang Lantern Drama Has An Appointment" to go to the Lantern Festival!

Guessing lantern riddles, as an indispensable program of the Lantern Festival, is full of fun.

We set up a lantern riddle activity in The Old House of Huizhou Zhanchuan Bookstore, where a variety of lantern riddles are hung under colorful lanterns for you to bring your family and friends to solve the lantern fun, and those who guess the lantern riddle on the spot can get a surprise gift.

Huizhou celebrates the New Year | "Shangyuan Liyang Lantern Drama Has An Appointment" to go to the Lantern Festival!
Huizhou celebrates the New Year | "Shangyuan Liyang Lantern Drama Has An Appointment" to go to the Lantern Festival!

At that time, there will be Hanfu enthusiasts walking through it. The young man is dressed in fresh clothes and angry horses, the girl is jasper years, and the willow branches on the moon look at each other and glance at each other.

Huizhou celebrates the New Year | "Shangyuan Liyang Lantern Drama Has An Appointment" to go to the Lantern Festival!

Location: Zhan Chuan Bookstore

Time: 18:30--21:00, February 15


Lantern Joy Party

Shangyuan prays for blessings and sings songs, and pink ink qianqiu reflects the pear garden.

We invited a group of cute dolls to bring a new interpretation of the folklore program - "Liyang Doll Fighting Drum".

Huizhou celebrates the New Year | "Shangyuan Liyang Lantern Drama Has An Appointment" to go to the Lantern Festival!

Performance unit: Leaping Carp Dance

As an intangible cultural heritage of Huangshan Folklore, every Lantern Festival, the cultural feast "Fish Lantern" will arrive as scheduled.

Huizhou celebrates the New Year | "Shangyuan Liyang Lantern Drama Has An Appointment" to go to the Lantern Festival!
Huizhou celebrates the New Year | "Shangyuan Liyang Lantern Drama Has An Appointment" to go to the Lantern Festival!

New Ann Fish Lamp

In the evening, aihuangshan art troupe and huangshan outstanding opera performance teachers presented a lantern performance with local cultural characteristics.

Huizhou celebrates the New Year | "Shangyuan Liyang Lantern Drama Has An Appointment" to go to the Lantern Festival!
Huizhou celebrates the New Year | "Shangyuan Liyang Lantern Drama Has An Appointment" to go to the Lantern Festival!

Location: Liyang In Lane Arch & Ancient Theatre

Time: 19:00, February 15


Shangyuan Search For Lights Order

Shuttle through the streets of Liyang In Lane, look for lanterns marked "Yuan", "Supper", "Fast" and "Happy", collect four-character lanterns for a group photo and send a circle of friends, you can get a copy of the Year of the Tiger doll!

Huizhou celebrates the New Year | "Shangyuan Liyang Lantern Drama Has An Appointment" to go to the Lantern Festival!

Location: Liyang In Lane Neighborhood

On the meta section

Spend a good full moon reunion

Meet in Liyang In Lane

The atmosphere is in place, and you are in place


Travel tips

Admission: The scenic spot is free of charge

How to travel to Liyang in Lane

Huangshan North Railway Station (high-speed rail station): The distance is 15km, and the taxi fare is about 50 yuan

Tunxi International Airport: The distance is about 6km, and the taxi fare is about 20 yuan

Train station: 4.5km away, taxi cost is about 10 yuan

Bus station: the distance is 3.5km, and the taxi fare is about 10 yuan

Tourist service hotline:0559-2560088/2567862


Source: Liyang In Lane