
High-paying extension to Salah

The renewal of the contract between our army and Pharaoh has not been implemented for a long time. Recently, there has been news that our army will reach a contract extension with the pharaoh at a sky-high price.

High-paying extension to Salah

With his outstanding performances, the Pharaoh became the new darling of Anfield, and he also became Liverpool's most valuable asset. The two sides are now negotiating a new deal that will make the 29-year-old the highest-paid player in Liverpool's history.

High-paying extension to Salah

He switched from Rome in 2017, when our army spent more than 30 million yuan for him. He has scored 148 goals since joining, breaking records and winning a Premier League title and a Champions League title. With his form and the glory he brings to Liverpool, he deserves this high-paying contract.

But there are still those who think he doesn't match the high salary. It is believed that he is ready to step into the year of standing, there will be an irreversible downward trend, and he should not gamble on him. Arsenal's high-paying extension to Aubameyang is the template.

But the data proves to you that it's all worth it.

High-paying extension to Salah

He is a very influential star, both on a competitive and commercial level.

His omnipotence on the pitch can help the team chase for the title. For example, good results in the Champions League and the Premier League can bring hundreds of millions of dollars to the club.

High-paying extension to Salah

He also has excellent professionalism. In the African Cup of Nations to reach the knockout rounds, Egypt fought every round to the penalty shootout. He spent 120 minutes plus the physical strength of the penalty shootout in each game, but he survived and flew back to Liverpool for the early morning liverpool game against Leicester City.

High-paying extension to Salah

The first words I said when I saw Klopp were: "I am ready, I have left the defeat of the African Cup of Nations behind", who does not love such a good player? The whole team was even surprised by Salah's immediate return and lightspeed into training.

Second, he is also a top-notch presence at the commercial level. As the hottest star in football today, he has a great influence in Africa and Arabia. In the past 12 mooncoat sales, he ranked in the top five. It is precisely because of his presence that he has promoted the promotion of Liverpool and Nike's jersey sales incentives, and the Reds can get 20% of Nike's global sales of Liverpool-related goods.

High-paying extension to Salah

That's up to £70 million! His "Salah 11" sold a total of 816,000 pieces in 2021, and his sales were second only to Messi, C Ronaldo and Levan. More stars than Mbappe, Neymar, Benzema and others.

From all sides, high-paying contract renewals are imperative. The Echo believes he can bring too much tangible or intangible wealth to Liverpool and that he deserves a contract that breaks the salary structure. And the players who are willing to end up liverpool are also a shot in the arm, and there are not many players who are willing to pay everything for Liverpool.

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