
Exclusive 丨Changan Automobile launched internal personnel reform: involving 39 departments, the autonomous sector first

Per reporter: Duan Siyao Per reporter Per reporter: Sun Lei

At the beginning of the start of the Year of the Tiger, Changan Automobile set off a "rapid storm" reform inside.

"There are 39 departments in this adjustment, involving more than 100 people, and we must complete this reform in time for February 13." On February 10, an internal personnel of Changan Automobile revealed to the "Daily Economic News" reporter that as early as before the Spring Festival, there were already rumors within the company that personnel adjustments would be carried out, but they did not expect to implement it so quickly.

On February 8, Changan Automobile held a cadre meeting to promote the tenure system and contractual management, and first dismissed and rehired all the general manager-level personnel of the second-level units. Subsequently, on February 9 and 10, the employment of general managers (unit heads), deputy general managers, and managers of non-manufacturing units was completed, and on February 13, the recruitment of vacant positions with no suitable candidates was completed.

From start to finish, Changan Automobile's internal personnel adjustment lasted only 6 days. "We're fighting wars and changing defenses." Zhu Huarong, chairman of Changan Automobile and secretary of the party committee, said at a meeting of cadres on February 8.

On February 11, the above-mentioned Changan Automobile insider told reporters: "At present, the company has not announced any new appointment notice about this high-level adjustment. ”

"Someone up, someone down"

Since the news of the launch of this reform came out, the outside world is curious, how can Changan Automobile complete a personnel reform involving 39 departments and more than 100 high-level personnel in just 6 days?

Exclusive 丨Changan Automobile launched internal personnel reform: involving 39 departments, the autonomous sector first

Image source: Daily Economic News Infographic

"The general manager and deputy general manager of the department first recommend themselves, and after leadership evaluation and consideration, judge whether they are suitable for the position, if not suitable, they can compete for other positions, and those who fail to apply for any position should go to the Chang'an Learning Center to study." Some people are up, and some people are down. The relevant person in charge of Changan Automobile told reporters.

Specifically, the employment of the position of general manager (head of the unit) is carried out through the method of "self-recommendation + communication brewing + organizational recommendation"; L15 level and above deputy general manager level personnel and current general manager level self-recommendation, the leader in charge of the company puts forward candidate suggestions; the employment of deputy general manager and manager level position, through the "communication brewing + organization recommendation" method, by the company in charge of the company leaders, the general manager jointly brewed for selection; unappropriated personnel will be recommended to work in Chang'an Learning Center.

For this personnel reform, Changan Automobile believes that this reform is carried out from the direction of optimizing job matching, talent structure, age structure, etc., and the ultimate purpose is to stimulate vitality and enhance the competitiveness of Changan Automobile. "The performance of the cadre team today is the competitiveness of Changan Automobile in the next 3-5 years." Let the right people flow to the right posts, so that the 'capable people are up, the mediocre are down, and the inferior are eliminated' with greater intensity."

According to the reporter's understanding, the personnel reform of Changan Automobile is concentrated at the level of general manager and deputy general manager of the department, and does not involve ordinary level employees. The relevant person in charge of Changan Automobile said: "This cadre adjustment is mainly aimed at the company's key management, and it is not certain whether similar adjustments will be made to other levels of employees next." ”

Autonomous plates move first

The list of departments obtained by the reporter about the personnel adjustment includes the strategic planning department, product planning department, brand public relations department, financial operation department, capital operation department; Jiangbei Engine Factory, Yubei Factory, Liangjiang Factory, as well as Auchan Automobile Division, Chongqing Changan Kaicheng Automobile Technology Co., Ltd., Hebei Chang'an, Hefei Changan Automobile Co., Ltd., Research Institute, Intelligent Research Institute and other 39 departments.

"This personnel reform only involves the autonomous sector, and the joint venture sector is not involved for the time being." The relevant person in charge of the above Changan Automobile told reporters.

In fact, since half a year ago, Changan Automobile has begun intensive personnel adjustments, and "younger" leaders have successively taken up their posts. In July 2021, Changan Automobile disclosed in the announcement that it hired Yang Dayong, former general manager and party secretary of Chongqing Changan New Energy Automobile Technology Co., Ltd., and Peng Tao, former general manager of Changan Automobile's passenger car marketing division and secretary of the party committee, as vice presidents of the company. Public information shows that the above two vice presidents are both post-70s.

On February 8, 2022, Changan Automobile disclosed in the announcement of the Independent Directors' Independent Opinions on Matters Related to the 34th Meeting of the Eighth Board of Directors that Li Mingcai was appointed as the executive vice president of the company after the 80s, and Zhang Deyong was appointed as the secretary of the company's board of directors after the 70s. "In fact, in recent years, Changan Automobile has continued to adjust the age structure of the cadre team." The relevant person in charge of the above Changan Automobile said.

Exclusive 丨Changan Automobile launched internal personnel reform: involving 39 departments, the autonomous sector first

According to the official website of Changan Automobile, there are 13 people in the leadership team of Changan Automobile, of which the post-70s and post-80s are the main ones. Changan Automobile believes that "the company's development at this stage needs to keep the business, and it needs young people who dare to charge forward and are full of blood and courage to go forward to innovate and start a business."

When practicing the reform of state-owned enterprises is in progress

Behind this personnel reform is Changan Automobile's continuous and in-depth implementation of the requirements of state-owned enterprise reform. Zhu Huarong said: "The work of the tenure system actively promoted this time is an inevitable requirement for deepening the reform of the three systems of state-owned enterprises and increasing the reform of the market operation mechanism. ”

The three institutional reforms of state-owned enterprises cover three aspects: labor, personnel and distribution system. In addition to this personnel reform, Changan Automobile has also deepened its distribution system. In August 2016, Changan Automobile's equity incentive was approved by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, becoming the first large-scale central enterprise in the automotive industry to launch an equity incentive plan and obtain the approval of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission.

On July 13, 2020, Changan Automobile issued the "Chongqing Changan Automobile Co., Ltd. A-share Restricted Stock Incentive Plan (Draft)", which intends to grant no more than 95 million restricted shares to no more than 1,292 targets (including directors, executives, middle cadres and core backbones).

Exclusive 丨Changan Automobile launched internal personnel reform: involving 39 departments, the autonomous sector first

Image source: Per reporter Duan Siyao photographed (data map)

In addition, in January this year, Changan New Energy's B round of financing introduced an incentive mechanism for employee shareholding, with a total of 97 core backbone employees contributing 117 million yuan. "In the process of reform, we not only consider the core backbone, but also consider how to release the innovative incentive and constraint mechanism in front of everyone." According to Deng Chenghao, general manager of Changan New Energy, next, the income of each front-line employee will be linked to the company's operating performance.

In view of the places where the reform of state-owned enterprises needs to be further improved, Zhu Huarong believes that it is necessary to stimulate internal vitality and combine material incentives, spiritual incentives and ideal concept education; managers cannot only focus on immediate interests. To consider long-term development, value creation can be included in the assessment indicators; in the construction of party style and clean government, parallel supervision should be further strengthened to improve market efficiency.

The next 10 years to become a world-class brand

While deepening the reform of state-owned enterprises, Changan Automobile's personnel reform has another profound meaning. At the Changan Automobile cadre meeting on February 8 and 9, Zhu Huarong said: "It is not that our cadre team is not capable, but that we are facing a new round of competition pattern and need to reconstruct new capabilities."

In 2021, Changan Automobile's cumulative sales volume was approximately 2.3005 million units, an increase of 14.82% year-on-year. Among them, the cumulative sales volume of Changan's Chinese brand vehicles was about 1.7547 million units, an increase of 16.7% year-on-year.

Exclusive 丨Changan Automobile launched internal personnel reform: involving 39 departments, the autonomous sector first

Although the sales growth rate outperformed the market, Changan Automobile did not go easily in 2021 under the background of lack of cores, lack of batteries, rising raw materials, and the pressure of transformation. As Zhu Huarong said in a letter to all employees on New Year's Day 2022: "We have experienced a difficult period of industrial change. ”

Now, at the beginning of the Spring Festival, the personnel reform set off by Changan Automobile has also made the outside world see its determination. According to the plan, Changan Automobile plans to achieve the goal of 3 million vehicles sold by the Changan brand by 2025, of which new energy vehicles account for 35%; by 2030, Changan Automobile will build a world-class brand, with sales of 4.5 million vehicles and 60% of new energy vehicles.

"Chinese brands should seize the development opportunity period in the next 3 to 5 years, seize the international market, and accelerate the brand upward." I believe that in the next 10 years, a world-class Chinese brand will be born, and Changan Automobile will be among them! Zhu Huarong said.

Daily economic news

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