
The Spring Water Family has a "pancake man", who is still crunchy at the age of 100, and I heard that there are new unique skills...

author:Jinan - Quanshui people's home

The Spring Water Family has a "pancake man", who is still crunchy at the age of 100, and I heard that there is a new unique job...

I'm in the spring water people 2021-12-16 17:45

The Spring Water Family has a "pancake man", who is still crunchy at the age of 100, and I heard that there are new unique skills...

When it comes to pancakes, everyone will firmly combine pancakes and green onions, which in the eyes of many people is a pair of naturally chosen "cps". As we all know, pancakes are the traditional cuisine of Shandong, with the status of "one cake roll in the world", so in Jinan, Shandong, where pancakes are produced, what kind of love is for pancakes? Today, the reporter walked into the long-established brand of pancakes as the main product - Wild Wind Crisp Food Co., Ltd., detailing the century-old relationship between wild wind crisp people and this pancake.

The Spring Water Family has a "pancake man", who is still crunchy at the age of 100, and I heard that there are new unique skills...

A century-old brand

But it is the inheritance of 6 generations

"Our family's pancakes have been around since the Kangxi Dynasty of the Qing Dynasty, and it is the 6th generation of my place, from ordinary large pancakes to new sugar shortbread pancakes, crispy pancakes... There are already dozens of series of pancakes. Liu Liang, deputy general manager of Wild Wind Crisp Food Co., Ltd. and the sixth generation of inheritors, said. It is understood that during the Kangxi period of the Qing Dynasty, Liu Rong, the ancestor of the Liu family in Liubu Street, took the examination of Wu Tanhua, and after returning to his hometown, Liu Rong's wife was good at making pancakes, so she led her family to start the business of making pancakes and selling pancakes, which was passed down from generation to generation, with a history of 326 years.

The Spring Water Family has a "pancake man", who is still crunchy at the age of 100, and I heard that there are new unique skills...

After the passage of time, this small pancake has not been submerged in the long river of years, but has become more and more popular. Generation after generation, new products, are telling the persistence and innovation of the Liu family for generations.

The Spring Water Family has a "pancake man", who is still crunchy at the age of 100, and I heard that there are new unique skills...

"When it comes to the production of traditional old pancakes, everyone knows what the process is, although the process is simple, the cake is resistant, but it is difficult to bite, and there are many children who do not like to eat." Liu Liang said, "We wondered if there was a way to make pancakes crisp and sweet, and to satisfy the tastes of customers of all ages." With this goal in mind, the heirs of wild wind crisp began the metamorphosis of a pancake.

Liu Liang said: "At that time, the sugar shortbread only had a little feeling of sweetness and crispness, but it was very difficult to really make it take shape. Because after the white sugar is high, it will become a liquid, and when the temperature is cool, it will become crystalline. Pancakes are only a dozen seconds away in the process of spreading, and it is very difficult to fold the pancakes. ”

The Spring Water Family has a "pancake man", who is still crunchy at the age of 100, and I heard that there are new unique skills...

In 1918, under the research of Liu Hongjun, the third generation of wild wind crisp heirs, the pancakes were developed, but there were no results in the research and development of sugar crisp pancakes, and they could only hope for posterity.

The Spring Water Family has a "pancake man", who is still crunchy at the age of 100, and I heard that there are new unique skills...

Looking back on the scenes of several generations along the way, Liu Liang sighed the difficulty and wisdom of the older generation: "Once my grandfather was sick, my grandmother gave him a little sugar water, but my grandfather did not drink sugar water for some reason at that time, and the grandmother felt that the sugar water was dumped strangely wasted, so she casually poured the sugar water into the pancake grinding basin, which did not matter, and the pancakes that came out of this grinding basin were very crisp and sweet, and they were inspired in the self-defeating situation, and then after step by step exploration and improvement, Finally, the sugar shortbread was really researched. ”

The Spring Water Family has a "pancake man", who is still crunchy at the age of 100, and I heard that there are new unique skills...

"In our generation, a new variety has been born, and guess what kind of pancakes it is?" Fragrant, soft, doesn't it sound like bread, we now make this one called bread pancakes. Speaking of the new pancakes, the person in charge Liu Liang revealed in his eyes that delicious food is the end of the matter. It is understood that this pancake, the most traditional pancake compared to the biggest difference is soft, eating completely effortless, the elderly and children like.

The Spring Water Family has a "pancake man", who is still crunchy at the age of 100, and I heard that there are new unique skills...

From the old pancakes to the crispy pancakes, sugar pancakes, and then to the bread pancakes, although it takes only a few minutes to recall, it is behind the struggle of 6 generations. According to Liu Liang, the traditional pancake moisture content is about 30%, while the innovative pancake moisture content is only 3%, the taste is sweet, and it is deeply loved by consumers.

The Spring Water Family has a "pancake man", who is still crunchy at the age of 100, and I heard that there are new unique skills...

Small pancakes big industry

Polish the time-honored signboard with innovation

Although the old brand has a long history of traditional culture, if you want to maintain its vitality forever, you must constantly adapt to the changes of the times. In order to be closer to the market demand, after the foundation of the fist products was firmly laid, the series of wild wind crisp products also began to diversify.

The Spring Water Family has a "pancake man", who is still crunchy at the age of 100, and I heard that there are new unique skills...

"In addition to pancakes, there are sorghum dumplings, hawthorn strips... At present, we have more than 200 varieties of 8 series, which are sold in various large supermarkets in China. Liu Liang introduced. A QQ bullet and a wire, so that the wild wind crisp family's sorghum dumplings successfully out of the circle. Not only is the online order hot, up to now, Wild Wind Crisp has offices in 17 prefectures and cities in Shandong Province and Liaoning, Hebei, Shanghai, Zhejiang, Guangzhou and other provinces and cities, and has established long-term and stable supply and marketing cooperative relations with local food, agricultural and sideline products distributors.

The Spring Water Family has a "pancake man", who is still crunchy at the age of 100, and I heard that there are new unique skills...

In the wild wind crisp product display cabinet reporter saw a variety of products, in the person in charge to introduce the products to us, we tasted the hawthorn strips produced by the wild wind crisp, which is very different from the taste we usually eat. Driven by good taste, we subconsciously looked at the ingredients on the package, and there were no additives other than hawthorn and sugar. It is understood that the products of wild wind crisp are green pollution-free products, and many products can even meet the EU organic food and green food standards, including the hawthorn strips we taste.

Among the many products, the reporter noticed the particularly eye-catching "Impression Jinan" souvenir series products. "This is a particularly representative product of ours, one is divided into 8 boxes, the packaging box shows the representative architecture and scenery of Jinan, many consumers have reported that taking this one to send to friends and relatives, both intimate and faceless!" Liu Liang told reporters. Through a souvenir, you can feel the humanistic atmosphere of Jinan, and the wild wind crisp is a firm combination of the beloved Jinan and the cause of a lifetime.

The Spring Water Family has a "pancake man", who is still crunchy at the age of 100, and I heard that there are new unique skills...

"In addition, our wild wind crisp is based on cooperatives and farmers, which has effectively promoted the development of local agriculture and processing industries, and after that, together with the 'Spring Water People's Home', we will also contribute to the development of local agriculture." Liu Liang said. reported

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