
County Governor Wei Nengwu was interviewed by the municipal media! The new year Huo Qiu did this...

author:Huo Qiu released
County Governor Wei Nengwu was interviewed by the municipal media! The new year Huo Qiu did this...

Starlight doesn't ask passers-by

Time does not live up to the strivers

Glory belongs to doers

Up and down the city

Lying down to taste the guts, angry and strong,

Immerse yourself in hard work and move forward with courage

Fully on

Lu'an green revitalization catch-up and development of the new journey

He is attending the first session of the Sixth Municipal People's Congress

County Governor Wei Nengwu was interviewed by the municipal media

Talked about the work of Huoqiu County in the new year

Let's take a look!

Wei Nengwu, deputy secretary of the Huoqiu County CPC Committee and county magistrate

Riveting enough to rush forward and strive to cross the catch-up

County Governor Wei Nengwu was interviewed by the municipal media! The new year Huo Qiu did this...

2022, the year of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, is the key year for the implementation of the "14th Five-Year Plan", Huoqiu County will "concentrate on building an important steel industry base in the Yangtze River Delta, undertake industrial transfer demonstration agglomeration area in northern Anhui, and the core growth pole of high-quality development in Lu'an", only race against the clock, immerse themselves in hard work, be angry and strong, strive to be the first, integrate all work into the development atmosphere of the province and the city across catch-up, and strive to open up a new situation in the construction of modern, happy and beautiful Huoqiu in a new stage.

In order to achieve the established development goals of Huoqiu County this year, we will focus on doing a good job in five aspects:

Adhere to the industry first, to create an upgraded version of county development. Take the road of "rejuvenating the industry with resources and promoting development with industry", optimize and upgrade the industrial structure, and continuously enhance the vitality of the real economy. Deeply implement the agricultural "138 + N" "6969" project and the "1411" project, strengthen the Huoqiu rice, Huoqiu lobster, Huoqiu ephedra chicken, Huoshou black pig, Langde goose, lotus root and other characteristic agricultural products advantage areas, and maintain the first place in the province in total grain output. Push deep and solid industrial "trees into forests" project, more than 30 new industrial projects of more than 100 million yuan have been started, and more than 15 large-scale industrial enterprises have been added; carefully cultivate iron-based new material industry clusters, and strive to promote the completion and operation of projects such as Liugang medium and thick plates and Jin Risheng mica ore processing, and accelerate the construction of projects such as liugang belt roasting machine pellet and jin risheng 1.5 million tons pellet phase II. Earnestly implement the service industry enterprise cultivation plan, support the expansion of traditional service industries such as wholesale and retail, catering and accommodation, and encourage the development of new formats such as digital economy and healthy pension.

Adhere to the project as king, activate the power source of county development. Strengthen the sense of crisis and responsibility of "slow progress is retreat, not advancing is retreating", make full use of the "horse racing" mechanism, discuss heroes with fixed asset investment, and promote high-quality development of counties with high-quality investment support. Focus on the main battlefield of the project, deeply promote the "fine and heavy promotion" action, strengthen the "three-library linkage", and newly list more than 70 key projects of more than 100 million yuan in the city. Run out of the "acceleration", take investment promotion as the first track of catching up with and overtaking development, expand the only way to effective investment, focus on the "one black and one white" leading industry, vigorously promote the "extension and reinforcement" industrial chain investment project, the annual investment in place more than 13 billion yuan, the introduction of more than 50 projects of more than 100 million yuan. Create a "through train" of preferential enterprise policies, create a first-class business environment, and let entrepreneurs invest at ease, start a business with peace of mind, and develop smoothly.

Adhere to the principle of coordination and build new advantages in county development. Accelerate the construction of livable cities, start the implementation of PPP projects on Binhu South Road, the eastern section of Shuimentang Road, the southern section of Huaihe Avenue and other roads, accelerate the construction of projects such as the new campus of the county first hospital, the Linhuai Waterworks, and the new campus of the West Anhui Economic and Technical School; orderly promote the transformation and relocation of shantytowns, build resettlement houses such as Yuying Jiayuan and West Lake Royal View, and build a number of boutique residential communities and commercial and trade complexes. Accelerate the promotion of rural revitalization, firmly monitor and help the "two links", seize the "two keys" of industrial employment, strengthen the implementation of the mechanism of poverty prevention, and consolidate the results of poverty alleviation with high quality; deeply implement rural construction actions, continue to deepen the improvement of rural living environment, build 25 provincial beautiful rural central villages, transform and upgrade 200 natural villages, and promote the integration of urban and rural gas supply and sanitation. High standards consolidate and enhance the achievements of the creation of civilized counties and towns, promote the creation of urban-rural integration civilization in depth, and strive to move towards the goal of global civilization, national civilization and comprehensive civilization.

Adhere to the green as the basis, enhance the carrying capacity of county development. Earnestly practice the concept of "two mountains", take "carbon peak and carbon neutrality" as the guide, carry out in-depth forestry greening and efficiency actions, industrial low-carbon actions and green manufacturing projects, vigorously develop the green economy, and create an upgraded version of Huoqiu's green development. Highlight accurate pollution control, and fight the battle against pollution with higher standards. Build a solid ecological barrier, strengthen the management and protection of natural protected areas and water sources, and fully implement the river (lake) length system, forest chief system, and field chief system. We should pay close attention to resource protection, strengthen the rigid constraints on water resources, and firmly guard the red line of farmland protection.

Adhere to the people's livelihood-oriented, enhance the happiness of county development. Keeping in mind the purpose of serving the people, we should solidly carry out the special study and education of the "people-centered development thinking", deeply promote the special actions in seven key areas, do a good job in the people's livelihood major affairs that the masses are concerned about, and do a good job in the key and small things that the masses feel every day. Guarantee the basic livelihood of the people, stabilize and expand employment and entrepreneurship, and improve the sustainable social security system with full coverage. We should do a good job of benefiting the people's livelihood, pay attention to the tilt of financial resources to the people's livelihood, make every effort to implement various people's livelihood projects, coordinate the development of education, medical care, culture and other undertakings, and improve the equalization level of basic public services. Keep the bottom line of people's livelihood, do a solid job in epidemic prevention and control, safe production, petitioning and maintaining stability, maintain social harmony and stability, and continuously enhance the people's sense of gain, happiness and security.

County Governor Wei Nengwu was interviewed by the municipal media! The new year Huo Qiu did this...
County Governor Wei Nengwu was interviewed by the municipal media! The new year Huo Qiu did this...
County Governor Wei Nengwu was interviewed by the municipal media! The new year Huo Qiu did this...

➣ Ye Luzhong, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, met with Yu Chengdong, Managing Director of Huawei

Li Yu stressed: Strive to be strong, strive to be the first, strive to create a new situation of high-quality economic and social development, and contribute Huo Qiu's strength to the green revitalization of Lu'an to catch up with and surpass the development

➣ @ Huoqiu People: Quick look! A large wave of good post "jobs" are waiting for you!

➣ The county's expansion of investment and momentum to catch up with the development promotion meeting and the first quarter economic situation analysis meeting were held

➣ A close receiver in Huoqiu County was reprimanded by the public security organs for not fulfilling his personal epidemic prevention and control responsibilities!

Source: Lu'an Radio and Television Finance Media • Lu'an New Weekly

Editor: Liu Lili

Proofreader: Wang Zhaowei

Review: Chen Anbang

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