
People who really have the ability often have "no temper"

Temperament, to put it bluntly, is the performance of a person's heart. If you can look at everything in two and know how to think about it on the opposite side, many things will not solve the problem in the quarrel.

With the gradual improvement of the social level, children's temper seems to be getting bigger and bigger, but parents who really understand the meaning of education will teach their children how to control their temper and emotions.

In society and in the family, from time to time, the sound of quarrels will be heard, some because of some small things at work, and some because of some small disputes in the family.

Instead of looking for the mistakes of the thing itself, it is better to look for the root cause of the mistakes from yourself.

In fact, people who are really capable often have "no temper".


Learn to control your emotions and know how to look at it more

Remember this story:

There is an old couple, which can be said to be devoted to raising children. However, the child is not good at studying, and the father tells the child, if you are admitted to so-and-so university, I will buy you a car.

The child was encouraged to work hard, and finally one day he was admitted, and excitedly called his father when he was at school, saying that he had been admitted and that I wanted the car. Father said come back, we are waiting for you at home.

People who really have the ability often have "no temper"

He returned home elated, his parents smiling and standing behind the dinner table, next to the neighbors. The child can't wait to say, Dad, what about my car? His father handed him a book with both hands and told him, "This is the gift we are going to give you, child."

The child took the book, did not look at it more, angrily threw the book to the ground, blamed his parents for coaxing him for so many years, directly slammed the door and went away, never looking back.

More than a decade later, he met a neighbor in the field, who told him that his father had died and his mother was suffering from overthinking, so the child returned home.

When I got home, I saw the book that had been dropped on the ground and asked in surprise what was going on. Mom asked him to pick up the book and open it, and it turned out that the book contained the car keys, and there was the car he wanted parked in the backyard, but there was a thick layer of dust on it.

The child cried and asked the mother why she had not spoken earlier. The mother said: Child, only if you understand the price of looking less, you know the importance of looking more.

Undoubtedly, children are miserable. Because of his anger, he drowned his own sanity, so that even before the end of the matter, he imagined that his parents did not prepare gifts for themselves.

A person's anger often drowns out his own sanity. Decisions made in times of anger are often unconsidered.

So, when things develop to make you angry, why not calm down, listen more, see more, and wait until the end, and then decide is not better?


In the workplace, bad tempers often affect your future

Xiao Fei is a very talented person who excels in school. Graduation is also excellent at work, and the leaders appreciate his talents and feel that they can cultivate well.

However, once, the leader asked Xiao Fei if there was a material that was not sent to him. Xiao Fei said that he had sent it, the leader said he had not found it, Xiao Fei directly said anxiously, you can no longer look for it? Tell you I sent it.

People who really have the ability often have "no temper"

As soon as the leader heard this, the young man was angry and did not speak again. It turned out that the leader forgot because things were too busy, and afterwards the leader told him that he had found it, but boy, sometimes you have too much temper.

Then, there is an important job, and the leader will still assign it to Xiao Fei, thinking that he can do it. However, when attending important activities and meetings, Xiao Fei was not arranged.

In this way, he has been working quietly in the company, although he has been reused, but the position has not been promoted.

In fact, some people are very talented, but because their temper is too big and difficult to control, it is difficult to go to a leadership position, and they cannot be reused in the company.

Looking at it, those senior leaders are people who are very good at mastering their emotions.


Don't throw a tantrum, no one keeps you going.

Whether it is in life or in the workplace, you must learn to control your emotions, know how to wait and see, and then make decisions. Don't let yourself lose your mind because of bad emotions.

Many people feel that they are very dashing when they quarrel with their leaders, but don't forget that this person is in control of your destiny to some extent.

People who really have the ability often have "no temper"

When you quarrel, your emotions are released, but with it comes more trouble.

Some people are young and vigorous, and they feel that their tantrums can let others know that they are not easy to mess with, which is a symbol of strength. However, in the workplace, the principle of "shooting the head bird" should be understood, and do not be brave for a while.

Many things, not only look at the surface, but also know how to see more and listen more. Look at the essence through the phenomenon, with the mentality of looking at it more, you can see the truth of the matter.

In real life, we will encounter a lot of things that we can't understand at the time, and even make wrong decisions because of impulsiveness.

However, don't let a bad temper sway you, and don't make a decision when you're in a bad mood. Because, you don't know the result, you are not able to afford it.

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