
Special Battle Glory 07: Xiao Yunjie ran to the cooking class to find Yan Shaoyue, and Yan Shaoyue did not ask for it

Plot points: Yan Puyue Fan Jin Li Xiang Ai Qianxue Special Service

Hello everyone! The drama TV series "Special Battle Glory" starring Yang Yang, Li Yitong, Jiang Luxia and so on is being broadcast hotly!

Special Battle Glory 07: Xiao Yunjie ran to the cooking class to find Yan Shaoyue, and Yan Shaoyue did not ask for it

In the recent plot, subject three to make four dishes and a soup in the field environment, Yan Baoyue and Lü Xiaotian used Fan Jinjiao's method to build a smokeless stove, but when they lit the fire, they found that the alcohol was gone and could not be lit, Fan Jin was in a hurry, picked up a lot of branches and only lit a stove out.

Seeing that the time was too late, Yan Shaoyue poured all the tofu into it, the rule was four dishes and one soup, but Yan Shaoyue said his own method in Fan Jin's ear, and now he could only try it.

One and two consecutive made the standard four dishes and one soup, and only the special service company made four different braised tofu, the first was dried braised tofu, the second was braised tofu with meat, and the third and fourth Yan broke Yue Hu hu a name.

Staff Officer Zhang was very angry, and Fan Jin quickly explained that although it was a dish, the taste was completely different.

After eating, Zhang Sergeant Zhang's expression also changed, and finally the three companies were tied.

The last subject, crossing the blockade line to deliver meals to the company.

Special Battle Glory 07: Xiao Yunjie ran to the cooking class to find Yan Shaoyue, and Yan Shaoyue did not ask for it

Lu Xiaotian almost stepped on the thunder without paying attention, but fortunately Fan Jin was there.

Yan Baoyue and Fan Jin went to explore the way, and then stared at Fan Jin's ability to clear mines.

The two took a company of people prisoner, and the other said that the company had cut off the communications of the special service company, and the person they led the team was Xiao Fei.

Hearing this name, Fan Jin was also excited.

A company and a special service company were fighting on the front line, and Fan Jin was teaching Yan Baoyue to use a grenade launcher, which was his chance to show his face.

Xiao Fei was caught in the trap and all the members were killed, Yan Baoyue and Fan Jin were extremely excited, Xiao Fei's eyes were on fire, and he was eager to tear him up on the spot.

Special Battle Glory 07: Xiao Yunjie ran to the cooking class to find Yan Shaoyue, and Yan Shaoyue did not ask for it

Not long after, Li Xiang and Ai Qianxue heard the news that Fan Jin was drinking and eating, and the two of them thought it was a trap, but they didn't expect that everyone in the cooking class was there, and as for Xiao Fei, they were all in the prisoner of war zone.

The special service won consecutive victories, Li Xiang was also stunned, and Fan Jin hurriedly pulled Yan Baoyue out to ask for credit.

Ai Qianxue and Chen Mintao both wanted to speak for Yan Baoyue, but Li Xiang was silent, eating tofu with a delicate expression.

The regimental commander came, and Ai Qianxue told the truth about how the special service company won, and Yan Baoyue was rarely modest.

Since then, braised tofu has become the winning dish of the special service company, and since then, recruits have to eat braised tofu, which is said to ensure the victory of the flag.

Ai Qianxue sorted out the report of the last exercise to check the details, ran to the cooking class to find Yan Baoyue, and Fan Jin hurriedly drove him over to chat.

Special Battle Glory 07: Xiao Yunjie ran to the cooking class to find Yan Shaoyue, and Yan Shaoyue did not ask for it

Ai Qianxue returned Lü Xiaotian's letter to Yan Baoyue, and she recognized his ability and walked the most steadily on his own.

Yan Baoyue asked his inner question, with Ai Qianxue's ability, he could be transferred to a better place, why did he have to stay in the mobile regiment? Ai Qianxue replied that her brother had also been here.

The heavy rain lasted for a week, the most leisurely week since the recruit company came here.

Xiao Yunjie ran to the cooking class to find Yan Baoyue, this time he showed his face, and Xiao Yunjie was also happy for him.

But Yan Shaoyue's attitude was not the same as before, and Xiao Yunjie was also very depressed, persuading him and Li Xiang to say a few soft words to return to the combat squad.

But Yan Baoyue said that face was earned, not asked for.

Special Battle Glory 07: Xiao Yunjie ran to the cooking class to find Yan Shaoyue, and Yan Shaoyue did not ask for it

Yan Baoyue did not ask, and Fan Jin ran to Li Xiang in a hurry to plead.

Li Xiang was still unmoved, and had to ask Yan Baoyue to come to him himself.

Li Xiang's mother and fiancée Xiaoting want to come, so let Guo Kui pick them up together when he goes to pull supplies.

The road was not in good condition on a rainy day, and while passing a tunnel that was being repaired, a truck rushed to the front of the car and overturned, and they were also blocked in the tunnel.

Guo Kui borrowed Xiaoting's mobile phone to call the regiment, Li Xiang was in a meeting, and Fan Jin rushed over with the cooking soldiers.

Everyone worked together to rescue the truck driver, and at this time, the tunnel saw that it was about to collapse, but Li Mu was still in the car.

Yan Baoyue desperately returned to save people, Fan Jin and Lü Xiaotian rescued Xiaoting, and when they returned again, the tunnel was already in ruins.

Yan Baoyue was crushed under the ruins, calling every day that the earth should not be called, only the sound of the whistle.

Well, the plot of this episode ends here, thanks to everyone's support, Xiaobian will continue to bring you the latest and most exciting film and television drama content.

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