
Fujian opera "out of the circle" person Zhou Hong: "shrimp oil taste" hooks up the homesickness of the world

Fujian opera "out of the circle" person Zhou Hong: "shrimp oil taste" hooks up the homesickness of the world

Zhou Hong performed stills from "Princess Shuangjiao" on CCTV. Photo by Yang Fan

Fuzhou, February 12 (Reporter Lin Chunyin) "In recent years, we have been working hard to promote The 'out-of-the-loop' of Fujian opera and put the IP characters of Fujian opera on the 'brightest stage'. Speaking of the inheritance and innovation of Fujian opera, Zhou Hong, president of fujian experimental Min Theater, winner of the Wenhua Performance Award of the Chinese Culture and Art Government Award, and winner of the Chinese Drama Plum Blossom Award, has a deep feeling, "The 'shrimp oil taste' of Fujian opera is the most intimate feeling of the villagers at home and abroad. ”

Fujian opera "out of the circle" person Zhou Hong: "shrimp oil taste" hooks up the homesickness of the world

In 2018, Zhou Hong took Fujian opera actors to "make a lantern festival" on CCTV. Photo by Yang Fan

The national intangible cultural heritage of Fujian opera, also known as Fuzhou opera, originated in the late Ming Dynasty, has a history of more than 400 years, is the only existing opera drama sung and read in the Fuzhou dialect, and there are many fans at home and abroad.

During this year's Spring Festival, under the guidance of the Fujian Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, the Fujian Provincial Experimental Min Theater "The Year of the Tiger Is Blessed, Good Drama and Stage", not only undertook to undertake the "Street Art Fumi Min Yun Liufang" of the "New Year Celebration Festival", but also performed Fujian opera folding plays and opera songs at various places in Fuzhou Sanfang Seven Alleys, Guanglu Yintai and Yeshan Park, and also performed online, with ancient singing voices to congratulate the villagers at home and abroad for the New Year.

On the fifth day of the first lunar month, in the "Annual Night" party broadcast by the "One Blockbuster" column of CCTV Opera Channel, Zhou Hong starred in the Fujian opera folding drama "Princess Shuangjiao" to bid farewell to fans and friends at home and abroad. This is the 12th time in 8 years that Min opera has shown the charm of Mindu on the CCTV stage.

Fujian opera "out of the circle" person Zhou Hong: "shrimp oil taste" hooks up the homesickness of the world

Zhou Hong, president of Fujian Experimental Min Theater, winner of the Wenhua Performance Award of the Chinese Culture and Art Government Award, and winner of the Chinese Drama Plum Blossom Award, took a recent photo. Photo by Yang Fan

In 2011, Zhou Hong, from the time when Lin Ying, a master of Fujian opera, took over the baton as a family member of the Fujian Experimental Min Theater, and pondered how to make Fujian opera "out of the circle".

Zhou Hong told the China News Service that Fujian opera is very popular in Fuzhou-speaking areas, and overseas villagers who return to China often invite Fujian opera teams to stage good dramas in their hometowns. "I hope to stand on the stage of CCTV Spring Festival, Lantern Festival, National Day and other evening parties, the stage is bigger, more people can see."

The meticulously polished "Yishun Brother Says Kiss in the Year of the Sheep" appeared on the 2015 CCTV Spring Festival Opera Gala. Fuzhou people are familiar with the "Yishun brother" with the classic image of wearing a robe and a horse coat, carrying an oil-paper umbrella, 71-year-old old drama bone Zhu Shangen shrewd small businessman "abacus beat fourteen thresholds", but unfortunately the single brother did not marry a wife, "the end of the year twilight busy and embarrassing", funny and witty opening to make people laugh.

"Yi ShunGe is the most 'shrimp oil flavor' authentic Fuzhou people, the most kind and the most representative of 'nostalgia'." Zhou Hong laughed and said that this is the first time that Fujian opera has visited the New Year at home and abroad through the CCTV screen, and Yi Shunge and 14 Fujian opera actors have played a big "braid dance" to make the three-minute performance more humorous.

Fujian opera "out of the circle" person Zhou Hong: "shrimp oil taste" hooks up the homesickness of the world

Zhou Hong led Fujian opera actors to perform "Seven Slips, Eight Slips and Fifteen" on CCTV, photographed by Yang Fan

Since then, Fujian opera has been on the stage of CCTV's important opera evening for many years. The Fujian opera opera song "Seven Slips, Eight Slips and Fifteen Slips" and "New Year's Eve Alley" are mixed with Fuzhou regional slang and customs, and in the lively and festive "sweet potato flavor", you can also see the lively Fuzhou ancient home daily life.

Fujian opera "out of the circle" person Zhou Hong: "shrimp oil taste" hooks up the homesickness of the world

In the 2020 New Year Opera Gala, Zhou Hong sang the excerpt "Double Butterfly Fan" "Remembering Double Butterfly". Photo by Yang Fan

In recent years, the appearance of Fujian opera on CCTV has paid more and more attention to the body and relaxed freely. In addition to "Princess Shuangjiao", the Min opera "Double Butterfly Fan", which is regarded by the industry as the most Rulin opera style, also performed an excerpt of "Remembering Double Butterflies" at the 2020 New Year Opera Gala on the highest stage of the National Opera Festival.

In the play "Double Butterfly Fan", Zhou Hong plays the protagonist Lin Mengqing, who performs both a dignified and self-sustaining boudoir dan and a character with quite assertive character characteristics, rich and delicate in layers. With the play, she won the Wenhua Performance Award of the Chinese Culture and Art Government Award, and also devoted herself to passing on the new people of the play, and has brought out 12 "Lin Mengqing".

Fujian opera "out of the circle" person Zhou Hong: "shrimp oil taste" hooks up the homesickness of the world

Zhou Hong performed on the same stage with 6 "Lin Mengqing" (the heroines in "Double Butterfly Fan"). Photo by Yang Fan

In 2021, the Fujian Experimental Min Theater launched a new version of the Fujian opera "Lychee for Peach" that "several generations of Fujian opera have performed for more than half a century", breaking the threshold of the theater group, boldly using a group of "post-90s" and "post-00s" young actors to form a multi-set performance lineup, interpreting the ancient love story with a youthful atmosphere, becoming a typical example of the reform of opera.

"Fujian opera wants old drama to be reborn and pass on the torch." Zhou Hong, who has been an artist for more than 30 years, has created more than 30 vivid artistic images on the stage of Fujian opera. She hopes to stimulate the talents of young opera actors, let many small flowers of Fujian opera bloom, and "use the 'shrimp oil flavor' to hook up the nostalgia of villagers at home and abroad." (End)

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