
Two pennants, infinite gratitude|Zhuomei Eye Hospital and Teacher Yang Fan won the pennant at the same time!

author:Yang Vision

This morning, a warm scene was staged in the refractive center on the 2nd floor of Zhengzhou Zhuomei Eye Hospital. A family member of a myopia patient personally presented a pennant to the ophthalmology team and Mr. Yang Fan, the guide of the military and police entrance examination, to express their deep gratitude.

Two pennants, infinite gratitude|Zhuomei Eye Hospital and Teacher Yang Fan won the pennant at the same time!

The patient, Xiaoqu, is from Luoyang, and is a college entrance examination student this year, with a myopia degree of more than 1,000 degrees. Her wish was to apply for military and police colleges, and in order to meet the requirements of special professional examinations, her parents took her to Zhengzhou Zhuomei Ophthalmology for myopia surgery.

After rigorous preoperative examination and evaluation, the hospital chose a personalized femtosecond surgery for Xiaoqu. The procedure was short and smooth, with a good post-operative recovery. The results of the re-examination showed that Xiaoqu's vision returned to the preoperative best corrected visual acuity of 1.0, and she finally got rid of the heavy glasses and regained clear vision.

Two pennants, infinite gratitude|Zhuomei Eye Hospital and Teacher Yang Fan won the pennant at the same time!

Xiaoqu's mother said that they had taken Xiaoqu to several hospitals for preoperative examinations before, and due to the relatively large myopia, the surgical results given were all about the need for lens implantation. In order to choose the most suitable surgical plan for the child, he was introduced to Jumei Ophthalmology by a friend. Jumei's ophthalmology department and several experts conducted a comprehensive consultation on Xiaoqu's eye condition and found that her condition was suitable for personalized femtosecond. Femtosecond can not only really solve the problem of myopia in children, but also the cost of surgery will be much less, which can reduce a large part of the family's expenses.

Two pennants, infinite gratitude|Zhuomei Eye Hospital and Teacher Yang Fan won the pennant at the same time!

"When we came here, it didn't feel like coming to the hospital, it felt like coming home. During the operation and rehabilitation, I also deeply felt the professionalism and meticulous care of the medical staff of Jumei Ophthalmology. Before the operation, they examined the child's eyes again and again, and they were very patient, and they would not make the most expensive choice for the patient simply for the sake of profit, they were really from the patient's point of view and made the best solution for them. Today is the first day after surgery, and the child's eyes have recovered very well without any postoperative discomfort symptoms mentioned on the Internet. There is also Teacher Yang Fan, who works tirelessly and wholeheartedly every day to make further education plans for candidates for free, which is very helpful to candidates. I am indescribably grateful to Zhuomei Hospital and Teacher Yang Fan. Xiaoqu's mother said.

Two pennants, infinite gratitude|Zhuomei Eye Hospital and Teacher Yang Fan won the pennant at the same time!

In order to express her gratitude to Zhuomei Ophthalmology and Teacher Yang Fan, Xiaoqu's mother specially customized two pennants overnight yesterday. She said excitedly: "I don't know how to express it, these two pennants are my most sincere gratitude and respect to the hospital and Teacher Yang." ”

Love and warmth are transmitted and infected. In order to facilitate the accommodation of out-of-town patients, Jumei's Eye Department provides them with free ward beds. Since it was the peak period of surgery and the beds were relatively tight, Xiaoqu's mother automatically gave up the free place to a patient from Anhui Province and stayed in a nearby hotel at her own expense. "People from other provinces come from afar, we have to make people feel the warmth and hospitality of Henan people." Xiaoqu's mother said with a smile. Perhaps, this is the simplicity and kindness of Henan people.

Two pennants, infinite gratitude|Zhuomei Eye Hospital and Teacher Yang Fan won the pennant at the same time!

These pennants are not only an affirmation and encouragement to the ophthalmic medical staff, but also a praise and admiration for their medical ethics and skills. In the future, all the medical staff of Jumei Ophthalmology will continue to uphold the tenet of "pursuing excellence and creating perfection", continuously improve the level of medical technology and service quality, and bring light and hope to more patients.

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