
Why is it that Russia lost money in hosting the Olympic Games? Why can't Russia participate as a country

author:Economic History Words

Rank, welcome to reading history according to the calendar.

This year is the year of the Olympic Games, the grand opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics, I believe everyone has seen, before we have mentioned a point of view to you: the Olympic Games is the national fortunes, especially for East Asian countries, this is really the case.

You think that after the 1964 Tokyo Olympics, Japan's economy took off, after the 1988 Seoul Olympics, South Korea's economy took off, and the mainland economy soared after the 2008 Beijing Olympics, and this time after the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, I believe we will bring more surprises to the world.

Why is it that Russia lost money in hosting the Olympic Games? Why can't Russia participate as a country

However, the Olympic Games, the national fortunes, can be reflected in East Asian countries, and for other countries, this Olympic year is sometimes not necessarily a good thing, such as our neighbor Russia.

Russia and its predecessors hosted the Olympics twice, one in Moscow in 1980 and the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia, eight years ago, but for Russia, both times the hosting experience seemed to be less smooth.

Let's start with the 1989 Moscow Olympics in Russia, which was the first time in the history of the world that it encountered a large-scale boycott.

Before the Moscow Olympics, the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan, and as a result, it was severely sanctioned by the Western countries led by the United States, and finally the Western countries proposed a comprehensive boycott, which was a real boycott, and an athlete was not sent.

And we talked to you before, the international situation in the seventies and eighties of the last century, when the mainland and the United States were a quasi-ally state, we did not have a good relationship with the Soviet Union, in 1979, we just taught the little brother of the Soviet Union Vietnam, when the Soviet Union had millions of troops on the northern border of the mainland, which was a huge threat to us.

So when we watch the United States boycott the Moscow Olympics, we follow suit, resulting in only a few dozen countries participating in the entire Moscow Olympics, basically those slave countries in Eastern Europe and some countries in Africa.

The Soviet Union spent a lot of effort to show its strength in front of the world, to be honest, it is true, the 80s of the last century has always been the state of the Soviet Union to attack the United States, the Soviet Union at that time the comprehensive national strength, stronger than the United States.

However, the joint boycott between China and the United States has made the Moscow Olympic Games a disgrace, and at that time the International Olympic Committee was not strong, you have clear regulations like the current International Olympic Committee, if a country you boycott a certain Olympic Games, you do not participate, then sorry, by the time of the next Olympic Games, you are not eligible to participate, I will directly cancel it for you.

Am I going to come and go when you want to go to the Olympic Games? At that time, however, the IOC did not have regulations that all countries that boycotted the Moscow Olympics could smoothly participate in the next Olympic Games.

The next Olympic Games happened to be hosted by the United States, but all the countries that boycotted the Moscow Olympics went smoothly to participate in the Los Angeles Olympics in the United States.

Not only did this time in 1980 not come to Taiwan, but also brought great changes to Russia before and after the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics, before the Start of the Winter Olympics, the United States and several countries discussed to boycott the Sochi Winter Olympics, saying that the relationship between Russia and Ukraine is unclear and unclear, and Russia may want to take advantage of Ukraine.

Later, the United States only said it verbally, and in fact there was no real resistance, but everyone knows what happened after the Sochi Winter Olympics, and Putin surprised and quickly controlled Crimea.

Russia said to the outside world at that time that the international counter-terrorism situation was very serious, and in order to ensure the smooth holding of the Sochi Winter Olympics, we mobilized troops at home to protect political leaders of various countries, but in fact, the main purpose of military mobilization was to surprise Crimea.

But of course, Russia has brought Crimea back, and the Western countries, led by the United States, have opened long-term sanctions against Russia.

Let's put it this way, after 2014, the Russian economy did encounter a major crisis, because the United States blockaded sanctions, so the Russian people really lived a hard life for several years.

However, the calculation of the account, Russia's Sochi Winter Olympics harvest is still very rich, the Russian delegation won the Winter Olympics, the gold medal table first, in the later Paralympic Games, Russian athletes won more than 40% of the gold medals.

However, the good times did not last long, and two years later, senior Russian anti-doping officials reported to the International Olympic Committee why the Russian delegation achieved such impressive results at the Sochi Winter Olympics. This is because they take banned drugs in large quantities.

And Russian officials deliberately replaced the urine test bottles of multiple athletes, a group of frauds to conceal from anti-doping organizations.

The report was groundbreaking, and the IOC began a multi-year-long examination of Russian athletes, culminating in the conclusion that the Russian delegation deliberately took all kinds of banned drugs and resisted the inspections, and finally what punishment was imposed? You are not allowed to participate in the Olympic Games in Russia.

So in the first two years, everyone found that there was no Paralympic Games in Rio, Pyeongchang Winter Olympics in South Korea in 18 years, Tokyo Olympic Games in Japan in 2020, and the ongoing Beijing Winter Olympics, several consecutive Olympic Winter Olympic Games, Russia can not participate in the name of the country, Russian athletes can only participate as independent individuals.

If a Russian player wins a gold medal, sorry, it is a great shame for Russians not to raise the national flag of Russia and not to play the national anthem of Russia.

No country wants to watch their own athletes win gold medals in the Olympic Games, how many people are in tears at the moment when they see their national flag raised and their national anthem played, but these Russians can't enjoy it.

Of course, some people also say that in competitive sports, you should not take all kinds of banned drugs, but is it only the Russian delegation that takes banned drugs? Many people say that it is because the United States is more advanced than Russia, and the Anti-Drug Family in the United States cannot find out.

But of course, just because of the mistakes made at the Sochi Winter Olympics, Russia is really in the next few Olympic Games, for seven or eight years, and has been under sanctions.

Even on the opening day of the Current Winter Olympics, the Western media spread rumors that the Russian army had entered Ukraine on a large scale and began to invade Ukraine.

Maybe the Americans can also see that once the Olympic Games arrive, something will happen to Russia, so they will spread rumors and throw a fire on the situation in Ukraine.

Original author: Li Chengwei

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