
Do something before the Lantern Festival

Just after the Spring Festival

It seems that it will soon be the fifteenth Lantern Festival of the first month

As one of the traditional festivals of Chinese

What customs are exquisite?

Let's take a look

New Year's Day 12

Do something before the Lantern Festival

On the twelfth day of the first month, build a light shed. The Lantern Festival is approaching, and the preparations for the Lantern Festival are beginning.

From New Year's Day to the eleventh day of the first month, most of the food people eat is rich and oily. Therefore, from this day on, people begin to eat lightly and clean the intestines. More importantly, since three days later will be the Lantern Festival, preparations will be made from this day onwards. The family will buy lanterns and build light sheds.

Folk custom is "the twelfth of the first month to set up a light shed". It means that the Lantern Festival is approaching, and the stewards in the village must gather skilled craftsmen and young adults to prepare flower lanterns from this day onwards, and make various preparations for the Lantern Festival.

There is a nursery rhyme cloud: "Eleven shouting, twelve lighting sheds, thirteen people turning on the lights, fourteen lights are bright, fifteen lines of the moon and a half, sixteen people finish the lights." ”

New Year's Day Juzo

Do something before the Lantern Festival

On the thirteenth day of the first month, light the stove lamp. Each family pilot made the lamp. Tie the colored lights and eat tangyuan.

Today is the thirteenth day of the first lunar month. Preparations for the Lantern Festival continue. In southern China, this day to enjoy the lanterns. The endless stream of Chinese will go to the City God Temple on this day to admire the flower lanterns. And this is just the prelude to the Lantern Festival. In addition to the traditional red lanterns, there are many different styles of flower lanterns. Light shows usually start today and end on the eighteenth day of the first month.

On the thirteenth day of the first month there is an important folk event, known as the "Lantern Head Birthday". Folk on this day to light the lamp under the kitchen stove, called "light stove lamp", in fact, because the fifteenth day of the first month is approaching, each family has piloted the production of the lamp, it is said to be the day of the "lamp head".

The fifteenth day of the first month is a flower lantern, generally starting from the thirteenth day of the first month. The thirteenth day of the first month is "on the lamp"; the fourteenth day is the "test lamp"; the fifteenth day is the "positive lamp"; and the seventeenth day is the "strike lamp". From the thirteenth day of the first month, people began to set up colorful lanterns!

New Year 14

Do something before the Lantern Festival

On the fourteenth day of the first month, pray to the water lady and bless the health of women and children. Test the lights.

The fourteenth day of the first lunar month. In most parts of China, everything on the fourteenth day is for the Lantern Festival on the second day. On this day, the lantern festival is open for the public to buy lanterns. For the Lantern Festival, performances like dragon and lion dances began to be practiced on the streets. There are also people who write riddles to guess the riddles to increase the festive atmosphere. In China, Lantern Puzzle is a very traditional anagram game. Both adults and children love to solve these problems.

Folk refer to the fourteenth day of the first lunar month as the birthday of the "Lady of Linshui" (also known as the "Virgin of Suncheon"). Legend has it that Linshui Niangniang, surnamed Chen, was a person during the Tang Dynasty and later became a god who saved women from difficult childbirth. Therefore, the folk shrine was enshrined, called "Linshui Niangniang" and "Suncheon Virgin". In fact, it is a protective god that women have shaped for themselves in an era of no status and underdeveloped science, and it is also a way for them to encourage themselves for fear of dystocia.

In order to prepare for the Lantern Festival on the fifteenth day of the first month, the people and the imperial court will build a lantern shed on this day, hang the lights and color, and do some preparatory activities for amusement programs to become "test lights" to welcome the annual Lantern Festival. As for the vendors selling lanterns in the market, they have long prepared a variety of lanterns to sell and become a "lamp market".

New Year's Day 15

Do something before the Lantern Festival

The fifteenth day of the first month, the Lantern Festival, watching the lights

Eat the Lantern on the fifteenth day of the first month, and the "Lantern" as a food has a long history in China. In the Song Dynasty, folk were popular for a novelty food eaten during the Lantern Festival. This kind of food, the earliest called "floating yuanzi" after the "Lantern", businessmen also called it "yuanbao". Lantern is the "tangyuan" with sugar, roses, sesame seeds, bean paste, yellow cinnamon, walnut kernels, nuts, date paste, etc. as the filling, wrapped in glutinous rice flour into a circle, can be meat and vegetarian, different flavors. It can be boiled, fried and steamed, which has the meaning of reunion and happiness. Shaanxi's tangyuan is not wrapped, but "rolled" in glutinous rice flour, or boiled or fried, hot and hot, and reunited.

The Lantern Festival is the main traditional festival in the mainland, also called New Year's Eve, New Year's Eve, also known as Shangyuan Festival, because this is the first full moon night of the New Year. The origin of the Shangyuan Festival, the Miscellaneous Records of the Years, records that Taoism refers to the fifteenth day of the first month of the year as the Shangyuan Festival, the fifteenth month of July as the Zhongyuan Festival, and the fifteenth month of October as the Lower Yuan Festival, collectively known as the "Three Yuan".

WudouMidao, an important faction of Taoism at the end of the Han Dynasty, worshipped heavenly officials, earth officials, and water officials, believing that heavenly officials blessed them, earth officials pardoned sins, and water officials relieved their misfortunes, saying that heavenly officials were born on the fifteenth day of the first month, earth officials were born on july fifteenth, and water officials were born on october fifteenth. By the time of the Southern and Northern Dynasties, the "Three Officials" and the "Three Yuan" were combined to form the Three Heavenly Emperors, so that the fifteenth day of the first month was called the Shangyuan Festival. Wu Zimu of the Southern Song Dynasty also said in the "Record of Dreams": "The fifteenth yen festival of the first month is the birthday of the blessing of the Shangyuan Heavenly Officials." ”

Because this festival has had the custom of viewing lanterns in the past, it is also called the Festival of Lights. During the Lantern Festival, it is the time for young men and women to meet with lovers, so the Lantern Festival has become China's "Valentine's Day".

According to legend, the fifteenth day of the first month is the birthday of the silkworm god Yanzu, so this day has become the day when the people sacrifice the "silkworm god". The silkworm god uses white porridge and meat fat as an offering, and at the same time uses a bamboo pole to carry a lamp and candle into the field, which is called "Terada silkworm" (it is said that observing the color of the lamp can judge the year's abundance). This activity gradually became a source of lantern viewing customs for future generations.

The fifteenth day of the first month has been valued in the Western Han Dynasty, and the activity of the Han Wu Emperor on the first night of the first month of the first month to sacrifice "Taiyi" at Ganquan Palace is regarded by posterity as the precursor of the sacrifice of the gods on the fifteenth day of the first month. However, the fifteenth day of the first month was really regarded as a folk festival after the Han and Wei dynasties. The culture of Taoism in the Eastern Han Dynasty has an important significance in promoting the formation of Lantern Festival customs.

Our modern Lantern Festival,

In addition to eating tangyuan, eat a reunion dinner

Check out the Lantern Party

In addition to these activities, of course, indispensable

Guess the riddle activity

Xiaobian has prepared some small riddles for everyone

Let's go online first

"Cloud guess the riddle"

Do something before the Lantern Festival


1. Love to travel (play an idiom)

2. Blind man touching an elephant (playing an idiom)

3. Candied Yellow Lian (playing an idiom)

4. Accounting (playing an idiom)

5. Rocker (play an idiom)

6, do not seek people in case of trouble (play an idiom)

7, threshing machine (play an idiom)

8. Access in all directions (playing an idiom)

9, one piece becomes nine pieces (play an idiom)

10. Festival fireworks (play an idiom)

11, obedient (play an idiom)

12. Crosstalk (playing an idiom)

13. Rowing against the current (playing an idiom)

14. Paratroopers (playing an idiom)

15, rabbit please tiger (play an idiom)

16. Round Silence (playing an idiom)

17, dumb gestures (play an idiom)

18. XianLe (playing an idiom)

19, zero memory round take (play an idiom)

20. First Year (Playing an Idiom)

Guess the Kanji class

21, not to say early and not to say late (typing a word)

22, into the water line is not successful (type

23. Top and bottom (typing)

24. Semiconductors (typed)

25. Hustle and bustle (typing)

26, there is someone inside (typing a word)

27. One by one into the annals of history (typing a word)

28, two o'clock in the sky (typing a word)

29. Blessing (typing)

30. Pond bright bottom (typing)

31. Rain (typing)

32. Blood Basin (typing)

33. Blade (typing)

34. The Land of Projectiles (Typing)

35. Crested Tiger Tail (typing a word)

36. Short (typing)

37. Pumping pump (type)

38, the top of the sky (typing a word)

39. Listen to the wind in the back village (type)

40. Other changes (typing)

Guess the person's name

41. Six Kings Bi, Four Seas one (playing the name of "Dream of the Red Chamber")

42, 38 generalist (playing the name of "Dream of the Red Chamber")

43, female eighteen sigh separation (playing the name of "Dream of the Red Chamber")

44. Yuan Qian Ming Hou (playing the name of "Water Margin")

45. Gradually settling down (playing the name of "Water Margin")

46. Little Hero (playing the name of "Water Margin")

47, do not allow you to develop (play the name of "Water Margin")

48. It is forbidden to transfer rooms (playing the name of "Water Margin")

49. Jiren is in emergency (playing the name of "Water Margin")

50. Gradually settling down (playing the name of "Water Margin")

51. Zhongfang Jingyan (playing the name of "Water Margin")

52, society is developing (playing the name of "Water Margin")

53. Monks wear colorful clothes (nicknamed "Water Margin")

54. Long Drought And Manna (nickname of the Character of the Water Margin)

55. Olympic Shooting Champion (nicknamed "Water Margin")

56. Repeatedly Humble (playing the name of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms")

57. Everything is complete and says Henkel (playing the name of the person who plays "Romance of the Three Kingdoms")

58. Gradual prosperity (playing the name of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms")

59. Eight Juns Travel 30,000 Miles a Day (playing the name of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms")

60. Light Riding Leap (playing the name of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms")

Source: Network Synthesis

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Do something before the Lantern Festival
Do something before the Lantern Festival
Do something before the Lantern Festival
Do something before the Lantern Festival

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