
Musk and Indian-American female executives have already given birth to 3 babies in love, and the supermodel mother has already hinted at it

Musk and Indian-American female executives have already given birth to 3 babies in love, and the supermodel mother has already hinted at it


2024-06-27 08:48Official account of

Musk and Indian-American female executives have already given birth to 3 babies in love, and the supermodel mother has already hinted at it

Elon Musk's love life has once again been in the spotlight because he was rumored to have attended the wedding of his ex-wife Tallulah Riley, which was commented as "complex and full of drama".

On June 26, local time, the "Daily Mail" commented on the love history of the 52-year-old billionaire, revealing that his current love life is not single, but is in a relationship with his female executive Shivon Zilis.

"Currently, the South African-born tycoon is in a relationship with Neuralink executive Shivin Chillis," the newspaper wrote, and it dawned on readers that it was no wonder that the two were having a third child......

Musk and Indian-American female executives have already given birth to 3 babies in love, and the supermodel mother has already hinted at it

The 38-year-old Killis was first noticed, also because of her relationship with Musk, and the two were publicly conceived through "technological means" to conceive a pair of dragon and phoenix fetuses, the male baby Strider (Strider) and the female baby Azure, now 3 years old.

As you can see from the photos, Tred looks a lot like his father, and Musk's genes are really strong enough.

And just a few days ago, Musk was revealed to have the 12th child in his life, and the mother is still Zilis. Initially, both Musk and Zilis were silent about it, but a few days later Musk said that he didn't want to keep it a secret, and that friends and relatives had known about it for a long time, "but there was no press conference." ”

But as for the gender and name of the newborn child, the couple with a high IQ has not yet been announced to the outside world.

Musk and Indian-American female executives have already given birth to 3 babies in love, and the supermodel mother has already hinted at it

Although Musk and Zillis did not "officially announce" their relationship to the outside world, nor did they "take pictures on the same street in the same frame", judging from Zilis's posts on social media, she has actually been secretly "declaring sovereignty".

Zilis is still quite happy to show the baby, which is somewhat unexpected, after all, she has always been a female scientist and venture capitalist who is obsessed with artificial intelligence, but it may be because of falling in love, sometimes it can't help it. In the process of showing the baby, Zilisi occasionally let Bao Dad appear, although it reflects the warmth of father and son, but it also seems to have some hidden sweetness.

Musk and Indian-American female executives have already given birth to 3 babies in love, and the supermodel mother has already hinted at it

On the other hand, Musk's supermodel mother Mayer Musk is also very friendly to Zilis, and no "daughter-in-law" can appear in her photos, but Zilis is an accident, and he appeared twice.

Although the 75-year-old Meyer did not explain much about Zilis's appearance, it is obvious that she likes her son's girlfriend, after all, she has both brains and good looks, perhaps in the eyes of this supermodel with a doctorate, a female scientist like Zilis is more suitable for her son than an actor or singer. (Amber Heard has caused "mental damage" to Musk, and Grimes, the biological mother of Baby X, is now fighting a lawsuit with Musk for custody.) )

Musk and Indian-American female executives have already given birth to 3 babies in love, and the supermodel mother has already hinted at it

The current Zilis is also in line with Musk's vision, "smart people have more children," and she has also added "fresh blood" to Musk's offspring.

Canadian-born Zilis has an Indian father and a Jewish mother, so her and Musk's three children can also be called mixed-race babies.

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  • Musk and Indian-American female executives have already given birth to 3 babies in love, and the supermodel mother has already hinted at it
  • Musk and Indian-American female executives have already given birth to 3 babies in love, and the supermodel mother has already hinted at it
  • Musk and Indian-American female executives have already given birth to 3 babies in love, and the supermodel mother has already hinted at it
  • Musk and Indian-American female executives have already given birth to 3 babies in love, and the supermodel mother has already hinted at it
  • Musk and Indian-American female executives have already given birth to 3 babies in love, and the supermodel mother has already hinted at it

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