
How Win11 Turns Off Memory Compression Win11 turns off memory compression

author:Little white system

How does Win11 turn off memory compression? If we turn on memory compression, it may cause the system to stutter, but many friends do not know how Win11 turns off memory compression, in fact, only need to use the command code. Let's take a look at the detailed operation method!

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  1. First right-click the "Start Menu" of the taskbar.

How Win11 Turns Off Memory Compression Win11 turns off memory compression

  2. Then open the "Windows Terminal (Administrator)".

How Win11 Turns Off Memory Compression Win11 turns off memory compression

  3. Then enter "Get-MMAgent" and run the carriage return.

How Win11 Turns Off Memory Compression Win11 turns off memory compression

  4. Then look at "MemoryCompression", if it is "True", memory compression is turned on.

How Win11 Turns Off Memory Compression Win11 turns off memory compression

  5. At this time, we enter "Disable-MMAgent -mc" to run enter.

How Win11 Turns Off Memory Compression Win11 turns off memory compression

  6. Wait for the completion of the operation, restart the computer, you can turn off the memory compression.

How Win11 Turns Off Memory Compression Win11 turns off memory compression
How Win11 Turns Off Memory Compression Win11 turns off memory compression

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