
Zhen Soul Street: Xiang Kunlun led the Ying Temple to attack the Spirit Domain, what were his chances of winning this operation?

In the latest episode of the "Town Soul Street" comic, the underworld is once again ignited, here Cao Yanbing has just subdued the kingdom to stop it, and Xiang Kunlun has begun to make trouble again. In the plot, Xiang Kunlun took advantage of the destruction of the Spirit Domain "Heavenly Wall" and led the Qunying Hall to launch an attack on the Spirit Domain, seemingly to replace it and become the ruler of the Spirit Domain.

Zhen Soul Street: Xiang Kunlun led the Ying Temple to attack the Spirit Domain, what were his chances of winning this operation?

It's just that although the strength of Xiang Kunlun and the Qunying Hall is strong, the Spirit Domain, as the orthodox ruler of the Underworld, is not a fuel-saving lamp. In addition to the Imperial Spirit Envoys, the masters in the Spirit Domain also had Seven, Su Shuang Envoys, Minotaur Horse Noodles and other dark generals, in the face of such a lineup, what was the chance of winning the Qunying Hall led by Xiang Kunlun?

Zhen Soul Street: Xiang Kunlun led the Ying Temple to attack the Spirit Domain, what were his chances of winning this operation?

In this regard, I personally feel that Xiang Kunlun's chances of winning this action are still quite large. First of all, the current strength of the Spirit Domain is not strong, after the Emperor Fu Dragon Dou attack, the Spirit Domain can be said to be a major injury to the Yuan Qi, the former Great Imperial Heaven sacrificed himself to remedy the reincarnation gate, and the Reincarnation Divine Pearl Seal Emperor Fu Dragon Dou Guardian Spirit also consumed a lot of strength, and the high-end combat strength was seriously insufficient.

Zhen Soul Street: Xiang Kunlun led the Ying Temple to attack the Spirit Domain, what were his chances of winning this operation?

Nowadays, there are only two people in the Spirit Domain camp who can be counted as high-end combat strength, the Seven Left Envoys and the Su Right Envoys. And the Seven Left Envoys and su right envoys, although they are very strong, are actually at the same level as Cao Yan, Xiang Kunlun and Marten Lingyun are enough to deal with them, and the remaining minotaurs such as Ma Mian are responsible for masters such as Lu Shuyu of the Qunying Temple.

Zhen Soul Street: Xiang Kunlun led the Ying Temple to attack the Spirit Domain, what were his chances of winning this operation?

Moreover, although the Spirit Domain still had artifacts such as the Wheel Divine Bead, the only person who could use the Wheel Divine Bead was the current Great Imperial Heaven, and the current Great Imperial Heaven was obviously on the side of Xiang Kunlun, so the combat power of the Wheel Divine Bead could be ignored. In summary, from the perspective of the configuration of combat strength, the Qunying Hall led by Xiang Kunlun was fully capable of defeating the current Spirit Domain.

Zhen Soul Street: Xiang Kunlun led the Ying Temple to attack the Spirit Domain, what were his chances of winning this operation?

In addition, in the previous plot, Xiang Kunlun rescued a key character in the Thousand Machine Black Brake of the Qunying Hall, the former Kan Daren. As the former core leader of the Spirit Domain, Lord Kan must have known very well about the affairs within the Spirit Domain, and he still had a deep hatred with the Spirit Domain, and it was obvious that Xiang Kunlun's rebellion was indispensable to his help.

Zhen Soul Street: Xiang Kunlun led the Ying Temple to attack the Spirit Domain, what were his chances of winning this operation?

The emptiness of combat strength coupled with the fact that the other party had a previous high-level leader, Lord Kan, I was afraid that this time the Spirit Domain would be planted on the head, if Xiang Kunlun could defeat the forces that were far from the Great Lord's line, then he would be able to blackmail the Little Great Heaven and order the princes to become the actual rulers of the Spirit Domain. At that time, the forces of the underworld will be reshuffled, and Xiang Kunlun, Cao Yanbing Group, and Huangfu Dragon Dou Group will become the three major forces in the Underworld.

Zhen Soul Street: Xiang Kunlun led the Ying Temple to attack the Spirit Domain, what were his chances of winning this operation?

Of course, these are just my personal analysis and speculations, whether Xiang Kunlun and the Qunying Hall can overthrow the rule of the Spirit Domain, we still have to wait for the plot to be revealed later. Finally, for Xiang Kunlun's raid on the Spirit Domain this time, what do you think the odds of winning are? Feel free to share your views in the comments section below.

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