
The latest words of Zhen Soul Street: The identity and purpose of Ying Chengfeng were revealed, and Cao Yanbing and Xiang Kunlun were simultaneously crowned kings

In the previous plot of the "Town Soul Street" comic, Ying took advantage of the wind to grab the new Kan Lord and wanted to get the Wheel God Bead from him, but he did not expect that this Kan Lord was just a double, and his other half of the body had already run away with the Wheel God Bead. However, Ying Chengfeng was not a fuel-saving lamp, and he knew that there would definitely be soul induction between the doppelgangers, so he called out Li Gubai.

The latest words of Zhen Soul Street: The identity and purpose of Ying Chengfeng were revealed, and Cao Yanbing and Xiang Kunlun were simultaneously crowned kings

In the newly updated episode of the manga, Li Gubai has already put his hand on the head of the new Kan Lord, ready to use his Heavenly Eye ability to explore the way down the Wheel Divine Bead. Although Lord Kan didn't know what Li Gubai was doing, he was still very calm, because in the entire underworld, only one person in the Great Heaven could manipulate the Wheel Divine Bead, and even if others got the Reincarnation Divine Bead, it would be useless.

The latest words of Zhen Soul Street: The identity and purpose of Ying Chengfeng were revealed, and Cao Yanbing and Xiang Kunlun were simultaneously crowned kings

Ying Chengfeng was also dissatisfied with Kan's attitude, and he contemptuously stated that there were actually two people in the underworld who understood the use of the chakra orbs, one had recently died (Azazel), and the other was himself. After hearing Ying Chengfeng's words, Lord Kan was stunned, and he hurriedly asked about the identity of Ying Chengfeng, and Ying Chengfeng did not answer him, but only asked him to ask the adult.

The latest words of Zhen Soul Street: The identity and purpose of Ying Chengfeng were revealed, and Cao Yanbing and Xiang Kunlun were simultaneously crowned kings

Subsequently, Ying Chengfeng also showed Kan Daren something, a box-shaped container containing not only the Void God Bead and the Supreme God Bead, but also a scroll, as well as an awl-like item that the Spirit Realm had previously placed in the Luhua Ancient Building. Lord Kan recognized the two divine beads, and he also knew that this awl-like thing was placed in the Luhua Ancient Building with the Adult before, but he didn't know what this thing was.

The latest words of Zhen Soul Street: The identity and purpose of Ying Chengfeng were revealed, and Cao Yanbing and Xiang Kunlun were simultaneously crowned kings

After seeing that Lord Kan was blinded by the spirit realm, Ying Chengfeng was also kind enough to tell him the identity of this thing. Ying Chengfeng said that this cone-like thing is called the Nirvana Pestle, it is the same as the four great god beads are left by the ancient gods of the Great Thousand Realms, the ancient gods used it to create the underworld, and then handed it over to the first Great Heaven, creating the world and modifying the laws of all things must be realized by it.

The latest words of Zhen Soul Street: The identity and purpose of Ying Chengfeng were revealed, and Cao Yanbing and Xiang Kunlun were simultaneously crowned kings

The Nirvana pestle can interact with the four great divine beads, which is like a container, which can bring together the power of the four divine beads to form a creative force. At that time, the holder of the Nirvana pestle will also become the Creator God, who will be able to modify all the rules of the world.

The latest words of Zhen Soul Street: The identity and purpose of Ying Chengfeng were revealed, and Cao Yanbing and Xiang Kunlun were simultaneously crowned kings

Ying Chengfeng means that all along human beings have only life and death, bound by untouchable laws, but if human beings become creator gods, what will the world become? Subsequently, Ying Chengfeng said that he himself had lived for more than four hundred years, traveled all over the two worlds of human spirits, read all over the world, read the cold and warm of the world, good people did not live long, and the scourges stayed for a thousand years, which was too unfair, and the life and death of mankind should not be arranged by others.

The latest words of Zhen Soul Street: The identity and purpose of Ying Chengfeng were revealed, and Cao Yanbing and Xiang Kunlun were simultaneously crowned kings

Lord Kan panicked when he heard Ying Chengfeng's words, he knew that Ying Chengfeng wanted to modify the laws between heaven and earth, and this kind of thing would undoubtedly have a huge impact on the world. However, Lord Kan also guessed the identity of Ying Chengfeng from what He said before Ying Chengfeng, it turned out that more than four hundred years ago, there was a human being in the Spirit Domain who modified the principle of fate, which also led to internal disputes in the Spirit Domain, and that person was Ying Chengfeng.

The latest words of Zhen Soul Street: The identity and purpose of Ying Chengfeng were revealed, and Cao Yanbing and Xiang Kunlun were simultaneously crowned kings

Seeing that Lord Kan guessed his identity, Ying Chengfeng also directly obliterated him, saying that he had talked too much. Immediately afterward, Ying Chengfeng asked Li Gubai what he had just seen with his Heavenly Eye, and Li Gubai did not answer him directly, but instead directly passed what he saw into Ying Chengfeng's brain, and the other half of the place where Lord Kan was hiding was the Fuso Tree among the four sacred trees.

The latest words of Zhen Soul Street: The identity and purpose of Ying Chengfeng were revealed, and Cao Yanbing and Xiang Kunlun were simultaneously crowned kings

Then he should take the wind and ask Xuanma to follow him to get the Wheel Orb, but Xuanma did not refuse him, but said that he needed a helper and let the snow elephant go with him. Immediately afterward, Ying Chengfeng promised Li Gubai to help, saying that as long as he achieved his goal, then Li Gubai's request would be met.

The latest words of Zhen Soul Street: The identity and purpose of Ying Chengfeng were revealed, and Cao Yanbing and Xiang Kunlun were simultaneously crowned kings

After that, the picture came to the inner city of the Spirit Realm, and the soldiers guarding the Ying Hall were discussing the giant Beamon in front of the inner city, they knew that the huge Beamon lived on the hostile forces of Xiang Kunlun, but they didn't know when the two sides would go to war. And while the heroes were discussing their lives, in the Tatarus on the Beamon Beast, the kingdom organization was holding a ceremony for Cao Yanbing to be crowned king.

The latest words of Zhen Soul Street: The identity and purpose of Ying Chengfeng were revealed, and Cao Yanbing and Xiang Kunlun were simultaneously crowned kings

At the same time, the main hall of the inner city of the Spirit Realm, The Great Master li was also holding an enthronement ceremony for Xiang Kunlun, and the two humans had simultaneously ascended to the throne of the great power of the underworld.

The latest words of Zhen Soul Street: The identity and purpose of Ying Chengfeng were revealed, and Cao Yanbing and Xiang Kunlun were simultaneously crowned kings

The above is the entire content of the latest episode of the "Town Soul Street" comic, in this sentence, the true identity of Ying Chengfeng has been revealed, he should be the soul general of the Spirit Domain more than 400 years ago, because he modified the principle of fate to gain the ability to live forever. Moreover, judging from what Ying Chengfeng said, he didn't look so bad, but because he saw too much, he was dissatisfied with the world.

The latest words of Zhen Soul Street: The identity and purpose of Ying Chengfeng were revealed, and Cao Yanbing and Xiang Kunlun were simultaneously crowned kings

As for Xiang Kunlun and Cao Yanbing, they have now become the leaders of the great forces, and I am afraid that they are the ones who predicted that "when the ripples are calm, there will be two heroes meeting" predicted by the Supreme Divine Pearl. Finally, what do you think of the latest episode of "Town Soul Street"? Feel free to leave a comment in the comments section below.

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