
Langya Hero List - Dongqing and Tan Heng

author:Thousand golden woodcutters

In "Langyabang Erfeng Rising Changlin", Dongqing is Xiao Pingzhang's deputy general, while Tan Heng is Yue Yinchuan's deputy general. In this drama, these two belong to the supporting roles with low appearance rate. But these two supporting characters assist the generals they follow well, like green leaves, setting off red flowers, and using their conscientious and dedicated performance to make their image more full, so that the play adds color.

As the saying goes, "Good birds choose trees to roost." "In modern parlance, to be with a good boss is half the battle. Undoubtedly, Dongqing and Tan Heng are both good brothers who are following the right ones. Xiao Pingzhang is the son of the King of Changlin, witty and intelligent, doing things smoothly and steadily, and not leaking water. The most rare thing is that his character cultivation is excellent, and he does his duty as a son of man to his adoptive father Xiao Pingzhang; he educates his younger brother Xiao Pingjing carefully, and even sacrifices himself to save his younger brother; for his wife Meng Qianxue, even if his wife is infertile for many years, he does not abandon him. What will happen to such a perfect persona for his subordinates? In the first episode of "Langya List II", Dongqing knelt down and begged Xiao Pingzhang to evacuate from the South City Gate, not only as a subordinate's advice, but also willing to give his life to protect Xiao Pingzhang, a good big brother. Then Xiao Pingzhang vowed not to retreat, and Dongqing and the soldiers were also influenced by him, vowing not to retreat until reinforcements arrived. If Xiao Pingzhang is usually not good to his subordinates, which subordinate is willing to live and die together like this.

Langya Hero List - Dongqing and Tan Heng

And after Xiao Pingzhang's sacrifice, Dongqing sat alone outside the tent, crying silently, facing Xiao Pingjing's questioning, without saying a word. There is a way that men have tears and do not flick, not to mention that as soldiers, they should not easily shed tears. But at this moment, Dongqing lost a good boss and a good big brother. Maybe he also resented in his heart and couldn't save the big brother who had always known him and cared for him.

Langya Hero List - Dongqing and Tan Heng

Xiao Pingzhang's sacrifice was exchanged for Xiao Pingjing's awakening. And Dongqing also became Xiao Pingjing's deputy general from Xiao Pingzhang's deputy, still conscientious and loyal to his duties. In cooperation with Xiao Pingjing's command of a large army, he killed 200,000 yu imperial subordinates; after Xiao Pingjing took the abandoned Changlin military order to gather soldiers and horses to serve The King WeiDao, Dongqing was the first to come to see Xiao Pingjing; in the battle to invade the imperial city, he performed a hundred steps through Yang's exquisite archery skills, shooting Down Xiao Yuanqi's dog leg He Cheng with one arrow; after quelling the rebellion, he cleaned up his brother's room for Xiao Pingjing, and accompanied Xiao Pingjing to worship Xiao Pingzhang; when Xiao Pingjing was preparing to leave the court and return to the Hidden River, Dongqing was also transferred to Beijing and was entrusted with a heavy responsibility. But he still did not forget that he was an old man of the Changlin Palace, and assured Xiao Pingjing that he would not dishonor the reputation of the Changlin Palace. Dongqing went from an unknown follower to the finale to hold an important position in the Beijing Army, holding a high position of authority. This is a reward for his dedication and obscurity.

Compared with Dongqing, Tan Heng did not have much performance on the battlefield, but more of a performance in daily life. Dongqing added to Xiao Pingzhang's etiquette, and the distinction between superior and subordinate levels was clear. Tan Heng did not have much courtesy for Yue Yinchuan, and from time to time he also complained about some of Yue Yinchuan's behaviors and thoughts, sometimes making Yue Yinchuan very speechless. Moreover, outside of the mission, Yue Yinchuan and Tan Heng did not have any distinction between superiors and subordinates, and the two shot arrows, hunted, and complained about each other together, completely like brothers.

Of course, Tan Heng also recognized Yue Yinchuan's ability and personality, after all, only Yue Yinchuan won the battle between Daliang and the Ten States of the Beihai. Moreover, Yue Yinchuan judged from some details that Xiao Yuanqi might collude with Beihai with the intention of treason. Later, after they rescued Xun Anru's maid Pei'er, they were even more proved. Therefore, Tan Heng has been guarding Yue Yinchuan's side, accompanying him to track down the truth, report Xiao Yuanqi, and block how many open guns and dark arrows he has blocked. When Yue Yinchuan led Xiao Pingjing into the capital, he led people to open the city gate and let the large army enter the city smoothly. As a vice admiral, he was loyal to his master and did his duty. Even if Tan Heng is only a small role in this play, he looks very full of images and is no less than those important characters.

Langya Hero List - Dongqing and Tan Heng

The character of Tan Heng, many people say that there is a shadow of the Mongolian Commander in "Langya List I". However, the character of Tan Heng has the problem of stuttering, but it reminds me of Deng Ai, a well-known general of the Three Kingdoms. Deng Ai has the problem of stuttering, so the idiom period Ai Ai is said to be him. Jiang Wei plotted to kill the Three Sages, causing Deng Ai, who had achieved outstanding military achievements, to die, making people lament the famous general of the late Three Kingdoms. And Tan Heng is not more powerful than Deng Ai, and his battle achievements are outstanding. He was just an ordinary general, just adjutant general. In ancient times, there was no such official position as a vice admiral, and the deputy general was only talking about the confidant of the commander in chief of a general's army, following the class. However, Tan Heng did his best to do a good job of following the shift, not only allowing Xiao Pingjing and Yue Yinchuan to successfully suppress the rebellion. Moreover, Yue Yinchuan also let Xun Feizhan sell Pei'er's slave status and gave the roster to Tan Heng. Compare the rewards for Dongqing to get promoted and hold important positions. Tan Heng, who is happy all day, has no heart, and does not understand etiquette, harvesting a good marriage is the best reward for him.

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