
Friends are the people you have been friends with all your life

author:Social organization in the Yangtze River Delta
Friends are the people you have been friends with all your life

Friends are the most precious wealth in life, an inexhaustible and inexhaustible precious resource. Being a friend is someone you have a friendship with, and it may be a partner who is like-minded, like-minded, and able to come together. It is impossible to become an all-weather and lifelong friend in the three religions and nine streams.

Friends are the people you have been friends with all your life

It is a very fortunate thing that good friends can get together and chat. Xiaocao's good friends come from a lot, although we don't see each other often, but we can't live without you in our hearts, and we are really good to you. A good standard is to have a share of fate, hand in hand, not only to talk, but also to work together, side by side to the future.

Friends are the people you have been friends with all your life

After many years of getting along with Master Xu Jiu, Xiaocao and Master Xu Yue have become dear and close friends from acquaintance and acquaintance, and Xiaocao has learned a lot of good character from him. Influenced by the inheritance of his father's higher tutors, he always took altruism and helping others as the way to deal with the world, so that he did not like things, did not grieve with himself, was strict with himself, and was lenient with others.

Friends are the people you have been friends with all your life

Friends have affection, righteousness, energy, heart-to-heart, sincere treatment, how great it is to have such a people-oriented circle of friends. Master Xu, a social activist, has super memory ability, and treasures some important matters and characters in his mind, which can not only be reversed, but also turn back time, and present in front of you is a real and little-known story.

Friends are the people you have been friends with all your life

Master Xu is really good at narrating historical and humanistic stories in Shanghainese, in-depth and simple, elegant and popular appreciation, which is really a strange show in Shanghai. He was deeply touched: "Shanghai gossip, good talk, not good writing, not to argue, but also to guard the bottom line." To roll the seeds, see if it is good to write or not to write. Therefore, all aspects should be considered refreshing, and the writing is happy and energetic! So, hold on! ”。

Friends are the people you have been friends with all your life

The herringbone structure, one stroke after another, supports each other, if you do not leave aside the ultimate pain, each of them will become famous. The mind is quiet, and the voice of one's own personality can be heard clearly; the heart is clear, and the nature of all things can be seen clearly. People need to care for each other, help each other, and benefit each other. I still remember the happy scene when we met, through the introduction of Master Xu, Xiaocao can be with the beloved hero of the towel, so that the happy atmosphere of equality and harmony is infected in the dance, there is no distinction between high and low, and the wonderful scene is still in front of the eyes.

Friends are the people you have been friends with all your life

Whether a person is good to you or not is not to listen to how good he is, but to see whether his words and deeds are consistent, and whether the friends he has made are good or not, so that his judgment will be inseparable. So be cautious in making friends, you will have good luck with good people, purple qi will come, good people will inevitably have good rewards.

Friends are the people you have been friends with all your life

Friends are your lifelong friends, and having good friends to help you, what kind of superimposed power will it be, which is the power of incomparable unity towards goodness.

Friends are the people you have been friends with all your life