
Shell ID.6 sold to 400,000, SAIC Audi new car Q5 e-tron clear cut leeks?

Whether you like it or not, the sales volume of new energy vehicles is gradually rising, with the adjustment and upgrading of the world's energy structure, there will be a new power system to replace the internal combustion engine in the future, and the automobile companies born in the era of the internal combustion engine have also actively or passively joined this new energy revolution.

Shell ID.6 sold to 400,000, SAIC Audi new car Q5 e-tron clear cut leeks?

However, it is not difficult for us to find from the sales list of new energy vehicles that most of the rookies that have emerged in recent years are the rookie car companies that have emerged in recent years, and the old manufacturers with deep automotive technology and cultural accumulation seem to be gradually weakening in the new era. As the world's first-line luxury car brand, Audi naturally does not want to directly open and concede defeat, and in the face of Tesla as a representative of emerging companies, they have also launched their own e-tron series.

Shell ID.6 sold to 400,000, SAIC Audi new car Q5 e-tron clear cut leeks?

Recently, the Q5 e-tron was unveiled as the first electric model of SAIC Audi, but can this car really shake the status of Teslas and make Audi continue its glory in the new era?

Shell ID.6 sold to 400,000, SAIC Audi new car Q5 e-tron clear cut leeks?

The market pattern has become a reality, and the competitive pressure is huge

First of all, from the appearance point of view, we can not say that Q5 e-tron is not handsome, in the BBA three generations of the last two or three generations of models, Audi has always been the most scientific and technological sense, Q5 e-tron in the appearance is indeed a future car look, starting from Tesla, science fiction has always been the strength of the new car-making forces, Audi in this regard can only be said to have not lost, but it is not a win.

Shell ID.6 sold to 400,000, SAIC Audi new car Q5 e-tron clear cut leeks?

Secondly, buying a car is mainly to buy the use value of the car, from the basic parameters, the power data of the Q5 e-tron top version is 225kW/460N·m, zero hundred acceleration of 6.7 seconds, cruising range of 520 kilometers. Among other models at the same price point, it is not uncommon for 004 seconds to be paired with a range of 600+ kilometers, so it seems that the advantages of the Q5 e-tron are not large.

Shell ID.6 sold to 400,000, SAIC Audi new car Q5 e-tron clear cut leeks?

Finally, the relationship between Audi and Volkswagen is not a secret, and the Q5 e-tron is based on the same MEB platform as the Volkswagen ID.6, and its paper data is also very close, we believe that Audi will definitely make changes in some configurations and designs to distinguish the product, but its price has increased by more than 100,000 compared with ID.6, starting from 400,000, and this price is actually not much price advantage in the same class of cars.

Shell ID.6 sold to 400,000, SAIC Audi new car Q5 e-tron clear cut leeks?

BBA, a tough brother in a new field

In fact, in addition to Audi, BMW and Mercedes-Benz have also launched their own new energy models, but BMW's iX3 is currently only ranked twenty on the sales list, Mercedes-Benz sales performance is even worse, and not long ago there was a car owner due to car quality problems collective rights protection incident, directly affecting their own brand image. Overall, the performance of these traditional brands in the field of new energy is not excellent.

Shell ID.6 sold to 400,000, SAIC Audi new car Q5 e-tron clear cut leeks?

As a traditional brand, the first to play a name in the field of new energy is actually Toyota Prius, after the debut of the new car, including Leonardo, many celebrities have been in order to express support for environmental protection for the Prius platform, but after the epoch-making Tesla factory, whether it is Toyota, which has seized the opportunity, or BBA, which represents the backbone of luxury cars, has not been able to come up with products that can fight with it in the market in this new field.

Shell ID.6 sold to 400,000, SAIC Audi new car Q5 e-tron clear cut leeks?

Times are changing, various products have also been updated and iterated, Ford has become the hegemon of the automotive industry because of the production method of assembly lines, and then the Toyota model has raised the production efficiency of automobiles to a new height. The impact of Tesla's appearance on the automotive industry is probably not smaller than that of their predecessors.

Shell ID.6 sold to 400,000, SAIC Audi new car Q5 e-tron clear cut leeks?

Write at the end

Just as when the iPhone came out, no one expected it to squeeze Nokia into a third-rate manufacturer. In the face of the new track, traditional brands must enter the new market with epoch-making products under the premise of guarding the position of fuel vehicles, because new energy vehicles have long been a blue ocean that can win large investments by relying on gimmicks and publicity, but have formed a relatively stable market pattern after round of reshuffles. Q5 e-tron from the hard indicators seem not to be an epoch-making product, so for this unit sold to 400,000 shell ID.6, how many sales do you think it will have after the listing?

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