
Next to Gu Ailing was a Chinese girl with a wound in the corner of her eye, flowers under her feet, and a light in her heart

author:Red Star News

"This is a starting point in my life, and I continue to work hard and work hard to impact the next Winter Olympics."

On the 8th of last month, Yang Shuorui, a girl in Heilongjiang, had just completed her coming-of-age ceremony, and the 18-year-old Gu Ailing, who was more than half a year old, did not get much attention, and even many viewers did not know that there was another Chinese girl in the freestyle ski women's big jump and women's slope obstacle course competition that Gu Ailing participated in.

However, in the women's big jump qualifying tournament on February 7, Yang Shuorui, who only ranked 20th among the 25 players, attracted more people's attention after the game... In today's (February 14) freestyle ski women's steeplechase qualification, Yang Shuorui, who debuted in the second time in the case of the first sliding mistake, successfully completed all 6 stages of the second slide, although the difficulty was average, and finally ranked 23rd among the 27 players in the whole field, missed the final, and ended his first Winter Olympic tour.

Next to Gu Ailing was a Chinese girl with a wound in the corner of her eye, flowers under her feet, and a light in her heart

On February 7, 2022, in the Beijing Winter Olympics freestyle skiing women's big jump qualifying tournament, Gu Ailing and Yang Shuorui hugged after the game. Image according to Visual China

Bring injuries to the battlefield

After the game, Yang Shuorui warmly comforted the reporters present

In the freestyle ski women's big jump qualifying tournament held on the morning of the 7th, 18-year-old Yang Shuorui and the much-watched Gu Ailing appeared together, and they are looking forward to reaching the final in this competition that is selected for the Winter Olympics for the first time.

However, in the test jump before the start of the qualifiers, Yang Shuorui did not control her body when doing the action, and fell down when she landed, causing her left eyebrow bone to be injured, and the bruising almost made her left eye lose most of her vision. Medical staff at the scene quickly sent Yang Shuorui to the ambulance on the sidelines, which if carried her away, the 18-year-old would lose his chance to make his debut at the Winter Olympics.

Next to Gu Ailing was a Chinese girl with a wound in the corner of her eye, flowers under her feet, and a light in her heart

On February 14, 2022, Zhangjiakou, Hebei Province, Yang Shuorui competed in the Beijing Winter Olympics Freestyle Skiing Women's Steeplechase Qualification Tournament. Image according to Visual China

"No problem, I can compare!" Yang Shuorui did not want to miss the opportunity to realize her dream that she had spelled out, and after a simple process, she stepped onto the stage of the qualification round. After 3 attempts, although it only ranked 20th among the 25 players, the 3 results were better than one, and people praised the tenacious fighting spirit shown by the youngster!

After the game, when passing through the mixed interview area, reporters on the scene asked Yang Shuorui about her injury, and her heartache and appreciation overflowed. However, Yang Shuorui, who had just turned 18, turned around to comfort the reporter, saying that "I don't matter, the injury is not serious." For the injury, Yang Shuorui did not talk much, but said that he should jump better. She felt a pity that she didn't play well because of her injury.

Crossed borders

She was an alpine skier 3 years ago

The beijing winter olympics freestyle ski women's slope obstacle course qualification tournament, which was scheduled for the morning of February 13, was postponed due to heavy snow in the area, and according to the website of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games Organizing Committee, the competition will be postponed to 10 a.m. on February 14. It seems that the weather is also helping Yang Shuorui to try to fight for time to recover, after all, in a previous interview, Yang Shuorui, who had already had two stitches in the hospital, said, "(The injury) will have a little impact on the next slope obstacle race." ”

Afterwards, she did not forget to comfort the media present, "but I will do my best to play my level." "Winning good results and getting on the podium is the goal of every athlete, but behind the results, the sportsmanship of never giving up and constantly breaking through is even more valuable." Even if the young Chinese girl has a wound in the corner of her eye, the light in her heart makes her flower on her feet in the next game and chase her dreams on the snow.

Next to Gu Ailing was a Chinese girl with a wound in the corner of her eye, flowers under her feet, and a light in her heart

Picture according to Yang Shuorui Weibo

In fact, it was not until 3 years ago that Yang Shuorui officially started his freestyle skiing career. Previously, as an alpine skier, although I had better "snow affinity" than other summer athletes who crossed the discipline, there were huge differences between different events. From choosing to transfer because of curiosity, to now getting the qualification to stand on the stage of the Winter Olympics, Yang Shuorui has found his place in this "fun" sport.

"I especially like the feeling of leaping, especially the moment of landing, especially the style, the sense of achievement." Although it will eventually return to the ground, the sky has left a shadow of Yang Shuorui countless times; each time on the road of chasing the limit, the 18-year-old Chinese girl has done her best to live up to her love. Previously, her coach Daisuke Shirakawa said in an interview that he has achieved something from scratch to now, and he is also proud and proud of taking Yang Shuorui for 3 years.

In fact, what makes everyone, including Daisuke Shirakawa, proud and proud of not only the results, is it not the shining sportsmanship?

Red Star News reporter Hu Minjuan Pei Han

Edit Bao Chengli

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Next to Gu Ailing was a Chinese girl with a wound in the corner of her eye, flowers under her feet, and a light in her heart

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