
How much money can the Beijing Winter Olympics make? In addition to the two direct incomes, there are also greater dividends

author:It stands to reason
How much money can the Beijing Winter Olympics make? In addition to the two direct incomes, there are also greater dividends

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Today, the Beijing Winter Olympics are in full swing, and the eyes of the world will be focused on Beijing and China in the past two weeks. 14 years, we can finally pay back the world a surprise, every time a variety of sports events are held, there will be people who want to calculate an account, saying that you see each country's efforts may cost as little as billions of dollars, more than tens of billions of dollars to engage in a sports event, such as the Olympic Games, the World Cup, so these host countries spend so much money can not earn back? Or take the mainland as an example, how much money can we make if we hold a Winter Olympics?

Today, we can simply calculate with you the fingers, and the main sources of income for an Olympic Games are divided into several aspects.

First of all, the first and easiest thing to think of is of course the sponsor, the Olympic Games is definitely the world's top project, over the years we know too well how much traffic is worth, the major manufacturers will not ignore such an opportunity, so every Olympic Games will receive a variety of manufacturers of sky-high sponsorship, the International Olympic Committee also has its global partners, each Olympic Games partners. So let's say that almost every Olympic Games can charge a sponsorship fee of several billion us dollars, but of course this money is divided between the host country and the International Olympic Committee, which is why Japan last year, when the epidemic was so serious, it had to hold the Olympic Games. Because for the International Olympic Committee, it cannot be easily cancelled, 4 years is such a good opportunity to make money, if it is really canceled, you have to return all the money of your sponsors.

In addition to sponsorship fees, the second larger income is probably ticket revenue and broadcast fee income. These two are actually the same thing, that is, the money you spend to watch the Olympic Games, if you are very rich, of course, you go to make a ticket to the Olympic Games to see the scene is the most comfortable, if the money is not so much, you can only watch TV broadcasts.

In some countries, Olympic televised broadcasting is free, and in some countries Olympic telecasting is charged, but in any case, all television broadcasting agencies will pay a large amount of money to the organizers. Especially this year, due to the impact of the epidemic, we also know that international travel has almost stopped, so most people need to watch the Olympic Games through the TV screen, so this year's broadcast fee income is estimated to be a very rich sum.

In addition to these two direct incomes, for the host countries of the Olympic Games, I think most countries pay more attention to the following three indirect incomes, the first of which should be the income of international tourists. Did you know? Before the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, Japan had an ambition, Japan said that in 2020 this year, he hopes to come to Japan more than 40 million international tourists, these years Japan's economy has stagnated, Japan has set tourism as a pillar industry, the Japanese hope to attract more people from all over the world to Japan to travel to Japan to spend through the East Wind of the Olympic Games. This is a very normal thinking, there are more than 200 countries and regions around the world who love to travel, why should they go here and not there? The Olympics are actually a very good opportunity to publicize the country, it is obviously not enough to watch on the TV screen, and it is of course best to be able to be there if you have the opportunity.

Unfortunately, however, for well-known reasons, the number of international tourists visiting Japan in 2020 and 2021 is countless. But of course, we also know that we should take a long-term view, and the epidemic will always dissipate one day. At that time, we also hoped that in 2022, there will be many international tourists coming to China to Beijing, although the epidemic has not subsided, international tourists basically can not come, but I believe that the epidemic will be controlled soon this year, when the Winter Olympics have just ended, the beautiful Beijing left a very good impression on hundreds of millions of TV viewers, of course, they will choose to travel to China in the future.

The second largest indirect income from hosting the Olympic Games is, of course, a strong stimulus to the economy, which has been mentioned in the past year by the two major economies of China and the United States. Why? We don't need to say more about the United States, how many banknotes will the United States print in 2021, and why should we print money? Because the epidemic has affected the US economy. In order for the U.S. economy to grow, Americans seem to have only one trick, that is, to print money, to print money continuously. It doesn't matter if the people don't have the power to spend, it doesn't matter if they send money, the people don't have jobs and no income, they send money, after the money is sent, the money in the whole market is more, the economic activity is active, and then the US economy can maintain a certain growth under strong stimulus.

But of course, we also said that this growth has side effects, and the side effect is that today the United States has suffered inflation that has not been greater in 40 years. On the other hand, the mainland is also stimulating the economy, and the mainland proposed internal circulation last year, what is internal circulation? It is to let ordinary people have more money in their hands and have money to spend, yes, we can not rely on exports to make the economy grow positively. Obviously, the excitement of domestic demand in hosting such a sports event as the Olympic Games is very large. For the host country, running an Olympic Games is not simply to build a few venues, build some five-star hotels, and build an Olympic village so that the athletes can come and stay.

Many countries have borrowed the East Wind of the Olympic Games to carry out infrastructure construction of highways, high-speed railways, bridges, and large sports venues, all of which must be built by borrowing the east wind of the Olympic Games. This kind of stimulation is honestly better than sending money directly, why? Because this kind of government-led investment will benefit all people in the entire industrial chain, we can't simply give away the money like the United States, so that the big inflation caused by it is equivalent to making the whole people pay. And didn't the United States also strengthen the infrastructure stimulus program today?

There is actually a third layer of revenue in hosting the Olympic Games, that is, the establishment of national brand image and the output of soft power. As the world's factory today, China has actually disdained to work only for others, only as someone else's foundry. We have a lot of Chinese products to go abroad to compete with other countries' goods overseas, and at that time we need China's national image and the soft power output of the mainland.

In the past, we have given you an example, Korean liquor is also called shochu, many people who love alcohol are simply disdainful of drinking, everyone said that the taste of wine is simply brush pot water mixed with alcohol. However, in the past two years, Korean shochu has been sold out in Southeast Asian countries, and many people have gone to supermarkets to indicate that they want to buy Korean sake. Because South Korean film and television dramas are very developed, a large number of output to Southeast Asia, many young people watch their love beans in Korean dramas drinking shochu, and even Korean stars also take the initiative to promote Korean soju, making Korean shochu This taste is actually very general wine sold very well in Southeast Asia, which is soft power.

When many of our goods go abroad, we need foreign consumers to establish awareness of Chinese brands, and even superstition. We need to make them feel that we are a thriving power, that the goods we export are of high quality and low price, just as we embraced Japanese goods with open arms in the 1980s, because at that time we felt that Japan was an economic powerhouse and that Japan's goods must be the best.

Today we also want to make consumers in other countries realize that China is a powerful country and that China's goods must be the best. Obviously, the Olympic Games is a very good opportunity to show China's national image and national strength, so that many overseas consumers who do not understand China can see a big country with vigorous vitality through the stage of the Olympic Games, so when they go to buy Chinese goods at that time, is it possible that they are more willing to choose? So it is obvious that there is a lot of direct and indirect income from hosting an Olympic Games, otherwise it would not be why until today, there will be many countries competing for every Olympic bid.

How much money can the Beijing Winter Olympics make? In addition to the two direct incomes, there are also greater dividends