
In the spring, the supply and demand of recruitment are booming, and the ranking of the recruitment APP application market is generally rising

According to Qimai data, in the first week after the Spring Festival, the ranking of the recruitment APP application market generally rose. According to the China App Store Free List (Business), boss direct recruitment, Zhaopin recruitment and Liepin have recently ranked in the top ten. The rankings of major recruitment software have risen to varying degrees. In addition, the attention of online office software such as DingTalk and Enterprise WeChat has also steadily increased.

In the spring, the supply and demand of recruitment are booming, and the ranking of the recruitment APP application market is generally rising

Every year, the three silver and four are the peak recruitment seasons, but this spring the recovery time of the recruitment market is earlier than in previous years. Some insiders predict that due to this impact, the download volume of recruitment APPS will continue to rise by 30%.

Industry observers believe that the recovery of the recruitment market is closely related to the operating rate of enterprises. Affected by the epidemic, there are more people celebrating the New Year on the spot this year, so the speed of resuming production and work after the year is also relatively fast, and the time to start recruitment is relatively early.

From the perspective of the macro environment, the labor market is in short supply, and it is more and more difficult for enterprises to recruit people every year, and objectively speaking, it also advances the time for enterprises to start recruitment. In this environment, the attention and download volume of recruitment APPS have risen, and the number of downloads in the first week after the Spring Festival has increased by 30% to 50%.

In addition, after the opening of the spring, the major recruitment APPS have placed advertisements in subways, bus stations and other points with large passenger flow. At Beijing Wangjing Subway Station alone, there are advertisements for five recruitment platforms: BOSS Direct Recruitment, Zhaopin Recruitment, Liepin, 5Job 51job and Pulse. Intensive marketing has driven a rapid increase in app downloads in the short term.

Online is another major reason for the rapid growth of online recruitment apps. The epidemic has accelerated the online recruitment, more and more enterprises have begun to try live recruitment and video interviews, and the relevant departments have also built many "cloud recruitment" platforms in conjunction with universities and enterprises, and the user's demand for recruitment APP has increased significantly.

Upstream journalist Yang Ye

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