
Curious about what is called night crying, today in the tree I saw a red paper sticking to the paper written: Heaven is trembling, my family has a gentleman who walks by a night crying wolf to read it three times, and sleeps until dawn

author:Leafy fragments of thoughts

Curious about what is called Night Crying Lang, today I saw a red paper on the tree

The paper reads:

Heaven was trembling, and there was a night crying wolf in my house

The gentleman who walked read it three times and slept until dawn

Curious about what is called night crying, today in the tree I saw a red paper sticking to the paper written: Heaven is trembling, my family has a gentleman who walks by a night crying wolf to read it three times, and sleeps until dawn
Curious about what is called night crying, today in the tree I saw a red paper sticking to the paper written: Heaven is trembling, my family has a gentleman who walks by a night crying wolf to read it three times, and sleeps until dawn
Curious about what is called night crying, today in the tree I saw a red paper sticking to the paper written: Heaven is trembling, my family has a gentleman who walks by a night crying wolf to read it three times, and sleeps until dawn

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