
Brother Gazi is furious at unscrupulous media! Denying refusing to star in "Wolf Warrior 2", many netizens have scolded more wonderful entertainment information, all in the fire!

author:Will fire

Recently, "Gazi Brother" Xie Mengwei posted a video on the social platform, in which he reprimanded the unscrupulous media in person, claiming that these video numbers spread and distorted the facts, which had a great impact on his life and reputation, causing heated discussion among many melon-eating netizens.

In the video, he sits on the sofa wearing black short sleeves, waving his arms at the camera, and constantly telling netizens the truth of the incident. First of all, Xie Mengwei scolded at the unscrupulous media: "Give me rumors again, right?" "The fermentation of the incident for two consecutive days directly sent him to the entertainment version of the hot search."

Brother Gazi is furious at unscrupulous media! Denying refusing to star in "Wolf Warrior 2", many netizens have scolded more wonderful entertainment information, all in the fire!

Then he took out his mobile phone and casually searched, and the entire screen was crowded with videos that were distorted, one after another, and the number of videos shocked the netizens in front of the screen.

Brother Gazi is furious at unscrupulous media! Denying refusing to star in "Wolf Warrior 2", many netizens have scolded more wonderful entertainment information, all in the fire!

Xie Mengwei's feelings when he saw these videos were helpless, angry and outrageous, and he immediately raised a number of questions to the unscrupulous media: Why not release the original video, the original sound, and the original picture? The funniest thing is that he makes a particularly helpless tone, complaining that the pictures put by the media are too ugly to show his handsomeness.

Brother Gazi is furious at unscrupulous media! Denying refusing to star in "Wolf Warrior 2", many netizens have scolded more wonderful entertainment information, all in the fire!

Next, Xie Mengwei focused on explaining the reason for not starring in "Wolf Warrior 2", first of all, in the preparatory stage of "Wolf Warrior 2", he met Wu Jing's big brother, just when Wu Jing had a knee injury, Xie Mengwei accompanied him to acupuncture and physiotherapy, and at that time he was driving a big run. The second is that the start schedule of "Wolf Warrior 2" has not been determined, and Xie Mengwei's company sent him to shoot other movies, and when he was halfway through filming, "Wolf Warrior 2" started, so he could not participate. Finally, he advised the entertainment media to pay attention to the facts and not to confuse the public.

Brother Gazi is furious at unscrupulous media! Denying refusing to star in "Wolf Warrior 2", many netizens have scolded more wonderful entertainment information, all in the fire!

Many netizens only saw some out-of-context meanings, and did not go directly to see the original video, so they ran to scold Xie Mengwei. The outside world evaluates that his incident is purely speculative, and the truth is unknown.

Brother Gazi is furious at unscrupulous media! Denying refusing to star in "Wolf Warrior 2", many netizens have scolded more wonderful entertainment information, all in the fire!

Xie Mengwei is famous for starring in "Little Soldier Zhang Ga", but his fame has become the peak, and since then his acting path has not had any roles out of the circle. Later, in order to support his family, he also embarked on the road of live streaming with goods, but someone broke the news that the wine he sold was fake wine, and all the insults struck in an instant. He opened the live broadcast room while crying and explaining to the audience, even Pan Changjiang also taught him that the things on the Internet were virtual, saying that he could not grasp it.

Brother Gazi is furious at unscrupulous media! Denying refusing to star in "Wolf Warrior 2", many netizens have scolded more wonderful entertainment information, all in the fire!

Although he has been selling goods live, in fact, Xie Mengwei's dream is to insist on filming, and recently he posted a tidbit video on the set, he played a strong and powerful boxer. In the video, he wears a pair of blue sweatpants and fights with the actors rolling on the floor, and the scene is very hot. His martial arts skills are particularly good, and he has a good grasp of what back and forth flips.

Brother Gazi is furious at unscrupulous media! Denying refusing to star in "Wolf Warrior 2", many netizens have scolded more wonderful entertainment information, all in the fire!

Everyone wants to be successful, but the path to success is the right one. In the face of several controversies and mistakes, Xie Mengwei still has to stand up bravely, and if it is wrong, he will generously admit to making up for it in time. If you want to act in the entertainment industry, virtue and art are the only magic weapon.


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