
Today I saw my concern about the "old cow breaking the car on the road" physical examination blood pressure is not normal - in my opinion this is normal. I often pay attention to him, I have a total of these days, he is always drinking, and his blood pressure is not high

author:Ruyi 8812365453660

Today I saw my concern about the "old cow breaking the car on the road" physical examination blood pressure is not normal - in my opinion this is normal. ——I often pay attention to him, I still have a total of these days, he always drinks, blood pressure is not high? This is not! , today's hair - high ~ ~ hey, this is right, must not run ~ ~ who can not run ...

Because he usually drinks a little almost every day, he thinks that he does not drink big wine every day, "small wine is pleasant". Never mind. Actually, it's not right...

In fact, I am also willing to drink some, and drinking some wine is really pleasant and regulates emotions. But unlike him, I know more about this than he does. He didn't know that drinking small wine (especially liquor) every day was more harmful than occasionally getting drunk. There are expert statistics reports that people who drink regularly are more likely to get cerebral thrombosis than people who don't drink regularly. That is to say, people who usually drink a little wine every day are not as good as occasionally drunk. You pay a little attention to the fact that the last people with cerebral thrombosis and cerebral hemorrhage are people who usually drink "every day"... Indeed, this is true - in fact, then again, people who drink every day, in fact, when they meet friends, they often drink a lot... Still can't control it.

Why? In fact, it is very easy to understand, that is, people who usually do not drink much, to put it bluntly, drink a day two two three two two, a bottle of wine three or four days is gone, can not stand the day for a long time Wow! ——The heart, liver, spleen, stomach, and kidneys have been "drowned" in wine for a long time, and they can't get "a little" rest... Can you say it's okay? ... It's not like the occasional big drink, usually do not drink people, drink more than once, organ repair for a long time, much better. So it's not the same.

What is better about me than this netizen? In fact, he doesn't understand this matter, and he doesn't care much, that can't work. And he shouldn't drink liquor every day, it's better to drink some beer - I know, people who are used to drinking liquor feel like "fools"... Beer has no soul – I have this feeling [teeth]...

And he should pay attention to it, should measure blood pressure every day, grasp his own blood pressure, and know that blood pressure is the source of all diseases! Its harm outweighs that of diabetes, and hyperlipidemia, has been reported.

So this friend does not understand these, although he is more than sixty years old, but he does not understand, but also said that he wants to open, should eat and drink, that is he does not know the consequences, know, who is not afraid ... No one is afraid to die, and they are afraid of lying in bed and living is better than dying... It really is - the ignorant don't matter...

I usually drink a little, one is to drink less, the second is that I always stare at my blood pressure, and the third is that I don't always drink white. That thing really can't be drunk every day. Usually drink some beer, liquor for a holiday to drink less, just do. Blood pressure is always high, resolutely can not drink, responsible for life, you are not responsible for yourself, do you think who can be responsible for you "later"? - Not really!! That doesn't have to total ~~

I can understand that people who don't drink a little wine are a bit of a feeling of loss ~ but in order to be able to "rely on self-reliance" in the future, we still don't rely on wine to "be happy", you can exercise, running is also addictive, the original I did not believe, now do not run the next day, I have a sense of "self-shame", so I still have to divert distractions.

Do you want to be an athlete or a person who can't take care of yourself in bed? - At that time, no one will give you wine if you want...

Today I saw my concern about the "old cow breaking the car on the road" physical examination blood pressure is not normal - in my opinion this is normal. I often pay attention to him, I have a total of these days, he is always drinking, and his blood pressure is not high
Today I saw my concern about the "old cow breaking the car on the road" physical examination blood pressure is not normal - in my opinion this is normal. I often pay attention to him, I have a total of these days, he is always drinking, and his blood pressure is not high
Today I saw my concern about the "old cow breaking the car on the road" physical examination blood pressure is not normal - in my opinion this is normal. I often pay attention to him, I have a total of these days, he is always drinking, and his blood pressure is not high
Today I saw my concern about the "old cow breaking the car on the road" physical examination blood pressure is not normal - in my opinion this is normal. I often pay attention to him, I have a total of these days, he is always drinking, and his blood pressure is not high

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