
Is bitter melon a blood lipid "scavenger"? Advice: If you don't want your blood vessels to clog, the more these 3 vegetables, the better

author:Director Xu Health said

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"Lao Hu, why have you been so listless these past two days?" Aunt Zhang, a neighbor, asked with concern. 58-year-old Uncle Hu has indeed been in poor condition recently, his appetite has decreased, and his body feels unusually heavy. At first, he thought it was just ordinary fatigue, but he went to the clinic to check it out, and the doctor told him that it was a symptom of high blood lipids.

Uncle Hu is an honest postman, and he usually has no special hobbies except for delivering letters. Because of the nature of his work, he is always busy with various households, but he does not pay much attention to his diet, often solving the problem by roadside stalls, eating too much fried food and high-fat food, and the results of this physical examination are not unexpected.

Is bitter melon a blood lipid "scavenger"? Advice: If you don't want your blood vessels to clog, the more these 3 vegetables, the better

After reviewing Uncle Hu's physical examination report, the doctor began to explain to him the dangers and treatment of hyperlipidemia. Doctors point out that hyperlipidemia not only increases the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, but may also lead to more serious health problems in the long run. Faced with this situation, the doctor suggested that Uncle Hu could add some specific vegetables to his daily diet in moderation, especially bitter gourd.

Bitter gourd is considered by many people to be the "scavenger" of blood lipids, which is not groundless. Bitter melon is rich in niacin and some special bioactive components that can help lower cholesterol and triglycerides in the body. Niacin helps inhibit the development of fatty liver disease, while also reducing inflammation of the blood vessel wall, thereby reducing the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Is bitter melon a blood lipid "scavenger"? Advice: If you don't want your blood vessels to clog, the more these 3 vegetables, the better

The doctor explained in detail to Uncle Hu what vegetables are particularly helpful in regulating blood lipids in addition to bitter gourd. For example, sweet potatoes are not only delicious, but the dietary fiber and potassium in them are really small experts in regulating blood sugar and salt, and indirectly help reduce blood lipids.

There are also tomatoes, which are not only attractive in color, but also contain lycopene, which is a powerful antioxidant, and can also help lower LDL cholesterol, which is the kind of "bad" cholesterol that is not very friendly to the cardiovascular system, preventing blood vessels from hardening.

Is bitter melon a blood lipid "scavenger"? Advice: If you don't want your blood vessels to clog, the more these 3 vegetables, the better

After listening to the doctor's advice, Uncle Hu felt that he had to make some adjustments in his diet, eat more of these vegetables that are good for lowering blood lipids, and reduce those high-fat and high-sugar things.

The doctor also emphasized that to deal with hyperlipidemia, it is not enough to adjust the diet, and proper exercise is also an essential part. Uncle Hu was very touched by these words, and he decided to start changing his lifestyle from today onwards and truly take responsibility for his own health.

Is bitter melon a blood lipid "scavenger"? Advice: If you don't want your blood vessels to clog, the more these 3 vegetables, the better

Celery, a seemingly ordinary vegetable, is actually a small expert in lowering blood lipids. Celery contains a lot of dietary fiber, which is not digested and absorbed in our digestive tract and can effectively reduce cholesterol levels in the body. It is also rich in potassium, which helps the body maintain electrolyte balance and prevent high blood pressure.

What's even more interesting is that the unique aroma in celery comes from the apigenin it contains, a compound that helps to relax blood vessels, which helps blood circulation, further reducing the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. These properties of celery make it a must-have for people with hyperlipidemia.

Is bitter melon a blood lipid "scavenger"? Advice: If you don't want your blood vessels to clog, the more these 3 vegetables, the better

Hawthorn, a common ingredient in traditional Chinese pastries, is also excellent for regulating blood lipids. Hawthorn is rich in flavonoids and vitamin C, which help promote the breakdown and excretion of cholesterol and prevent the accumulation of fat in blood vessels.

Red beans, a common ingredient in oriental desserts, are actually a very effective ingredient for lowering blood lipids. The dietary fiber rich in red beans can help reduce the absorption of harmful substances in the body, including cholesterol, thereby lowering blood lipids. It also contains high amounts of potassium, a mineral essential for maintaining heart health.

Is bitter melon a blood lipid "scavenger"? Advice: If you don't want your blood vessels to clog, the more these 3 vegetables, the better

The antioxidants in red beans can help scavenge free radicals and protect blood vessels from damage caused by high blood lipids. For people with hyperlipidemia, incorporating red beans into their daily diet, whether it's porridge or soup, is a great way to improve their health.

Uncle Hu also learned how to further improve his quality of life through psychological adjustment. Maintaining an optimistic attitude and reducing mental stress, which seem to be not directly related to blood lipids, are actually very important for controlling blood lipid levels.

Is bitter melon a blood lipid "scavenger"? Advice: If you don't want your blood vessels to clog, the more these 3 vegetables, the better

He began to monitor his diet strictly, and in addition to adding celery, hawthorn, and red beans, he also added other wholesome foods such as oats and nuts, which are good options to help lower blood lipids.

Oats are a really good thing, the soluble dietary fiber in them is especially powerful, especially the ingredient called β-glucan, which can turn into a jelly-like gel in the stomach after eating, this thing can especially absorb bad LDL cholesterol and help you get rid of it.

Is bitter melon a blood lipid "scavenger"? Advice: If you don't want your blood vessels to clog, the more these 3 vegetables, the better

Oats can also make you feel full, so eat less and help you control your weight and maintain good blood lipid levels.

When it comes to foods that are good for blood vessels, we can't forget nuts, especially walnuts and almonds. Not only are these little ones tasty, but they're also rich in heart-friendly monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. These healthy fatty acids can help lower total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol in the blood, which is really good for protecting the heart!

Is bitter melon a blood lipid "scavenger"? Advice: If you don't want your blood vessels to clog, the more these 3 vegetables, the better

Walnuts and almonds are also rich in antioxidants, such as vitamin E and selenium, which can help fight cell damage caused by oxidative stress, thus helping to protect the heart.

Regular physical activity can help improve cardiovascular function, reduce the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and is also an important way to control weight and lower blood lipids.

Is bitter melon a blood lipid "scavenger"? Advice: If you don't want your blood vessels to clog, the more these 3 vegetables, the better

Uncle Hu also began to practice regular fasting, which is a method he learned about improving blood lipid levels while reading health information. Intermittent fasting not only improves insulin sensitivity, but also lowers blood lipid levels, which can be beneficial to the body's overall health.

Uncle Hu's blood lipid levels have improved, and his doctors are very satisfied with his progress. What's more, Uncle Hu himself also felt unprecedented health and vitality.

Is bitter melon a blood lipid "scavenger"? Advice: If you don't want your blood vessels to clog, the more these 3 vegetables, the better

Comprehensive lifestyle modifications, including a sensible diet, regular physical activity, and effective stress management, can effectively improve blood lipid levels and overall health. This is not only an investment in personal health, but also a contribution to family happiness and social well-being. (All names have been changed)

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[1] Lin Xueqi. Correlation between high-density lipoprotein cholesterol and brain tissue hypoperfusion in patients with symptomatic intracranial atherosclerotic stenosis, Nerve Injury and Functional Reconstruction, 2024-06-12

Is bitter melon a blood lipid "scavenger"? Advice: If you don't want your blood vessels to clog, the more these 3 vegetables, the better
Is bitter melon a blood lipid "scavenger"? Advice: If you don't want your blood vessels to clog, the more these 3 vegetables, the better

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