
Can't get rid of the image of the old man Le, 2025 sales of more than one million has become a joke

In 2018, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the National Development and Reform Commission and other six ministries and commissions jointly issued the "Notice on Strengthening the Management of Low-speed Electric Vehicles", forcing Reading in the field of low-speed electric vehicles to consider transformation, and then Reading set his sights on the automakers on the verge of closure, in 2018 and 2019 respectively, completed the wholly-owned acquisition of Shaanxi Qinxing Automobile Co., Ltd. and Sichuan Automobile Mustang, and naturally obtained passenger car production qualifications.

Can't get rid of the image of the old man Le, 2025 sales of more than one million has become a joke

At the strategy conference in 2019, Reading proposed that "in 2020, the product sales revenue will exceed 10 billion yuan, and the annual sales of new energy vehicles will exceed 1 million in 2025." The goal, in fact, Reading has achieved only 1051 vehicles in 2020, even less than in 2019, obviously, far from achieving the goal of more than 10 billion yuan in product sales revenue.

However, in 2021, with the advent of Reading Mango, the annual sales have exceeded 30,000 vehicles, although not eye-catching enough, but also enough to support Reading's space this year.

Can't get rid of the image of the old man Le, 2025 sales of more than one million has become a joke

Reading mango is the absolute main model of the Reading brand at present, the benchmark model is the Hongguang MINI EV, which is said to be the benchmark, but it only exists in the same market segment, and the new energy A00 level segment, there are many more powerful models such as small ants, QQ ice cream, Collavi, zero-run T03 and so on, which have more sound research and development, production, sales and channel capabilities than mango. And they have the brand power endorsement of large car companies, the origin of the "regular army", is the redding from the field of low-speed electric vehicles into the field of passenger cars is difficult to cross the gap, even in the same price of the same level of models, Reading mango no matter compared to any model, there is no obvious disadvantage, but consumers are difficult to look up to Reading, I don't know if Reading regrets, once in the field of low-speed electric vehicles has made great achievements.

Can't get rid of the image of the old man Le, 2025 sales of more than one million has become a joke

Speaking of products, the reason why Hongguang MINI EV can quickly form a hot sales situation, in addition to cutting the market, its cute and cute appearance is also the reason for attracting many young consumers to buy it, so the current new energy A00-class models almost have similar design methods.

Can't get rid of the image of the old man Le, 2025 sales of more than one million has become a joke

However, although Reading mango also walks the same number, but can still see some of the "old man's music" design residue, especially the real car does look like a lack of texture, in addition, the immaturity of the configuration also restricts the sales of Reading mango, such as the basic configuration of airbags, only in the high-end model has been assembled, and the price, has gone to more than fifty thousand, therefore, Although the starting price of Reading mango is only an attractive 29,800, when consumers actually walk into the terminal, they find that Reading mango does not seem to be so affordable.

Can't get rid of the image of the old man Le, 2025 sales of more than one million has become a joke

In addition, in terms of quality, there are also more complaints, such as fast mileage drop when low battery, serious untruthful mileage, and even many complaints about problems such as steering failure.

Another reason for the difficulty of making the brand power climb is that the current Terminal of Reading is almost all in the form of franchisees-based outlets, although the official claims to have more than 2,700 first-level outlets, and the second-level outlets claim to exceed 7,000, but in fact, the terminal form is still somewhat similar to low-speed electric vehicles, not only can not guarantee long-term stable terminal channels, because of the reasons for joining, but also can not form a unified high-quality pre-sales and after-sales service, which is very unfavorable to Reading's brand building.

Can't get rid of the image of the old man Le, 2025 sales of more than one million has become a joke

If you want to achieve the goal of annual sales of more than one million in 2025, with the current development momentum of Reading, it is tantamount to a fool's dream, rooted in the low-end new energy market, and can only barely guarantee the survival of Reading.

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