
Buried scientific giant Nikola Tesla

Tesla has never refused eleven Nobel Prizes in physics, and his achievements have affected every aspect of our lives today, but it is such a prodigy who has a rough life, and he once said a famous sentence for the sake of science, as long as I want I can split the earth in half, and now the founder of Tesla electric car company that we see on the road now musk is to commemorate this scientific giant.

Buried scientific giant Nikola Tesla

Time back to 1856 Tesla was born, in a small town in Croatia as a child, Tesla, not healthy, he often met morality, some strange diseases endured strange pain, and even hallucinations, but he was very fond of learning, loved to study very cleverly able to experiment in detail, and create those inspirations that once flashed in his mind, which also laid the foundation for his later inventions.

Buried scientific giant Nikola Tesla

By chance in 1884, Tesla arrived in the United States and gradually began to get on the right track of life. After several years of dedicated research, he invented the asynchronous motor, and successfully through the Columbia Exposition lighting project, to show the public the reliability and safety of alternating current, and was revered by posterity as the father of the electrical age, in 1895, when his invention career was at its peak, a bizarre fire put his entire laboratory and bust research efforts, all precious research equipment and scientific experiment data to the tesla economy suffered serious losses.

In 1901, he built the world's first large Tesla coil on Long Island to supply wireless communications and wireless transmission on both sides of the Atlantic, alternating current in Tesla's life was only one of his many achievements, and in 1897 the world-famous Niagara Hydropower Station was completed with the help of Tesla, and in order to commemorate his contribution, people erected the head of Mr. Tesla in the park of Niagara Falls.

Buried scientific giant Nikola Tesla

Broadly speaking, the extremely important radio in the wartime era is indispensable for mobile phone communication navigation, broadcast bluetooth, etc., are inextricably linked to Tesla, as the inventor of alternating current can become the world's richest man within a year by relying solely on patent fees, but he still tore up the alternating current patent and opened it to the public for free, some people say that he created the Tunguska explosion, some people say that he does not belong to the earth but no one knows the truth of the facts.

Buried scientific giant Nikola Tesla

These stories of the past will eventually be drowned like dust, under the wheel of time, Tesla died in New York on January 7, 1943, although he has left us, but in the past hundred years his contributions have lit up the earth like magic, and the lives of billions of people around the world have changed dramatically because of him.

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