
Oriental beauty Zhu Lin: She has been in love with her second husband so far, and now she has turned her life into a poem

author:Kusunoki University Hall
Oriental beauty Zhu Lin: She has been in love with her second husband so far, and now she has turned her life into a poem
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and walk, get rich forever, pay attention to it, and like it, it's hard to get rich if you don't want to
Oriental beauty Zhu Lin: She has been in love with her second husband so far, and now she has turned her life into a poem

In the memory of many audiences, Zhu Lin will always be the king of the beautiful and moving daughter country. Her eyes full of affection have made countless people fall for them. When she called "Brother Yu" softly, it not only made Tang Seng in the play fall into an emotional whirlpool, but also touched the heartstrings of the audience.

However, what is less known is that the life story of this screen goddess is far more ups and downs than the character she plays. Today, Zhu Lin, who is over the age of old, still has charm, and has worked hand in hand with her second husband for 19 years, turning ordinary days into a poetic chapter.

What ups and downs has she experienced in her life? And how do you find ultimate happiness? Let's unveil the wonderful life of this "Oriental beauty".

Zhu Lin's acting career began in 1980 as an obscure staff member of a health research institute. The gears of fate quietly turned, and a friend's recommendation gave her the opportunity to participate in the filming of the movie "Traitor".

Oriental beauty Zhu Lin: She has been in love with her second husband so far, and now she has turned her life into a poem

In the film, Zhu Lin played a character named "Shen Hong", her naturally beautiful appearance and the performance experience accumulated in the art troupe made her screen debut amazing.

This valuable experience ignited Zhu Lin's enthusiasm for acting, and in order to chase her dreams, she resolutely applied for the amateur class of Beijing Film Academy.

During her studies, Zhu Lin eagerly absorbed professional knowledge and worked hard to improve her acting skills. Her talent and diligence soon paid off, and she received invitations to many film and television dramas one after another.

In order to perfectly interpret the role of "Hua Xiangrong" in the TV series "Legend of the Pear Garden", Zhu Lin showed amazing perseverance and professionalism. She learned Sichuan opera from scratch, apprenticed to famous artists, and trained hard with the troupe.

Oriental beauty Zhu Lin: She has been in love with her second husband so far, and now she has turned her life into a poem

During the rural tour, Zhu Lin always maintained full attendance, carefully observed and figured out offstage, and laid a solid foundation for character building.

Zhu Lin's outstanding performance has won praise from industry insiders. The famous director Mi Jiashan invited her to star in the movie "The Crooked Stone Path"; Immediately afterwards, director Xu Qingdong also threw an olive branch to her and invited her to participate in China's first TV musical "Golden House".

Zhu Lin's acting career is like a rising star, shining brightly.

In 1985, opportunity favored Zhu Lin again. "Journey to the West" director Yang Jie was immediately attracted by Zhu Lin's temperament after seeing her photos. Although she had promised to hand over the role of the king of the daughter country to the famous artist Yang Chunxia, Yang Jie resolutely decided to "break the contract" and handed over this important role to Zhu Lin.

Oriental beauty Zhu Lin: She has been in love with her second husband so far, and now she has turned her life into a poem

She firmly believes that only Zhu Lin can perfectly interpret the king of the daughter country that makes Tang Seng tempting.

Facts have proved that Yang Jie's choice was correct. Zhu Lin's performance amazed everyone, her eyes with affection and her demeanor of wanting to stop talking deeply touched the hearts of countless audiences.

The hit broadcast of "Journey to the West" made Zhu Lin famous in one fell swoop, and she and the popular movie star Gong Xue were called "South Gong Xue, North Zhu Lin", and became a well-deserved "Oriental Beauty".

From an obscure ordinary staff member to a high-profile film and television star, Zhu Lin has used her efforts and talents to shine brightly in her acting career. However, the take-off of her career has also brought new challenges and choices to her life.

Oriental beauty Zhu Lin: She has been in love with her second husband so far, and now she has turned her life into a poem

Before Zhu Lin's acting career was in full swing, she had already entered the palace of marriage. Her first husband was an ordinary clerk, and unlike the "talented and beautiful woman" in the public's imagination, their encounter was so ordinary and sweet.

As the daughter of a high-level intellectual, Zhu Lin, with the support of her parents, chose this man who matched her temperament after careful consideration.

When the two first met, Zhu Lin was still a dancer in the art troupe. Their common artistic background makes them have endless topics to talk about, from art to life, and the two often chat until late at night.

With the deepening of the relationship, the couple soon entered the palace of marriage. During the newlywed Yan'er period, their life was peaceful and contented, and they became a model couple in the neighborhood.

Oriental beauty Zhu Lin: She has been in love with her second husband so far, and now she has turned her life into a poem

However, as Zhu Lin devoted herself to her acting career, cracks began to appear in this peaceful life. In order to pursue her acting dream, Zhu Lin often travels between various crews, and she spends less and less time with her husband.

Although the husband was dissatisfied with this, in order to support his wife's career, he chose to suffer in silence.

With the popularity of "Journey to the West", the "love" between Zhu Lin and her partner Xu Shaohua in the play has become a hot topic among the audience. Many people want to see them become a couple in reality, too.

In the face of media jokes and speculation from the outside world, Zhu Lin's husband inevitably had mixed feelings in his heart. He began to suggest that Zhu Lin should slow down the pace of work and devote more energy to her family.

Oriental beauty Zhu Lin: She has been in love with her second husband so far, and now she has turned her life into a poem

However, Zhu Lin, who is on the rise in her career, is not willing to stop there.

Another issue that plagues the couple is fertility. The mother-in-law began to urge Zhu Lin to have children, but she was devoting herself to her career and it was difficult to take care of it. Zhu Lin can only delay again and again, hoping that something will change in the future.

However, as time went on, the couple's conflict deepened.

Her husband no longer understands the hardships of her struggle outside, and Zhu Lin doesn't want to hear her mother-in-law's nagging about childbirth. The quarrels between the two are getting more and more, and the once sweetness is gone.

Oriental beauty Zhu Lin: She has been in love with her second husband so far, and now she has turned her life into a poem

From being in love with each other to being speechless, the couple finally chose to break up peacefully.

The end of this marriage made Zhu Lin deeply realize the importance of balancing career and family. She paid the price of marriage for the pursuit of her acting dream, which undoubtedly brought deep thinking to her life.

Despite losing a relationship, she did not give up on the pursuit of love.

Zhu Lin's first marriage reflects the common dilemma faced by many successful women. How to find a balance between career and family, how to deal with the contradiction between social expectations and personal pursuits, these are all challenges that require wisdom and courage to face.

Oriental beauty Zhu Lin: She has been in love with her second husband so far, and now she has turned her life into a poem

This experience also laid the groundwork for her future love life, making her more cautious and wise when choosing her next relationship.

After the divorce, Zhu Lin devoted all her energy to her work, but her mother was always concerned about her daughter's lifelong events. As a mother who cares about her daughter's happiness, she always pays attention to the single men of appropriate age around her, and immediately introduces them to Zhu Lin as soon as there is a suitable candidate.

However, after experiencing a failed marriage, Zhu Lin has lost confidence in love, and she can always push the blind date arranged by her mother.

However, fate always likes to surprise people. In a chance blind date, Zhu Lin met her current husband. When they met for the first time, Zhu Lin frankly said that she had entered middle age and did not plan to have any more children.

Oriental beauty Zhu Lin: She has been in love with her second husband so far, and now she has turned her life into a poem

She thought that these words would discourage the other party, but she didn't expect the man to behave unusually calmly, and sincerely expressed his hope to further develop the relationship. This tolerance and understanding touched Zhu Lin, and she readily agreed to the other party's invitation to go on a date.

In the ensuing relationship, Zhu Lin deeply felt the reliability and thoughtfulness of this man. She found that her requirements for love are no longer the romantic longing that she had when she was young, but more about a person's character and attitude towards the world.

This man's words and deeds all show his honesty and reliability.

However, Zhu Lin still had a trace of concern in her heart. She is worried that continuing to film after marriage will affect her family life. When she cautiously asked the question, she was pleasantly surprised by the answer.

Oriental beauty Zhu Lin: She has been in love with her second husband so far, and now she has turned her life into a poem

The man not only expressed understanding, but also wholeheartedly supported her to continue pursuing her career. Such a man who can truly understand her and support her makes Zhu Lin hope for love again.

In 2005, Zhu Lin, who was over half a hundred years old, stepped into the palace of marriage again. As promised before the marriage, her husband never put any obstacles in the way of her career development and did not ask for childbearing.

The two cherish each other, love each other, and live happily after marriage.

Zhu Lin's second marriage is undoubtedly the second spring of her life. She found a partner who truly understood her and supported her, so that she could enjoy the warmth of family while pursuing her career.

Oriental beauty Zhu Lin: She has been in love with her second husband so far, and now she has turned her life into a poem

This marriage confirms the old saying: "A hundred years of cultivation can be crossed in the same boat, and a thousand years of cultivation can be slept together." Zhu Lin's experience tells us that as long as you don't give up hope and keep an open mind, you will eventually meet someone who truly understands and loves you.

Love has no age boundaries, and happiness does not come in any order. Zhu Lin's story undoubtedly brings hope and encouragement to those who have encountered setbacks on the road of relationships.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, Zhu Lin's second marriage has gone through 19 spring and autumn. Now 71 years old, she still maintains that calm and elegant temperament, and her relationship with her husband is as sweet as that of the newlywed Yan'er.

This marriage undoubtedly added a strong touch to Zhu Lin's life, making her later life full of happiness and warmth.

Oriental beauty Zhu Lin: She has been in love with her second husband so far, and now she has turned her life into a poem

On New Year's Day this year, Zhu Lin shared a photo with her husband on social media, a move that moved many netizens. The two people in the photo are smiling brightly and their eyes are full of happiness.

This warm moment not only witnessed their love over the years, but also made people see the preciousness of sincere feelings.

Despite her advanced age, Zhu Lin still maintains her love and pursuit of art. In February this year, she appeared on the stage of CCTV and recited the poem "The Mountain in the Distance" for the audience.

Her infectious voice and elegant temperament made the audience feel the charm of this "Oriental beauty" again. Even at the age of 71, Zhu Lin is still able to convey the beauty of art in her own way, and this love of life and dedication to her career is undoubtedly the secret of her youthful vitality.

Oriental beauty Zhu Lin: She has been in love with her second husband so far, and now she has turned her life into a poem

Not long after, some netizens accidentally met Zhu Lin when watching a drama starring Pu Cunxin. Even wearing a mask, it can't hide the gentle temperament that exudes from her body.

This vignette shows us that Zhu Lin did not confine herself to her home because of her age, and she still actively participated in various cultural activities and maintained her attention and love for art.

Looking back on Zhu Lin's life journey, we can see her vitality and ambition in her youth, as well as her gentleness and tenacity in her later years. From the radiant "King of the Daughter Country" to the elegant and calm intellectual woman today, Zhu Lin has interpreted what it means to "age gracefully" with her own actions.

Her story tells us that happiness in life is not about age, but about how to cherish the present moment and enjoy every moment of life.

Oriental beauty Zhu Lin: She has been in love with her second husband so far, and now she has turned her life into a poem

Zhu Lin's later life is like a beautiful poem. Her affection for her husband, her unremitting pursuit of art, and her active participation in social activities all show a picture of a happy old age.

Her story is not only a perfect interpretation of her own life, but also a positive example for many of us, showing how to live life to the fullest at every stage of life.

Zhu Lin's life is like a legend of ups and downs, from obscurity to attention, from the setbacks of marriage to finally finding true love, she uses her own experience to interpret what true happiness is.

As the eternal "King of the Daughter Country", Zhu Lin not only left a deep impression on the screen, but also influenced countless audiences with her life wisdom. Her story tells us that there will inevitably be bumps in the road of life, but as long as we maintain our love and pursuit of life, we will eventually usher in our own happiness.

Oriental beauty Zhu Lin: She has been in love with her second husband so far, and now she has turned her life into a poem

From the radiant appearance of youth to the elegance and calmness of old age, Zhu Lin shows the unique charm of women at different stages of life. Let us bless this eternal goddess and may her happiness last as long as poetry and continue to bloom with the brilliance of life.

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